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Posts posted by KilljoySWTOR

  1. Ok, thanks for the replies. I was pretty much stuck with just columi gear from hard mode flashpoints, other than purchasing certain pieces with black hole and daily comms. I'll have to exercise more patience when asking if anybody wants to join up to do an operation via the chat window when on the fleet, seems kind of tough at times to get a group going. I could probably also start adding more people to my friends list. It would be kinda nice if they added these to group finder though. Thanks.
  2. I keep hearing about nightmare mode in but I can't seem to find it. When I bring up game finder it just has options for Story Mode (8 players), Hard Mode Flashpoints (Tier 1), Hard Mode Flashpoints (Tier 2), Normal Flashpoints, and Planetary Destinations. Does it have to be unlocked somehow before I see options in game finder for nightmare modes, maybe certain equipment has to be equipped first?
  3. I keep hearing about nightmare mode in SWTOR but I can't seem to find it. When I bring up game finder it just has options for Story Mode (8 players), Hard Mode Flashpoints (Tier 1), Hard Mode Flashpoints (Tier 2), Normal Flashpoints, and Planetary Destinations. Does it have to be unlocked somehow before I see options in game finder for nightmare modes, maybe certain equipment has to be equipped first? Thanks.
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