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Posts posted by IIIDCManIII

  1. Greetings,


    Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. It seems that the Stay Frosty mission is determined to stay in your quest log! We apologize for the inconvenience. Please continue to report this bug using the In Game Customer Service Portal.


    Thank you for your feedback.



    Bioware is such a joke! You destroy the CM, and then you fail at the main thing you said you were going to do by removing the bugged quest! HAHAHAHA

  2. Played for only a little, could not stand how much weaker the Commando has been made to satisfy a random number BW created to judge us on. If they actually cared they would've seen the outcry that this was causing during the PTS and at least attempted to fix it. But who really cares, they are still going to be getting money as long as people still subscribe...
  3. I would assume he means being a support DPS, in the sense that when everyone is topped off at max and you aren't needed for healing, you might as well do some damage (I wouldn't call it DPS, though; there seems to be a misconception that if you are dealing any damage at all you are a DPS). Or possibly he switches off to another power cell or respecs into another tree in 8-mans.


    What I meant was the first part I switch to damage dealing when ppl are topped off. I consider the AOE enough to be DPS. I would agree that we are dependable healers but the inability to do whole groups at once past 3 people makes us a little weaker.

  4. What are people's thoughts on the Trooper feeling as though it was not meant to be a full healer? I have been 50 for a few weeks now and have almost full Columi set, and heave healed countless HM's with some of those being 8 mans. Most of the time (for the 8 mans), the other healer has been a Sage. Next to a Sage, I 'feel' that trooper healing comes up short. What also bothers me is that in past MMO's/multiplayer games, I have rolled either a healer or a support class of sorts, but with Trooper healing, on a gut/instinct level, I feel as though something is off about trying to heal with this class.


    Am I paranoid? Have other people had luck with healing as a Trooper?


    Well Combat Medic is really not spec'd as a primary healer in larger groups. I have found that I can be an effective healer is standard 4 person groups. But when it gets larger you fade out, but I am totally ok with that because at that point my role is mostly a DPS and heal when appropriate.

  5. I just got to Balmorra, excited for my companion. I feel like his style will fit my style pretty well. He will run into a fight and draw the aggro, while I use my aoe skills, then I can focus on healing until he is fine then AOE more.


    I have tried keeping 4X up to date with his gear but I feel like no matter what his health drains a lot faster then Aric's.


    I was using Elara until Tat, then her healing falls off compared to the damage you take. then I went back to Jorgan. Have been using him ever since, he made it pretty well on Alderaan, no real trouble.

  6. Basically what my question comes down to is, is this crafting even worth doing when it seems like most people just upgrade mods in orange weapons and hold onto them for a while?


    I play as a Combat Medic, so I basically have been using Orange weapons and just modding them. Are made weapons comparable to moddable ones?



  7. How viable is it leveling as Combat Medic? I'm 24 and just recently switched. I have very little healing experience, but I am enjoying it so far in PVP(at least when I can stay alive, hehe). But I only did a couple of quests in PVE and noticed my kill speed was kinda slow. Now granted I was 23 and on Tatooine so mobs were higher than me, but still.


    If I do go healer, should I use M1 or Aric? I know M1 is the tank but he seems to go down rather quickly. At least with Aric I can get more DPS off, plus he's easier to gear as I can just give him handmedowns.


    Congrats on the move to CM!!! I switched at 25, to Combat Medic. It took a little bit getting used to my new role. I have found Aric to be the most useful. It has been easiest for me to keep him up to date with gear.

  8. I am only level 34, and I am also a Combat Medic. So my favorite is Aric. I do enjoy 4X but I have been unable to upgrade him to make him good for the level. Where I can just hand me down things to Aric. I am able to keep us pretty well alive and deal a decent amount of DPS as long as the mobs aren't too overwhelming.


    Elara was my main companion until I got to Tatooine, then the damage that is dealt to you starts to distance itself from her healing.

  9. As the title says, am extremely fustrated and pissed at this. So far ever since the patch my commando has not been abled to progress at all due to being defeated all the time when healing companions get put into a stun state for up to 30 seconds every 2-3 seconds. Even my healing does not help and get defeated. Level 22 and get defeated by a lvl 20 to lvl 21 mob is getting on my nerves.


    Using Gunnery/Assualt hybrid spec. Have noticed that over all DPS is lower then prepatch so am thinking they BIOWARE DO NOT WANT PLAYERS TO HAVE HYBRID CLASSES....


    Hope this is not that the case.....


    Edit: I give up... man these mobs have major stuns that stun both player and companion... defeated again by a lvl 20 strong while as lvl 22. Makes game unfun... Deleted Commando Trooper....


    This MMO fast becoming unfun....


    where were you playing? I see no change. the difficulty jumps up when you move up planets.

  10. Vanguard is a tankish DPS and won't do as much damage as a pure DPS


    Commando is DPS/Heals and not a tank.


    Learn the class roles before complaining.


    agreed, and based off your post you are probably playing the char wrong. Each type has completely different ways they are play. maybe you're using the wrong skills.

  11. I actually use Combat Shield


    a) It's just 1 point

    b) There aren't much alternatives

    c) Great talent in PvP

    d) PvE wise, allows you to cast uninterrupted during AOE damage phases, think burn phase of Annihilation Droid in EV, or when you get swarmed by adds, etc.


    A & D are were my reasons for thinking about it. I mean You don't even need to take a pt from another combat medic spot. Also being interuppted can greatly effect a battle, and when you're healing that can get ppl killed. Just my opinion.

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