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Posts posted by morganlion

  1. I know iam not the only one on this topic who thinks we shouldn't have to close down general chat, trade chat or close the whole chat window constantly in order to play. Xbox will drop a ban on their out of control players. After putting up with it 5 trolls for 15 min i had to finally close down the chat window. Trolls should get a 3 day ban and a permenment ban if they are repeat offenders.
  2. Look BW can ban ppl and they should if they are out of control spamming rude, racial insert bad behavior often. Blizz didnt ban ppl enough why should they they used wow to spring board their other creations and it was their money horse. With SWTOR the devs and all the major companys involved are not hurting for cash to fund other games.

    So iam pretty sure we will see ban hammers being dropped for out of control behavior wich iam all for

  3. Ok lets say we ignore this said person k all of a sudden wam heys now in the group with us great we waited 10 min for a replacement and its this guy. So do we kick him and go back to waitng or do we continue? If there is no lfg instant button that wouldnt of ever happened. Lets us build our own communitys vote no to LFG instant buttons.
  4. Operanti just gave a example his/her experience and what happened because he hit /1 lfg. But here is why all this talk of community on a server is true. Be a douche get a bad rep guess what no one will group with you. Since their is no LFG instant button your screwed and thats the way it should be. Wow got screwed with a combo of easy leveling and instant q how many trolls would sit in trade spamming non sence blizz would do nothing to fix it. Sure you could ignore that person but did it really mater they would keep it up or reroll a toon and level in nothing flat. Did it stop ninjas from ganking your gear hell no cuz again it didnt matter again instant q no repercusions what so ever. How many times did you see gear get took by a dps when the tank rolled need or a healer got screwed out cuz the othr dps is gearing off spec
  5. Seriously the game is just starting out and if anyone has a problem with /1 lfg BT, MT cuz its to much effort or cant click a buton under who and post they are looking for said instnace should go play a single person game. You got shooters Skyrim a bunch of lables i cant even think of at the moment go play that. Honestly thats not a rude statement its a honest one.
  6. Truxer has a great point and others in this threat have stated that. Like i stated earlier ppl want a free ride a super dumbed down system 0 effort so once thye hit cap they sit in forums whining about there is nothing to do because all they did was hit the instance finder over and over and over.
  7. No wow put in the looking for group because between the low pop servers and low levels trying to do instances they good never find a tank a healer and 3 dps together at the right level this game doesnt have that problem. Thats also why it was off realm finder so more lower levels could find a group. Cuz if you rember b4 the lfg finder there was a huge increase on exp to promote leveling faster so the new guys could get into the instances with the higher levels.
  8. Has anyone had their companion tank or heal? i know i have in flash points down a person had a npc heal didnt try having one tank yet anyone know? Sorry iam not trying tobe off topi. If you can have the npc tank then whats the problem cant find a tank hodl on let me pull out my companion. Sure it meens you have to gear the Npc up but so what.
  9. Here is the skinny if you need a tricked out add on machine to help you down a boss then in a reality check your cheating it. Thats right, dare i say you are cheating it of course you are. Timers telling you what will happen when, what to hit when, come on really? Patch day hit the crew is ham stringed because they cant use addons. Go on act like that never happened.

    So some of you will cry in forums some of you will quit playing or go back to wow or rift or what ever it was where you came from. Good those game were made for ppl like you easy win a ribbon for everyone style of play. I ll say this again there is a HUGE % of players who want a game that is challenging and not a cake walk. Just because some of you cant play a game legit you feel they have to cater to this small % and news flash they droped the last boss in beta guess what no add ons so drop the whole we need them and just write you need them to play, and add i dont have the deication /patience to learn to be aware.

    I rember for those who know what iam about to say i know its only going ot be a few not many but."You didnt hope to beat the twins you prayed to beat the twins" What happened to a challenging game play.

  10. For the ppl who are like i need my add-ons or no instance finder, go back and play wow and when wow fails which its doing a epic job of atm. You will either have to go to a new game that lets you have finders and add- ons or you will stop playing mmos. Either way thats your choice and thats fine but hey atleast we wont have ppl crying in forums about the content is to hard, this class needs a nerf or iam completly useless with out my DBM.
  11. You know it just hit me the ppl complaining i hate having to /1 looking for BT, MR, ect ect are the same ppl sitting in this forum typing a hell of alot more words out. So the iriony here is I hate having to type anything productive out to find something that i want to do but iam not above hitting the forums up to complain
  12. How are you bothering somoene looking for group? If somene seriously goes you know what iam tired of seeing general they can A open options up and click a button to stop general or if thats to much work they can go to the top left corner and click close and walla no chat at all
  13. i have not had any problems looking for a group with in 5 -10 mins we are doing the heroic mission or fp. The LFG system with click of a button just makes the game easy to level and they should stay away from that. So the kiddies and the adults who are big little kids, you know who you are, start crying about we need LFG button. Not having one isnt going to kill the game.
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