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Posts posted by Grifin

  1. Oh or u as Sorc tell me how to beat you mr. smart.

    You just trying get away from this issue.


    copy edit for you


    once more.. am not complaining, i was telling that Op is right in some steps.

    I never said nerf to ground.. i said nerf some utilities that as hybrid u cant have this and this .. I rather see generaly classes without any CC... and how it would be awesome..



    And no.. am not crying that i cant beat sorc.. am Fine as Focus.

    I am just trying to point at soem issue.


    When Only sorc can have viable hybrid spec wich is far better then pure spec then ist not right. Hybrid should do all, but not better then pure spec... but atm its counter.


    + I as guardian cant mix viable hybrid spec..


    And again. .this is not fault of u gamers am not QQ and am not telling its your fault. but slightly designers fault.

  2. The only advice you need to hear Grifin, is that you're bad at PVP and need to improve.


    If you think sorcs are OP and cannot deal with them on your guardian, it's because you lack skill and understanding of how the game works.


    Stop crying on forums. Practice PVP and get better. That is all.



    And you first read all comments before you post. And again ..

    no1 give real advice.. just L2P .. that can say only one, who play class we talkin about.


    Its same as Operatives.. they couldnt admit that their insta kill in stun lock was OP ..

    Instead they said L2P and bring team ... rofl. .same as you ..


    Edit : once more.. am not complaining, i was telling that Op is right in some steps.

    I never said nerf to ground.. i said nerf some utilities that as hybrid u cant have this and this .. I rather see generaly classes without any CC... and how it would be awesome..

  3. dragon age - ok you are here in this post only to annoy normal ppl.. No smart argue form you ...



    Telaan .. yes .. 2 sec 2 tisck wich can crit for 2 k more

    then he stops and will heal him self.. getting extra time.

    When i am out he still can use his stun.


    GrandMike .. this is discusion about hybrid sorc spec.. nt about trooper or Bh ..

    also you advice is " bring team " ?




    Any fo you who discusing with me NEVER gave any advice... you just say how ppl are bad

    but if you play Guardian as u say, pls gimme help then ? Instead of this.

  4. You got beat. So what? You admitted yourself you have no problems most of the time. I win and I lose, its part of PvP. Some people (notably the most vehement nerf callers) can't handle that.




    Telaan :


    I got beat.. am not crying for nerf... but for fix.

    With my gear and his i died and he stayd with 90 % of his hp ..


    like that.. no fair game should end like this..

    Its totally diferent then loose to him with 20 % left...

    then i can say yes he is better.. but this diference was huge.

  5. Ouki .. i make one more clear state..


    I dont want to nerf their dmg... and i dont blame u for speccing hybrids.

    Thats BW fault in design that hybrid is better then pure dps spec


    So my point is dont want nerf sorc dmg.. but nerf abilities wich annoy your game play.

    I dont want be cced all the time.. in hutball you flying like ping pong ball.


    But combination of avarage dmg and alot of roots, stuns, mezz.. etc.. its giving big advantage againts certain classes..



    For example soem fix..


    Aoe knocback as it now - but if u ut talent here, make it like roots only... not knocback and root for 5 sec every 20 sec... this is realy annoying.


    and am not talking when you meet 4 + sorck specced liek this in any Wz ...

  6. I'm not sure what spec you're playing your JG in, but since I've gotten my PvP gear, I've never had my face smashed by a sorc/sage.....regardless of their gear. They're incredibly easy to shut down with our cc and we have better burst than they do. You're never gonna win everytime, but I never find myself frustrated at some god mode status that people claim they have.




    I said i have problem if some skilled hybrid sorc jump on me.

    Usually i am fine and i can take fight with them.


    I tell you.. untill yday i thought i can beat any sorc... except geared healer... thats looong booring run.


    But yday hybrid specced BM sorck took me 1v1.


    He started with lightings .. when some of his tick crit ? how much dps he can pull out in 2 secs ?


    Ok jump on him ... interupt, stsckign singularity.. free blade storm.. and then

    He right now lost is buble.. ..i want to use force sweep but cos his animation is faster.. am knocked away... my sweep missed and he smahing me again with force lightning..

    But with his aoe knocback i got roots.. wich does not count to resolve !

    So atm my only chance was pop up enure , try cc breaker for heal if its crit and jump on him . becouse 4-5 sec roots while he dpsing and he did not have weak dmg ! was sure dead.


    Thing is am off any cc breaker now and he still has 1 instant 4 sec stun, whirlwind in any case something goes wrong.


    Yea i maybe made mistake but my point is they have acces to mayn abilities wich are in combo = Op ... As rooted i cant jump on him.. but as rooted i dont have resolve filled up.


    thats it... As guardian i have 15800 hp .... he had 16,700 + buble...

  7. Grow up kid.. YOu just had to make another post ! stop crying about sorc/sages...

    Dude if this is discusion thread then you shut up with your mature posts and start discus as man, not 5 years old kid " he said that ! but he said thath he wants nerf us and world burn mom !!"


    I dont care again what he wrotes on that site... i said i actually agree with some of his points and these points making sorc hybrid annoying..


    But i see the problem... You are Sorc... and you are afraid you would sux hard, when they take your OP hybrid spec...


    Becouse right now, skilled Sorc cant loose with so many abilities..

  8. Well i dotn care wich site he is posting, some poitns he pointed are right.


    In short, there is no other class with arsenal of stuns cc and roots, aoe knocback wich roots adn then he can run out with sprint and smash your face.


    I mainly focus on PvP only.. And as Guardian valor 62 i meet goodly hybrid speced and good player sorck... i can do **** if sorck know what to do.


    my point and OP point is to nerf HYBRID spec ! wich allows you to use so many and not loose your dmg potential. Thats all...


    No other class can build hybrid and so strong hybrid..

  9. OP is right and he is trying to fix hing and not nerf you to the ground.

    You just dont want to get nerfed.. from OP to normal state..


    These hybrids are jsut joke... never saw so many Cc , roots etc abilties with still more then avarage dmg.


    With no working resolve and one cc breaker in 1 minute.. sorc shoudlnt be able to loose...

  10. I dont get how poster above 2 posts can say soemthing liek that.


    Thsi class is already Stealth opener.. DOnt buff f*****g dmg from opener.. make substained dps instead.


    YOu ppl go get break.. walk in fresh air and then maybe bring up some ideas.

    becouse these ones are just stupid.



    Good and geared scoundrel in champ/cnet gear wich isnt hard to get can stun lock you and bring you donw in 2 -3 stuns, depends on you cc breaker.


    But still--- he will vanish and open from stealth again..


    SO why the ehck buff stealth opener ? Becosue you wants free kills ?


    Go cry somewhere else.. go cry to Wow or whatever..

  11. Have no clue why ppl are askign for buffs.


    Its L2p issue.


    Maybe they dont have utility or dps in Pve but u mostly talkign about PvP.


    So any of you, who know how to play him will beat 1v1 almost any class... maybe every class.


    If you need some escape... go stealth.. make hybrid build.



    I pvp alot. Atm i dont have problem with Ops. But until some good player comes

    and he can bring my Focus guardian to 15 % left.. and then there is no fight back..


    So its L2P issue.


    You can see diferences at any class... depends on player.

  12. Got it same.


    When operative is no lame, i have no chance...

    Sstun, resteatlh stun .. gg ...


    Plaing Guardian with Battlemaster gear.


    Best what BW could do is remove all CC in game or make them viable only for NPCs..

  13. Amazing how you completely contradict yourself and at the same time totally miss the point:


    1- If other hybrids classes spec are less powerful than assassin, the answer is not to kill hybrids but BALANCE THEM.


    2- Your L2P excuse is exactly the reason why Hybrids should be playable, because if there r no hybrids its just pick a tree and close your eyes. Its dumbing down the game. No hybrids no changing roles in the middle of a game... its noobifying the game.. Exactly what apparently you dont want.


    3- If you think playing shadow/assassin is using 1 button/spamming tracer missiles, then obviously you dont know what you r talking about.



    1 :

    Well why balance wich could bring more pvp unbalance then "nerf" one class ?

    I have no problem switching soresu/Shien over and over.. you just need to choose role you start with and depends on situation u can think about switch. Do you want to tank and dps in same time ?without any little downgrade? Why ? i will loose all focus i gained if i swithc to tank stance. And its right.


    2 - Before all nerfs and incoming nerfs.. Jks/Sw were underpowered compare to others.

    But underpowered i mean "balanced " we were not weak, but not strong.. Please do not count buffs and stackable buffs. any buff in Wz ruins current pvp and classes.


    But without these, i were fighting and not rerolling stronger class.


    3 - Sorry, was Sarcasm becouse i hate QQ posts... full forum of QQ why my class is weaker..


    Anyway this step to nerf you - taking all force - is right.

  14. Ok i didnt read all XX pages.

    But something what i read was enough.


    Killing hybrid spec ? Yes pls. Or play hybrid how you can. but why you should have advantage compare to other hybrids ?


    When Guardian/Jugg wants go from shien to Soresu for example, you will lost all focus u had. Do you see Guardians/Juggs whine ?


    Whole pvp balancing is about to Balance game ! SO why you should have an advantage ?

    Ridiculous Op classes getting nerfed after lunch, becouse in betatest, there wasnt any testing. Just so many little kids who wanted to play. Not test. Otherwise game would be better balanced and polished.


    Now stop cry after every change of your classes. Your not alone who got change and forget on One win button strategy.. Learn2play with changes.


    To be Honest i hope every class will be "hard" to play as Jk ... Guardians/ Sentinels and their mirrors are atm most balanced classes and classes with msot abilities.


    i Hardly can spam tracers missiles as Bh etc.. i need to use all of my skills.. Thats how game should look and should be ...

  15. You say Mara need stunvcos he dont have burts..

    He can go same focus buidl as guardian to have force sweep burst dmg..


    Anyway not only Marauder need to fix.. Their immortality wich take half of their hp is Op, sicne they can use it while they have 10 % hp and become immortal.


    Guardian/Jug also dosnt have stun... Channeled Stasis ? no..

    Force push ? i cant count this like stun

  16. I am so *********** tired of republic players whining about ability imbalance.


    There're only TWO differences of note that haven't been "fixed"

    1) Mortar volley vs DfA, and this isn't that big a deal, tbh, since in the situations where you'd be using either of them an extra 1.5 seconds won't make or break it. Also, mortar volley condenses it's dmg into a smaller window and you can cancel the animation (move before the channel is finished) before it technically ends without losing dmg. Can't do that with DfA

    2) Project vs shock. Even here, project *can* (read: situationally) be better since you can backload the dmg to hit in the same GCD as another dmg spell.


    Also, I've rerolled to Repub already.




    Stop your crying.

    First - this is no thread about abilities.. so get out and rad whole thread.

    Second - u cant use another skill before stone hit his target.. thats it.. So pls empire players, stop teling pp how to play their classes, while u know it only from your view nd your not playing republic..

  17. Its not Biowares fault that 90% of the Republic players are horrible pvpers. Thats right, its not the sheer size of Empire player that wins these matches, its the simple fact that the average Empire player is better.

    I know im very harsh but this is exactly how things are right now. And its definitly not just a ''newb'' thing either, majority of Rep players just dont seem to care about pvp at all.


    Stop smoking weed !


    Maybe u wanted to say something smart, but you did not.

    Tah was just plain stupid answer. But i understand you.

    When Emp scourge crush rep in ratio 4:1 its alwayss heroism on emp side

    and for beaten it is - learn 2 play issue...


    Dude trust me ! I want to beat 4x50 lvl same geared ppl as me in row.

    All in One... one mighty blow and all four would be dead.. yeah !



    Sarcasm off...

  18. I did not know that some1 arguing about Wz.

    Well in Wz its about premade and just goin all over again.


    But ilum is different and i was thinking that this is main issue of this thread.

    Now there are Wz and even Lore about Jedi/sith ...


    I can comment on all 3 issues.



    1 - WZ its... ehm.. well .... thats it...

    Dont think there is some general problem in WZs. Yes question always be gear

    advantage, but thats all.


    2- Ilum Cca ratio is 4:1 in favour to Emps... i already posted our server situation o


    Corpse Camped at every place u think. Even in hospital when you ressed, you

    Instantly died


    When this do " almost whole " Emp population its more then clear, what

    advantage they have. Sad fact is its BW fault. But in fact, all of you Emp players

    who defend this issue should try opposite situation. U would get bored and

    pissed also.


    Now to your argumets. Grow up, or dont use drugs to much.

    becouse no premade can beat 200 waiting Emps on respawn.

    It remind me issue here with Operative...


    Only one who defend Operative is the one who plays him.

    His smart and mature advice is -" bring good group "


    3 - Lorewise - Developers worried about balance. Becouse generaly Jedi/sith should

    have bigger chance to beat any other class what is here. Yes there wre in

    lore few BHs who could take down jedi/stih with " no prob" .


    Current situation is that JK/SW is "weaker" then other classes wich doesnt

    give sense. Thats MMO....


    Its just stupid archetype without any creativity. Most iconic parts stays

    behind. Did you ever see jedi without pull/push ? Or i cant even deflect

    bolts etc. Yeah lorewise its bull****.. but thats MMo...


    Yday i hitted with my second char lvl 50.. JK guardian.

    at 49 i did some WZ. I Always was Higher lvl ... next highest lvl - 35 lvl ?

    Well so how can i have Lowes HP pool in whole WZ ? i had 11 k hp, while

    anybody had 13 k .... and do same dmg cos great bolster...



    Yeah.. this game is in develpment and for next try BW.. take serious

    testers.. not just hungry kids who want their lightsaber.

  19. Every1 who blaming Reps ppl here, should shut up and dont even response here.

    I dont know what mature argument you can post on issue like :


    200 imp players camping taxi point and respawn on illum so every1 and every reinforcement were instantly killed before his loading screen ended..


    So pls argue to me now ! And jerking liek Kegster who posted only

    " you are an idiot sir " and " L2P" ...


    Every1 who play something with currents benefits will always defend his side and advantage.. Thats just normal human attitude...

  20. I thought that BW will add Legacy system in 1.1.

    But they didnt.


    What could Legacy bring us ?

    For example better leveling and valor bonus for your alts.

    With these options some ppl would eventualy reroll Reps.


    With faction imbalances comes one strugle, wich annoys reps player fun indicator.


    And thats gear. Its no fun at all to fight againts battlemaster/champ gear while u could do few parts of cent/champ gear in same time as opossite faction.


    So... Did Rep give up ? Perhaps...

    What need to be done to underdog faction?

    Bring da buff - xx % + experience gain

    + xx % valor gain.


    No1 wants to reroll when they have nicechars.. cool gear. alrdy made some alts and now gearing them too.


    Well i play JK.. well what was my feelin when i saw our samurai gear ? WHo wants play that ? its hand to hand already.. One fix wont fix all issues.

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