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Posts posted by Xenrae

  1. I've seen several low-level mods, enhancements, etc. that can be re'd, but they were purples of items for which the green schematic was available at the trainer. I haven't found any low level items I could re for schematics that weren't available at the trainer.


    Maybe I've misunderstood here, but yes, for many craftable items, the way to get the schematic for prototype and advanced, is to RE the green. That being the case, theoretically, I could rip the green Rage 7 from six or seven oranges and RE them until the prototype schematic procs. Likewise, prototype to advanced. But... Rage 7 is not crafted, but looted, and so, it may not fall under this rule.


    The question still remains, why is there no Googleable database around for this? Bah!


    Thanks everyone for helping out. My guildie will just have to use his comms or go without :mon_cool:

  2. What about the planet vendors, can you get a Rage 7 from one of them and RE it?


    I wondered about that. I haven't tried it, but I thought you could only RE things you make. Am I wrong about this?


    The trainer does not train any level of Rage Enhancement, and there are a multitude on the GM. I suppose people might be getting them with commendations and then selling them.


    Thanks for the feedback, folks.

  3. Hello Artificers...


    I'm new to this crew skill, and crafting away just fine. Then a guildmate asks for Rage Enhancement 7. It cannot be trained, there is no schematic for sale. In my search through the web I see a few enhancements that cannot be trained. What gives? How do I learn to make Rage Enhancements? And why, oh why, is there nothing on the internet about this?!


    :ph_thank_you: !

  4. I know stuff takes time and you hit snags along the way but if they would just come out and tell us what the hell is going on I would be a much happier consumer. I am just tired of all this secret squirrel crap and open vague communication they gave us.






  5. ... 4 months after release I see demands for new playable races, more warzones, more operations, more gear, more everything. Right now and for free.


    I really wonder it that many forum goers are just plain stupid or they do it for the sake of trolling.


    For FREE? How about for 15 bux a month. None of this is free. It costs time, it costs money, I have hours invested I'll never get back, and I'm paying them for the privilege. I have EVERY right as a consumer to complain when they let me down, and yes, I'll still have that right after the patch comes out and I want more. That's how it works.


    Nobody here is stupid just because you disagree with their opinion. Gaming is a business. They produce a product, we give them money for it. They're still getting our money, we're not getting the product. This is a broken model and everyone complaining has every right to complain.



  6. It doesn't mention "two weeks" anywhere.


    Geezus, this is ridiculous. My best officer quit yesterday, cancelling his account because Bioware won't even tell us when.


    Guild is dying. Populations are dying. Game is dying. And it sux, because I like it here. Yep, you played us all; you'll get everybody's 15 bux one more time while we wait.


    Way to generate loyalty, guys.



  7. I am still trying to get my head around the idea that guilds are part of the social problem... what?


    I log on every day. Every day I have 20 - 30 people to hang out with, run FPs with, gear up with, chat about operations with, go do dailies with.... etc.


    What is not social about that? If you're not a guild type person, don't join one. But complaining that they make the game anti-social just makes you anti-intelligent.


    Game needs time to grow. Let it. Resist the urge to post in the forum every time you find something negative to say, in whatever tiny corner of the enormously gigantic world they've generously created for you to adventure in.



  8. We have a guild, 185 characters. I'm supposed to just quit and start over somewhere else? Obviously, I can't. I rather enjoy my guild, our officers, our casual players and those fighting for a chance to raid. We have a fantastically developed website. We're a family of sorts, and we don't want to be separated because Bioware didn't have a contingency plan for an event that, historically, was inevitable.


    We're dying. Every day that goes by, I wonder what the membership number will be when I log in, or how many people I'll have to demote because it's been more than 30 days since they played... or 50... or 70. We love it here. We love the game. We've been fighting side by side for months to gear, to learn, to level and achieve success.


    Quit, drop my toon, and start over? How about no. There's nothing wrong with expecting the people I'm PAYING to work out the population problems and make it playable. That does not make me lazy, it makes me dedicated.


    Come on, Bioware... I'm in. I'm hooked. I'm invested. You've got to pull this off, and you've got to do it soon.




    People need to get a job, a girlfriend, a hobby and a few other things and just wait a little. Play Skyrim, drink Pepsi, eat Doritos, *** 2 times a day and go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Check back in a few weeks and there will be new content waiting for you to finish in 2 days, (because lets face it... you play 8+ hours a day).


    Then repeat.


    lol... 'zactly!

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