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Posts posted by Yarth

  1. I got full Columi Tank set, full Columi dps set, and two of my companions are mostly in Columi gear already. So there is nothing from the Centurion vendor I need for anything.


    Should perhaps have mentioned that I have already bought Tionese gear and stripped them for mods/enchants to optimize my gear.

  2. As a tank, though I am doing hardmodes at the moment, I find a general use of knockbacks annoying. Specific use of knockbacks can be very handy and helpful. But in general I tend to try and gather up any mobs that are not being CCed. This makes it easier to use AoE to gain threat on several mobs at once, also allows dps to use AoE damage to take them all down, and if one of them breaks away from me I can see it easier and hopefully rectify the situation. Few things are more annoying than trying to build threat, or if you are dps trying to AoE, only to see the mobs flying around every which way.
  3. One thing to keep in mind, this threw me off at the start when I first tried modifying orange gear; Sometimes the armor rating on the item does not update after you install a new Armoring modification. Using CTRL+U to reload your UI should update your information and give you the right values.
  4. Having cleared HK-47 in HM False Emperor a few times now our basic tactic has been something like this:


    When he goes into stealth the first time everyone uses their survival cooldowns, additionally I (as a Juggernaut tank) keeps an eye out for who gets stunned (it isn't a perma stun) and Intercede to further lower their damage taken. Then we try to burn the boss as much and as fast as possible before he does his second stealth. Last couple of times we have usually taken him down on the first or second try. His stun and damaging attack can be a pain, but good dps and gear helps a great deal. The more and faster you can damage the boss the less of an issue his stealth attack will be.


    Sorry I can't help you much further, though I will mention that the first time we were there he wiped on him for an hour or more before we got him down.

  5. Personally I feel that the SWTOR community I have experienced in game has been awesome. Given I've only run hardmodes with guildies. But I am leveling my second character and have been doing lot of normal Flashpoints, heroic quest groups, and engaged in random chatter and /general. And to be honest I have seen almost no negative stuff in /general. There was one douche once but he was told off instantly by several others; I put that guy on my ignore list as a matter of routine.


    As a Norwegian I am playing on an European server so I do not know if that is part of it, or if I have just been lucky.

  6. I was under the impression that they blew up when they were killed, but I could be mistaken on that point. All my hard modes has been with guild members, many I have known through MMOs (and real life in some cases) for years. With everyone doing their best and min/maxing their rotations, the boss in question has died every time before damage from either the boss or the adds has been an issue. I realize that this isn't very helpful to someone who is struggling with the encounter. All I can offer is that I will talk to the others I have been doing hardmodes with and ask if they have been doing something during that fight that I just haven't been aware off.



    If it helps at all Sithwarrior.com has some preliminary information about most of the hardmode bosses in the game.


    That being said the thread about Black Talon has this to say about the fight:


    GXR-5 Sabotage Droid

    GXR-5 Sabotage droid is the first boss in the Black Talon flashpoint if you chose the darkside and killed the ship's captain. This is a basic tank and spank fight, though he will occasionally call some probe droids down that explode after a few seconds.





    Kiting this boss around keeps the melee away from the probe droids, and insures that spawning droids won't hit anyone with their AoE explosion.


    And as I said we've not had to do any of that at all. We just solve the situation with brute force.

  7. We've done if a few different ways, though we've never had much problem with it so I can't say I have given it much thought. Either a ranged dps pulls them away and kills them, or some aoe damage from me, I'm a juggernaut tank, is enough to keep them hitting me instead of the healer. They don't do much damage, unless they blow up, so we've usually burnt down the boss before it became much of a problem.
  8. To elabrate on this a bit, as a Shieldtech it is equally vital to upgrade your armor mods, as your ability to survive hits is just as important as your ability to kill mobs (hence why I choose to use a DPS companion).


    Indeed. I would have mentioned that if I wasn't distracted by the game. :rolleyes:


    Armoring scales armor value on items, hilt scales damage on lightsabers, and barrels scale damage on blasters. Commentation modifications, of all available types, are probably the best way to spend your marks (unless you really want to get some credits or a random item).

  9. Just one thing to keep in mind, I reiterate this point as sometimes I still meet people who doesn't know this, keeping your barrel up to date is the best way to maximize your damage. Getting a blue one for your level doesn't take much, nor cost much if you resort to the GTN.
  10. Not sure if this is relevant but the damage of your Lightsaber scales with the type of hilt you have mod'ed into it. As I am artifice I had a blue grade 21 hilt ready when I turned 47 (currently working on having an epic level grade 22 hilt for 49); the minimum damage of my saber is now sitting at 225. Not sure you were referring to the damage when you say crappy, but I took me personally a few levels to realize that damage scaled with hilts and there has been more than few people I have meet afterwards who did not know this.
  11. If anyone got any data to backup an argument for why one stat is better than another, or better to a certain percentage point, or better if maintained at a certain ratio, I would love to see it. So far I have seen different people make different statements in different threads. Some of the claims seem plausible, and some seem well if not less plausible at least suffer from worse argumentative structure and grammar. For me it is impossible to assess the accuracy of any statement regarding the effectiveness of any stat cause all I have seen to this point is theorycrafting without data. Which amounts to nothing more than speculation and conjecture. HOWEVER if anyone got any significant data from which they have extrapolated their opinion it would be amazing to have it published so people with a genuine interest and drive can pick it apart until we are as sure as we can be given the current limitations that our opinions are backed by facts.
  12. Artifice. I have 390 Artifice on my level 45 Juggernaut. So far I have been able to make myself a new shield generator every few levels. My tip to anyone picking Artifice is to keep your skill a few levels ahead of your level. That way you can make some shield generators (or other upgrades), re-engineer them, and hopefully when you get high enough to use it you should have a blue, or even an epic, version of the item ready for use. I even made a few expectational blue ones here and there, meaning I not only get decent stat upgrades but I also get an augment slot for an even bigger bonus.
  13. From what I have experienced the problem, when we have had it, has been something like this:


    You get a quest to go to the holoterminal/npc close to the instance. At the NPC, or holoterminal, you get a dialogue and the next step of the quest. If the quest is shared it appears to be the "basic quest", i.e. the part about going to the NPC or terminal, until you have both gotten the quest and completed the dialogue you will not be able to enter. We have had this problem several times and this has been the solution that has so far, for us, consistently worked.


    Resetting the quest just reverts it back to "go speak to the NPC/terminal" part; as far as I can tell.

  14. Agreed. Bolstering is very nice for PvPing as you level. However regarding level 50s both those of lower level, and those already at level 50, would benefit from a separate bracket. Fully kitted level 50s with all their talents and abilities are way more powerful than those still leveling. For me personally I am not so much worried about being ganked by max levels, though this does of course subtract from the experience, but I am more concerned about getting a proper engaging match at 50. Two teams, both of fully maxed characters (with PvP gear), would provide a far far more stimulating experience for me.
  15. AoE threat is a bit low at the moment. I am a level 28 juggernaut. Though looking at the talents and abilities I am speculating that taking the talent in Immortal that increases Smash and Sweeping Strike (Sweeping Strike is a new AoE ability you get at level 32), and perhaps taking Decimate in Vengeance, would really help a lot. Currently I do seem to lose threat on some mobs in AoE packs when doing Flashpoints. That being said one of the people that takes threat from me is a two level higher Sith Assassin so his damage is perhaps slightly higher than my threat at the moment.
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