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Posts posted by DarthVaedus

  1. Hey guys I am a DPS Jugg (Vengeance) and I have 2 different chestplates to choose from but I don't know which is better. One of them is the first PvP chestplate (the recruit one) that has a higher armour rating and the other is a moddable chestplate with higher strength. I don't know which one to use for PvE. I have looked around for a while but I can't get a proper answer. Can anyone help?
  2. Hey guys, I was just wondering how people manage to have pictures of their characters. How do I take a picture of my character in game? How do people get such a clear shot without the quickslot bars and stuff? I would love to make my own desktop wallpaper and avatars of my character but I can't figure out how to do it. Can anyone help?


    - Lord Vaedus -

  3. Hey guys, not much to say apart from I'm very confused about the crafting system and companion abilities system and such. I have looked for help but I don't even know which questions to ask, and when I try and read about it I just get even more confused :confused: What the hell is it about??? Lol... This is my very first MMO and I am a level 29 sith juggernaut and want to be able to build my own crystals and stuff but I don't even get any of this artificing stuff. I don't even know which skills I picked, at the beggining of the game I vaguely remember picking artificing from someone but I don't know anything about where to even begin. What is the crew skill thing? Where do I even begin??? This game is getting more complicated and confusing all the time lol... Can anyone help me??? I am so lost...
  4. Being able to use lighting, doesn't make you or not make you a sith. Reason why Vader can't is because if he tried he would have fried his life support suit and killed himself. He is a sith lord, so he can't use lighting who cares? Force lighting DOESN'T determine wiether someone is a sith lord or not.



  5. One thing that I didn't ask properly is, as a tank, why do I need to run around? Surely I am supposed to keep aggro, and make people stick to me and not keep running off and running around? What am I trying to accomplish by running around while hitting? It doesn't seem to decrease other opposing players and NPC's accuracy, I still get hit pretty much the same amount regardless of whether I dodge or not. I just need a bit of clarification on how to move, why do I need to run and move around? That is pretty much the only thing that confuses me now. I am becoming more and more comfortable in a tanking role now, but this is one of the things that I still can't get my head around, and it doesn't seem to be addressed in any tanking guides that I read, all it says is that a tank is built to be able to go toe to toe with powerful foes and not have to rely on getting in behind the enemy or wailing from afar, but I see most players running around like crazy whilst using assault, sunder and ravage etc. Why? What happens if I don't run around? I'm just used to fighting like I did in KOTOR 1 and 2...
  6. Hahahaha, cheers for the info mate. I think I will stick to my jugger, I am starting to get the hang of it after reading a couple of guides and watching some gameplay videos. I just need to develop skill with rotations and learn to think fast and get used to using the keyboard and mouse, but I am getting there hahaha. Like you said, I think as I go through the game I will learn a lot and so far, every player online has been very helpful and I have received no grief (yet) hahaha. I am just a hardcore Darth Vader fan and the moment I saw the early trailers for the jugger, I knew what class I wanted to be and I thought "All I have to do is stand there and take damage as a tank so my job should be pretty easy!". That's not the case lol! I will persevere and get there there in the end though!
  7. Hey guys, I am new to MMO's and decided to start with a Sith Juggernaut (Immortal) because I thought that would be the easiest class to get going with having never really played an MMO before. After struggling for a while to get the tanking stuff down I was told that a Sith Marauder would be better for me as a beginner. Why is this? I can't seem to find any clear cut marauder guides here. All the other classes seem to have a stickied guide to peruse and get a basic idea of what is what, but there seems to be no such thing for the marauder. Is a DPS maruader easier to use than a juggernaut tank? Why? I am feeling pretty confused :confused: can anybody help me?
  8. One of the reasons I picked the Juggernaut at the beginning was because I thought it would be the easiest class to learn with hahaha. Is the marauder easier then? Can anyone link me to a good marauder guide? I can't find any on this forum. Every other class seems to have a stickied guide apart from the marauder...
  9. Ahhhh ok, this is starting to make sense now. So most people move when they are using assault and other instacast stuff, I get it now. Anymore tips about moving and attacking? I move with the default controls (M for forward, Q strafe left and E strafe right), what buttons do you guys generally assign instacast moves to? Pressingf 1 and 2 while pressing Q,W and E whilst holding down right click and controlling the camera just feels so impossible lol! Is this how you guys do it or do you have any little tricks or better key bindings? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to get good lol...
  10. I am a complete beginner to MMO's and I would love to eventually start doing PvP, but at the minute I am doing just PvE while I get used to the game. My question is, what changes would I need to make to my character if I went from PvE to PvP? Is it possible to have a single character for PvP and PvE. or does everybody have 2 seperate characters, one for each? I am using a Sith Juggernaut (Immortal) and I am using the first build from Phottek's guide. I don't want to have to make another character just for PvP :( What is the difference between regular gear and PvP gear? Can PvP gear be used in both PvE and PvP? I'm guessing that PvP gear is the pinnacle in gear and all the best gear will be PvP gear, but it's just a guess. I have done some reading around and it just leaves me confused and with more questions. I am so daunted and confused by this game lol :o
  11. Hey guys, I am a complete noob at MMO's and don't know anything about keyboard settings and bindings. I play as a Sith Juggernaut (Immortal) and I have been watching Juggernaut gameplay videos online and I see the players running around while swinging their lightsabers. How the hell do you do this?! I just cannot do it! Whenever I try it either says "Cannot do this while moving" or if I miss the enemy character model my player just idles there and does nothing and its a mad clicking fest trying to target the enemy and I end up pressing onscreen buttons and dragging the quickslot buttons around and just getting into a general mess! Do any settings need to be modified to do this? How important is moving around while fighting? Please help! I am already feeling very daunted about starting this MMO and the daunting feeling just keeps getting worse and worse! I feel like I will never be able to play this game well, there is just so much to take in :confused: This is the coolest game I have ever played and I want to be really good at it, but I just feel like I am in way over my head :confused:
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