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Posts posted by Rastadrian

  1. The Republic eventualy will win the war , what we have to found out is , at what price?


    For example in 1500 B.Y we know that a sith Lord stepped on Tythoon and she was alone on the planet , this would possibly indicate the Republic loosing Tythoon over the Empire.


    Another example , in MotS , when Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn step on Kass , there's nothing there , possibly implying that Kaas City got Destroyed by Republicans.


    This doesn't mean that all the sith were killed , look at the Lost Tribe in FotJ , they survived for centuries.

    Maybe the survivors will go explore the Unkown Region and get destroyed by te Y.V ( :D )

  2. He was the precursor of the unifying force theory , he knows both sides of the force yet only use "the best" they could give him.


    Passion , peace and such.


    He is the "first" in Star Wars to see the force truly as a whole , if he isn't then just tell me who was the creator of the Unifying Force.


    Revan got tortured for 300 years and ?

    He was still a jedi , he found reconfort thinking about his family , thinking that he was buying time to the galaxy and having Meetra on his side.

    The Exilee even stated that if we didn't save Revan he would fall , but we saved him BEFORE this SO HOW COME HE DIES AS A DARKSIDER ?

    It doesn't make sense at all.


    Bioware messed up on this (and i'm a huge fan of Bioware in general but i'm not blind) , Revan was a jedi , not a sith...



    I would have prefered to not having him at all in-game rather then the pathetic FP we got...


    Yes he was beated by the 4 greatest Empire hero but were they on their prime while doing this?

    Revan could fight against the Emperor at his prime and had a mastery of the Force incredible.

    I would have expected the Foundry to be 45 atleast.

  3. Not all Sith are evil nor does jedi are all shinny knights, the world is made of grey.


    Star Wars never really defined good and evil "depends on your point of view".


    Revan first felled to the darkside saving the republic from the mandolarians.

    Is that evil ?

    Is using the darkside for the greater good evil?

    No it's not , but doing nothing and letting a genocide not punished IS evil , strange that's what the council did.

    Revan came back as a Sith Lord , yet he had in mind to capture the republics instalations in order to save the republic from the true sith.

    Now again is that "evil"?

    Was it evil to use the Star forge , a darkside semi-sientient being in order to save the republic from the Emperor power?

    No it's not , it was even stated that if Revan wasn't betrayed by Malak he would of won the war agaisnt the republic and the true sith.



    Now let's take a more "political" view :

    The Empire.

    Is the Empire evil?

    Are all citizens of the empire evil?

    No , the difference is that the hypocrits politicals are now force-user.

    Do you think that the poor imperial soldier who's just doing his job is a brute , who kills for pleasure and like to torture kids?



    And if you were raised in the Empire , you could see the Republic as the "ennemy".

    And it could be true , afterall when i see the dialogues on my JK , all i hear is about "crushing the empire/destroying it/erase it from history"

    Even on my LS sith when i go around in peace i get attacked by "jedis"...


    The main problem is that most sith are hungry for power , stupid beast and lose their initial objective : Ulic Quel Droma / Dark Vader syndrom...

    Perhaps if we had more Revan's type of sith we could see that this is the true path to peace , liberty and order.

    An Empire with a good Emperor in place.

    Yet still a sith.



    Freedom , strengh , passion that's things you need in life to live a happy life yet they are base of the sith code.

    And "PEACE IS A LIE" well don't take it too literal , peace in everyday life is nothing more then chaos , look at the nature , does the nature seems peacefull ?

    Does life seems peacefull?

    Peace is an utopy , people will always find something to fight for : land/power/water/money/religion/politics/opinion etc etc , it's in the basic nature of man to fight.

    But i think that the "peace" the sith cod eis talking about is the fact that peace is actually a lie because you'll always feel emotions , or it would mean you are a droid.


    About slavery , republic also have slaves , Ryloth home-world of the twi'lek have a economie based on slavery...

    Yet Jedis don't do ****t about them.

    And "good" sith like Revan found slavery disgusting , that's also why he wasn't a slave to power.


    So no Sith are not all really evil , most are but they are raised to be , the path was already made for them...

    And the fact that the Star Wars universe needed an ennemy , the sith were just too easy to take and transform into monsters.

    Yet the only one that directly murdered children was a jedi and he did this in the name of "love" ...


    If all Sith were like Revan well it would F-up the Star wars universe , who would be the ennemy?

    The Empire ?Impossible it's a mirror to the republic and in the future becomes even better then the republic (i'm speaking about the Palleon's Empire and FOTJ/Legacy's Empire).

  4. To people who don't understand revan importance : Revan is merely only the main character of this era.

    He is the reason behind the story.

    Yet he was just killed randomly in all ways , in gameplay and in story.



    I'm a fan yet it doesn't mean i don't like character "fading" for others characters ,but i would of like the DECENCY of respecting the character a bit.

    When the hell did Revan became a genocidal-kind of guy?

    Why not make a cutscene where he meets with Satele Shan which happens to be his grand-grand-grand-daughter ?

    Why not give him something in the republic army , like a title or a whole fleet (after all he's a military genuis).

    Why not give him an epic death where it gives an undescritptible feeling that you killed a legend?


    He is the precursor of the Unifying Force theory !


    Cm'on this Flashpoint was an easter egg , you could have put random-republicguyx12324 and it would have made more sense...

  5. Purple is not "Uber-cool"

    It's not because Windu had a purple lightsaber that it meant that purple was for bad-***.

    Yet i like purple , i could see my sith marauder and jedi guardian with a purple lightsaber.

    It's not because it's rare , infact i don't give a damn.



    This stupid thing begins to drive mad.


    I don't give a **** about black core lightsaber which are the WORST looking lighsaber i could imagine.

    Cm'on it's because TFU had a black core lightsaber and that some random peopel found it cool that they took this garbage in SWTOR?


    **** seriously , *** !


    I'm not happy , this is a GODAMN STAR WARS GAME !


    Tell me one SW game where you had the possiblity to have some cutsomization , that didn't had some costumization colors for lightsaber...


    Kotor : you could get everything

    Kotor 2 : super we get cyan , silver , green-silver and orange.

    Jedy academy : almost everything exept silver , cyan , green-silver and red (which made sense since you're a jedi DUH ) .

    SWG etc etc


    Bioware :

    -Dev1 : Lolz we're going to take purple off the game !

    -Dev2 : put them in some random end-game gear for one side Rofl !

    -Dev3 : and never speak about it again LMFAO!

    -Dev1 : guys , guys i got a better idea , lets give HALF OF THE NPC PURPLZ !

    -Dev2 & 3 : ZOMG , lol epic , lolcat !

    -Dev4 : This is crazy why taking something that is primordial to the characters of the players who has a high popularity and just making it rare without reason?Why not rather take the silver-like colors and the (ugly) black cores for end-game gear?Makes much more sense , since it's rare even in the star wars lore and npcs.

    -Dev1/2/3 : For the lolz , dude , for the lolz , btw you're fired because of unacepptable betrayal against the lolz !


    è_é , i don't give a goddamn about bugs and glitchs and SOA popping **** out of his mouth while losing aggro , what i care about is in one of the most essential thing in Star Wars , the color of the lightsaber.

    Now if people cannot understand this , then they don't undersatnd even the most basic thing about lightsabers...


    And it's not like it would took HOURS AND HOURS AND A WHOLE PATCH to have purple crystals ?

    The items are already in the game for god's sake...

  6. I have 2 main characters and i quite like them.


    My first main character is a Jedi Guardian , born on Coruscant , he was raised by a kind family on Dantoine until the day he went off to explore and found the old destroyed jedi academy where he found old records of jedi teachings and the map to the "crystal cave" , drived by a some strange feelings he went there and found what would be a crystal that grew a bond with him and would become one of the crystals of his lightsaber.

    When he went there , he triggered an alarm and was recorded , the footage was relayed to the jedis on Tython , they came the next day , examined him and took him to the order with the agreement of his parents.

    Years of training made him a powerful weapon.


    My Guardian has a strong feeling of duty and a strong desire of liberty.

    He was the first son of 5 childrens.

    He never rejected his feelings , he accepted them and let them pass on.

    He doesn't give a damn about politics and only care for the greater good , he makes sometimes hard choices but only when he has to do so.

    He fights for the future , for the next generations because among them there's his family , that's what he wants to pass on , a future.

    He's also quite a hit with the ladies (he he :p ) but doesn't give nor his friendship nor his love easly.

    He's cocky and funny , always joking , love to make fun of his ennemies.

    He has a problem with authority , if he sees something that doesn't come along with his code , he doesn't make it.

    He has a code of honor , believes in redemption and his not a patriot to the republic like most jedis are.


    He's a mix beetwen Solid Snake and Ezio Auditore.


    My Sith Marauder is more "strange" .


    He was raised by his brother , a powerful Sith Lord , a Revanite , he was killed by some fanatics in a terrorist attack on Dromund Kaas.

    Left alone , my Sith grew with anger and got the fanatics murdered in prison , until he realised that all his anger couldn't bring his brother back.

    He moved on and a few years later went to the sith academy.


    He is "good" .

    See him as a cross with Revan/Thrawn/Palleon .

    He believes in the Empire , he believes in order , love and liberty.

    He's disgusted with the corruption and cruelty of his fellow sith.

    He also doesn't like the Republic which he sees as nothing more then a future Empire (which would come to be true :p ).

    He intends to take control of the Empire and reform it.

    He learned quite a few things from Baras , but loved to make fun of him (like when Baras got angry , screaming and such for not getting the information he wanted , my Sith arrived and sayed "Problem , Baras ?" (insert troll face here)

    My Sith only repsects the one who work for the good of the Empire , he has also a deep respect for the imperial army , exept for the genocidal/brutes thing like Kilran.

    Yet he is not a jedi , he find quite funny that most jedis try to kill him when he come in peace.

    But like them he never take a life when he doesn't have to , he builds friendship everywhere in the galaxy , much more powerfull bond then anything else.

    In fight he uses both sides of the force , Unifying force-user.


    I see him like a Revan born into Empire space.


    He's deeply angry against Bioware for not letting him romance Jaesa since he is a LS :mad:


    I'm planning to write a fic stating that the Jedi Knight and the sith warrior are clones created by the emperor in order to host them , the project was "destroyed" when the dark council heard about it and "leaked" info the republic who sent a top unit working with another top unit of the imperials to destroy the project however the two first clones "twins" were already made and they had to do something about it and each side took a children after a heated battle thinking that the other side was killed.

    The "republic" children was sent to Dantoine , raised by one of the soldiers of the mission , while the "sith" one was taken by the only surviving member of the team , a young sith lord who lied to the Dark Council of the outcome of the operation , they gaved him power until they realised that the orphan he had took was the boy they wanted years ago , they planned his death and the endoctrinement of the boy , however their plans didn't go well since my sith is not a weak-mind but a true good person.

  7. I wouldn't say you are wrong, but heavily opinon based. Just like others you rely on Vader killing children and crying as a means to prove why Revan is more powerful.


    Feel free to bring some more opinion based arguments as to why Revan is more powerful, Or why you don't like Vader.. won't get you anywhere.


    If you become fully objective, Putting your personal opinon aside and comparing their feats from an objective view point I'll salute you, Vader will still come out as the victor in terms of accomplsihments and power but It'll be more fun having a discussion with a normal person.


    Well okay , prepare to salute me , friend :


    Revan defeated Malak who was empowered by the forge (ya know feeding on the force , trough the dead bodies ).


    Revan lead the republic to victory against the most powerfull warriors in star wars , the mandalorians ( i'm not speaking about force-sensitive and yes the mandos are the best warriors in the galaxy , i don't think i need to prove myself ) while having a limited numbers of jedis and a weakened fleet.


    Revan created the psychic bomb , which is pretty powerfull since only extremly powerfull force user could survive ( Bane and Zannah ) of course it's not the Dark nexus or Viviate/Nihilus power but yet it is an extremly powerfull power.


    Revan was a master in multiple fighting style (well that's not amaaaazing but yet it's something).


    Revan mastered both sides of the force and was "neutral" (now here's why , unifying force user sees the force as a whole , not a bipolar entity , the force is a living tool meaning you can use it as you like too , the New Jedi Order of Luke followed this until the Kilik Crisis where Luke believed it was way too bordeline and came back to the old bipolar force , yet Revan was one of the few jedis with Luke and Katarn being able to use both sides of the forces without failing to the dark side (well Katarn did felled in Mots but that's another story) , that's canon .).

    And he had an inner-mind powerfull enough to control the Starforge without falling to it's power.


    Revan killed hundreds of sith and jedis sometimes taking them by dozens (maybe this isn't "canon" but for me everything that you do in the game "is" canon("not so amazing" but still).



    Now i think i made objective points here , didn't put any opinion in it.



    Now let's go on Vader


    Vader has much more potential then Revan yet he is limited by is mechanical-body.


    Vader did killed many jedis but nothing out of extraordinary .

    He did killed "alot" of them but don't tell me they were incredible force user.

    The only great force user that Anakin really defeated was Dooku (Ventress was quite a duelist but i don't see her that powerfull).

    "Oh? He invaded the Jedi Temple and killed hundreds of nameless Jedi. Thats Canon Bro. The Great Jedi Purge was the annihlation of the Jedi which was lead by Vader. He was in control of all Jedi-Killing, he told where troopers to land and where he was going. "

    LOL , sure , order 66 has nothing to do with that ...



    Vader is only using rough power and let the admirals of the Fleet do most of the tactical job , who only use rough-power in order to please Vader (which made them so easy to beat).

    "Yeah, that explains how he breached through the RA's headquarters? That explains how he managed to invade Kashyyk. Sure"


    Where do you guys see something that if Vader were leading the Imperial fleet the rebel fleet would of lost in Rotj ?


    If it wasn't because the emperor was such confident , no more rebellion...


    Kashyyk ?

    lol ? It's a joke right , did you watched the background ?

    Oooooh yeah it is very well known that the Wookies were billions and were one of the most advance species in the galaxy.

    And just look at ESB , on Hoth , what an incredible tactic there...

    Everytime it is a 10 vs 1 , that's a proof of Vader tactical mind .



    Vader is not a master of the force like Revan is , never created powerfull technics and is Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from Palpatine"s level (and he is suppose to be 80% ? let me laugh , seriously ? if he was 80% of Palpatine he would of been able to do things like Nihilus or Viviate or even learn how to do the Dark Nexus).



    It took Vader 18 years to "come back" and he knew he made an error the second he waked up inside the dark suit...

    He couldn't live with the guilt of what he had done and couldn't forgive himself but when his son came , forgave him and made the choice he couldn't do (accepting the possible death of his friends and refusing to fall for the darkside) Vader changed his mind.







    Well if Vader was on his full potential (which is Luke ) i would shut up and say he wins.

    But Vader is far from what he's suppose to be.

    And i think that Revan is just more experienced in all the cases then Vader and that's THE ONLY REASON why Revan is stronger then Vader.

    And the fact that Vader is nothing more then a robot , who would get cooked by force lightining...


    Now you can say whatever you want , i tried to be as objective as possible.


    (oh one last thing Viviate > Palpatine , he lived longer then him :D ) .


    Seriously, How old are you?

    You are acting like a 12-year old, Just accept that you are wrong and stop coming with more of your biased opinions.



    Lol , perhaps you don't know Revan and this era like i do.


    I love Vader , btw.

    But someone who kills childs and innocents , he's a freaking ****** who commits his vengeance against the jedis who "hold him back" trough those childs in the name of "love" ...


    Now let's take a look at what you said.

    Let's see what we got here :


    Thousands of jedi helping him in the Mando wars ?

    Huh , don't say thing you don't know , just look at the KOTOR comics revan doesn't have so much support from the jedis , he must have like what 30 followers?

    The jedi order was rebuilding itself from the last War how come they would of have THOUSANDS of jedis ?


    Revan was a military genius , Mandalore sees him as a genius , republicans sees him as a genius , jedi and sith sees him as a genius.

    Perhaps for you it doesn't mean he is smart?

    If he wasn't then why was he the SUPREME COMMANDER and not just a jedi general?

    Vader , is a stupid beast on the battlefield , he doesn't even care about tactics...

    It's just rough power , numbers and power , great tactics here .

    Oh a rebel planet ? Let's burn it and , send tanks and 12342142 stormtroopers...


    Revan was outnumbered and was facing one of the greatest military army ever , the mandalorian army .

    And yet he won .

    Vader LOST to a little Rebellion , cool story bro.



    Vader slew kids and padawans , great story huh , he almost didn't do a thing.

    Or it would of take him a day to kill most of the jedis in there (and he would of get killed).

    The "purge" is a stage show in order to promote the fear of Vader.

    Clones did most of the jobs...



    Sure Vader went to beat 7 jedi knights , not one was really powerfull .

    And how come he was ambushed?

    He knew where he was going , he knew that there would be jedi since he was hunting Kenobi....

    And he only barely killed 4 of them.

    He was about to get KILLED by the last 3 .

    Great victory from Lord Vader huh?



    Revan on the other hand just defeated hundreds of sith and jedis.

    He beated Malak who was UBER POWERFUL , empowered by the Forge.



    About the force powers , he masters both sides , Unifying Force user here .

    (and if you say he doesn't well good for you , still he created very powerfull force technics like the psychic bomb , i don't think Vader did something similar , oooh yeah super-idiotic-force choke ...).

    Luke was also one in the YVW and in the Kilik Crisis.

    He doesn't need to use his rage , but more positive emotions like love or determination to fuel his powers.

    Many Jedis were like that :


    -Kyle Katarn

    -Luke Skywalker

    -Kyp Durron

    -Jaden Korr

    -Jacen Solo (who did the same thing that Revan did , he took responsabilites , if it wasn't for him , Luke would of been Caedus ).

    And much more


    He fried a Dark Council member with lightining yet he is a LSider the only person in the WHOLE universe who could do that was Yoda >.> .




    He betrayed the Emperor after he began his conquest over the Republic.

    That's the whole point of KOTOR 2 (which helps us understanding the character of Revan) , accepting neutrality , sacrifice yourself for a greater cause (in the original ending , killing Kreia also kills you because of the bond you share with her ).

    Nihilus wasn't only instinct , he was immortal , he was living trough his armor that requires some intelligence .

    Oh and yeah it wasn't like he didn't do the same thing Starkiller did , moving a battle cruiser with it's simple will...

    Sion never lost his will to live , infact he was afraid of death (another huge point of KOTOR 2 , the relativity of death).





    The fact that Viviate used artefacts and tricks in order to get his power doesn't mean he is not as powerfull as Palpatine.

    Please Palpatine not using tricks in order to gain his powers or survive ?

    Clones >.> ?

    I don't recall Nihilus or Viviate needing clones in order to survive ...

    Even tough they were litteraly consumed by the Dark side ...



    Now here are some "facts" , feel free to tell that i'm wrong.

  9. OK the question was not who is more powerful Vader or Revan . It was in a fight who would win Vader or Revan. Just because Palpatine and Vader are the more powerful Sith does not insure that Vader wins the match.




    Greatest Swordman in the Jedi Order was Yoda (That is strait from GL)

    Second Is Mace Windu

    Third was Obi


    Yoda lost to Palpatin. Mace Disarmed and had Palpatine down. Had his hand raised for the killing blow. If by your logic the most powerful must win then why did Mace have Palpatin down and disarmed but Yoda the more powerful of the two couldn't?


    Obi less powerful than Anikin Yet was able to beat him. If power means that you automaticly win then how was Obi able beat Anikin?



    I kinda disagre with the whole Windu thing , Palpatine played his cards in order to "fool" Anakin.

    He would of **** Windu , just compare the duel he has with Yoda later , there he use all of his powers.


    And i still think that Revan would kick the *** off Vader , regardless of the potential of Vader (who never used it at it's maximum or he would of became a Luke FOTJ 2.0 ).





    And about the fact that Lucas says that Vader and Palpatine are the most powerful Sith in the saga , well it stays in the saga.

    Just take Galen Marek (sigh , i would of hoped to not come to this) , he beats Vader and the Emperor , he has UBERPOWERS , don't tell me he is not more powerfull then them ...


    Abeloth > Palpatine

    Viviate > Nihilus > Palpatine


    Just sayin' , Palpatine "big" power is only a storm force , while Nihilus EATS worlds.

  10. Huh Lucas only spoke about the original trilogy .

    He doesn't give a about the expanded universe (oh yeah he only wants that the big 3 don't die , cool we will have a 211341341 years old luke who suppose to be dead in Legacy...).



    In terms of power , control of the force , leadership , tactical intelligence , saber mastery , Revan beat Vader HANDS DOWN!


    Here my argument :


    Revan defeated the Mandalorians when the Republic was in a pretty bad shape , he was the one in charge , supreme commander of the republicans force .

    Vader never did something similar , he didn't even beat the Rebellion ...


    He only used raw strengh , like on Hoth , or wasn't the one in charge (Obi-Wan was the one leading in the CW).

    Revan on the other hand was much more smart , at the level of Thrawn , beating the most incredible warriors in the galaxy (non-sensitive warriors yeah).


    In saber mastery well , Revan defeated Malak (who was backed up by the power of the forge) , hundreds of Sith and Jedis alike , Vader would of never been able to defeat him , i mean even after the Purge he gets beaten by a few jedis and only get saved by the clones...


    Force powers , please do i need to say something?

    Revan invented the psychic bomb , was a master in BOTH sides of the force something even Luke couldn't do , was powerful enough to destroy a certain person with her own lightning.

    And the Exilee who killed Nihilus , Sion and Traya (who were INCREDIBLE monsters in the dark side ) saw him on another level ....

    Vader = force choke , force choke , force choke....



    And about the character:


    Revan was never blinded by rage or fear to make stupid decisions (loooool at Anakin choking Padme).

    He felled to the darkside for a good reason , not for personnal gain but because he knew the galaxy would fall to the Sith and that the republic nor the jedis would of never been able to do what was necessary.

    I think i don't need to say anything about Anakin's fall , who was stupid enough to brutally murder childrens and such....



    So yeah Revan eats Vader for breakfast along Palpatine (who is faaaaaar from the level of an Exar Kun , Naga Shadow , or even the TRUE Emperor (the one of TOR ))....


    That's what i think .


    Perhaps if Anakin wasn't such an idiot and spoiled boy he wouldn't of got smacked by Obi-Wan and became the true Sith he was suppose to become (the equivalent of Luke in FOTJ ) , even better would of see trough the lies of Palpatine...


    But he didn't what a scumbag....

  11. Apparently I upset everybody because they think I'm insulting some voice actor from some console games...I guess? The voice isn't bad on its own, I just can't stand it coming out of my Jedi Knight's mouth. It's totally inappropriate for the character I thought I was making.


    Just a big let down from what I was expecting from the strength based melee class.


    And yes, that is just my personal opinion from what I anticipated a class to be. Like the title says, I get a laugh out of it and since 90% of these forums is griping and whining, I thought I would share my thoughts. Unfortunately for me its annoying enough to probably not level my toon through questing... if others think its cool and like it, enjoy!



    some console games


    some console games


    some console games


    some console games


    Seriously ?


    Those "console games" are praised like the holy bible , not one game (either on pc or console) have a better scenario and characters ( Try to find a greater character then The Boss ...).



    This done , i think David Hayter made a perfect work (not because he voiced "some console character" ) because it fits the character sheet.


    What would you expect from a jedi knight ?

    Obi-wan and Qui-gon (okay Jiin is more of a Sage ) have that kind of voice .

    I would of be dissapointed if i heard a "Hulk-type" or "Rambo/Rocky" (just imagine " KIRAAAAAAAAAAA ; IT WAS NOT MY WAR BUT I FOUGHT !" ) voice from my JK , even if he was a darksider...

  12. Light/Dark =/= Good/Bad =/= Pragmatic/Paragon



    You can be a servitor of light and yet be "bad" , empire LS for example.

    You fight for the empire , for your home etc etc yet you also fight for slavery/genocide and such.


    You can also be a darksider and fight for "good" , example "save the mass destructive weapon" , which will kills hundreds of hundreds of "bad guys" and many innocents along , that's beeing pragmatic like in Mass Effect.


    So yeah you can have a "Dark Jedi" and work for the greater good .


    Revan IS DA exemple :


    -he went to war to save the republic from the mando

    -he felt to the darkside and tried to take over the republic BECAUSE he knew that they wouldn't be strong enough to fight agaisnt the True Sith .


    He became a Sith Lord yet he fought for greater good.




    And last , please , Luke is not a dark jedi , it's not because you had a brief moment where you were "angry" that you became a dark jedi...

    If you think so , then Luke is a Sith since he became the Emperor apprentice in Dark Empire...


    LOL , luke on a scale of ten , is at 12 in goodness...

    (Just look at him in FOTJ...)


    And Katarn is not a Dark Jedi , he is a Unifying force user , much different and he's not pragmatic like a dark jedi would be...

  13. Aaaaaaw !


    I will only use one quote "It depends on your point of view" ...


    Jedi do feel emotions , do feel passions , they are after all part of the Living force .


    But it's easy to get tempted by the power of emotion , that's why Luke decided to go back to the "Bipolar Force" after the events of the Kilik crisis.


    How could you accept death of your loved one if you had the power of the force?

    No one would.

    Take the "lovers" quest on Tythoon , imagine they became jedi knights will still beeing lovers and went to war.

    Put some tragic event involving the death of one of them (which is very likely to happen in a war).

    Kill the guy = the girl becomes crazy , capable of genocide against who ever did this , making her easly manipulable , she could become a sith faster then you could think.

    Kill the girl = the guy becomes depressed , follows the same path.


    Worse imagine a jedi who has childrens and during the war they get killed by sith , what do you think is going to happen ?

    The jedis do love but they musn't get attached or they will fall at one point and even a "weak-jedi" can wraith havoc.




    Now you might think i'm a old-way jedi bt i'm not , i see emotions much like Revan does , i accept them go along but i never let them control me , even if sometimes a loved one get hurt , there's no death only the force.




    Don't take the jedi code too seriously , it's open to interpretation.



    And the jedis in this game are not "jerks" , most of them helps everyone they come across , take for example Orgus Din , he's a freaking hero !

    Many jedis are like him.



    About my JK , well see it as a Revan/Obi-wan/Quinlan Vos jedi , Cocky and funny , yet always fighting for the "good" (always obey to the republic =/= good , they also build Super-weapons which is a similiraty they share with "Empire" ) , i have a romance with Kira and "proud" of it and if the jedi council is not happy with it , then i'll just ask about Satele ancestors and tell them to go search for a new "hero" , i never kill "innocents" nor do i "murder" people .


    For example when i come across the possiblity to destroy empire vessels , i don't , not all imperials are monsters nor all republicans are heroes....

  14. I played trooper , was freaking amazing , you're in a war , it's hard , you have to make choices , like it was said earlier felt like a mass effect 2 story .



    I also played the jedi Knight which is a bit cliche but that's why i loved it .


    You are the Jedi Knight , defenser of the Republic , what would you expect ?

    I try to make my character a Kyle Katarn type , but cocky and funny but still a true LS works perfectly .

    And the companions are what you would expect , the usual droid , Kira the hot chick , the other annoying droid , well i really liked it .


    Jedi Knight story is what you would expect for a great jedi knight in star wars .

  15. Bane apprend la technique de la bombe mental grâce a l'holocron de Dark Revan sur Leon .


    "Revan" lui enseigne aussi qu'il ne doit y avoir que "2" Sith , le maitre et l'apprenti , l'un portant le pouvoir l'autre l'aspirant , mais Revan ne rejette pas une "propagation" du coté obscur avec des "sith plus faibles" qui lui servent mais en aucun cas le maitre ne peut avoir 2 apprentis et l'apprenti lui aussi ne peut avoir d'apprenti ...


    Bane retiendra la leçon de Dark Revan et leurra Kaan en lui apprenant la technique de la bombe mental , sachant pertinemment que la plupart des sith mourraient a cause de celle-ci , lui permettant d'instaurer un nouvel ordre car la confrérie rejetai les idéaux d'un coté obscur "uni" de Bane .


    Et si je me souviens bien la confrérie de Kaan n'a rien a voir avec les anciens Sith ou ceux de KOTOR/SWTOR se sont justes des jedis qui ont sombré a cause d'holocrons sith ou ce genre de trucs ...

  16. Luke , i mean just look at the FOTJ series , it's freaking unbelivable , he just takes a full tribe of sith while fighting Abeloth LOL !


    Revan also suppose to be one of the greatest duelist of all time with the Exile (super mention for her , i mean taking a full sith academy on her own , beating the Lord of the Pain in a duel and fighting against 3 lightsabers in the same time ...)


    Kyle Katarn's not bad also ( Chuck Norris of Star Wars in my opinion) .



    But the greatest ever ever ever jedi duelist is Zayne Carrick :D !


    Lol he cannot be killed , the force wants him to be alive !


    ROFL , Haters gonna hate ...

  17. I haven't played the foundry yet, because I don't have a Sith that level. But, I can say that I don't believe he is dead.


    Firstly, it would be kind of dumb, in the Republic quest to save him, he was to turn the tide of battle, the end all Jedi Master. On the Sith side, they talk about him, he has his own little cult. They just seemed to put too much importance on him to die as a Flashpoint boss. It just ended, he doesn't have parting words. Just doesn't make sense, so Revan IMHO isn't dead.


    Also, as for the low level Sith killing him, when I freed Revan on the Republic side, he remarked on how powerful we were, and we might have killed the emperor if I had been there with him on that day. So, the whole lore of the force wielders is that you are very special and very strong in the force, even if you are only level 35.


    Of course , he's not going to say that you suck balls duh .

    He sense that something great is ahead of us .

    And when he says that the day he fought the Emperor would of been different it's because , the Emperor was distracted just before making the final strike on Revan and had is guard down , if another "powerful" jedi was with them , well his fate would of been sealed ...



    And Revan is not suppose to be strong or powerful he is suppose to be :


    "The heart of the Force" , Canon nuff said .


    While the Exile is suppose to be :


    "The death of the Force"



    We don't speak on the same level of power here , it's like comparing a porsche with a F1 , sure the porsche is strong but the F1 beat the crap out of it .


    They are not playing in the same league , same goes for Revan and the Exile , it would of made much more sense if Revan were 50..

  18. Really? Some of you think Revan is gone for good? Seriously? Ok...


    A lot of raging around here for no reason.



    Huh they changed the issue with his "9K" left which was a bug...


    And in the Beta it was intended to let him die there...



    And still all of this part of this story kinda "ruined" his character , especially his madness...

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