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Posts posted by Caliwookie

  1. I shelved my BM Merc as the nerf bat swung a bit too far. Luckily I have a Maurader BM alt and a Sorc. So long as those dont get nerfed any time soon I'm good.


    I figure by the time they nerf those two the Merc will be rebuffed again.


    That's just how these mmo's work. Buf/Nerf, Buf/Nerf. Just roll some alts and be ready to switch when they nerf yer class.

  2. haha thats so true.


    I've got faily decent pvp gear, missing onloy a couple of the battlemaster stuff. And man I've got to say, I have serious trouble with Sin's and Sniper types. Sins it's touch and go if i can kill em and the good snipers just eat me for lunch.


    My assassin had no problems with Marauders 1v1 (or 1v1v1v1 even, one right after the other). The problem is that they're like a pack of wild dogs. Once one gets on you, they all come sniffing around.
  3. So what yer saying is that you're saying you dont mind when they buff stuff that you could normally shrug off anyways, but god forbid they buff something that you cant easily circumvent? Is that about right?


    In your own statement you mention stun locking (which you dnt miss often) and if you miss then that OP maurader actually has a chance to kill, run or at least throw up defenses to have a chance. Yeah, that's OP....


    Lol @ nerf crying mando, i'm an operative. Son, you do not know the meaning of nerf.


    Jokes aside though, marauders did get a bit too much of a shot in the arm. I don't mind the changes to carnage, but they didn't need to buff rage any (8k crits anyone?) and I really don't know why they buffed anni, that spec was OP to begin with. I can sort-of see why they buffed ravage, I don't have trouble interrupting that with a debilitate even with the change, but if they intend to give marauders this much dps, they need to lay off the defensive cooldowns. If I open up on a marauder and don't manage to stunlock kill him (which is very rare), he has sufficient defenses to either ward me off or run away before I can finish the job. Granted he has to blow most of his cooldowns, but i'm still stuck out of steath, in combat, and with no kill.


    On another side note, I saw a marauder break 700k with 70 kills and 0 deaths on voidstar today. Not gonna lie, i'm seriusly jelly.


    Ya know, I sorta got bent a couple of days, then even more so yesterday. But today, I'm chilling just like techno viking.


    1. Monday 1.2 mistakenly pushed out too early, fubar's "a smal minotiry of the playerbase' ability to login

    2. Told to redownload 14+ gigs worth of data OR leave as is and the game will work just fine tomorrow .

    3. Next day, woops, joke on you! Go ahead and download another 14+ gigs cause we gave you the wrong instructions

    3A. Oh and btw, we were just joking about the Rated Warzones too! (see we have a sense of humor)

    4. Next, Next Day, woops, stuff is broke again. This one's not a joke, but here's 30 days free! ;)


    See, so everyone chill to the groovy beats.

  5. Low key trolling... i likes it!


    in my mid 30's , love the movie and the lore.



    does the game have problems.... yea a few,


    being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.





    thank you for making a game i can actually do that. it was on my bucket list.

  6. I would also suggest everyone affected to email support@swtor.com, I believe that might be the only way they know who is affected...I seriously doubt they keep any sort of logging or accounting about which accounts/ip's download a certain patch.


    I will leave the decision up to BW over compensation (Though personally speaking, while it is a bother that I haven’t been able to play I don’t really feel I need to be compensated £1 or so for it.) I am just wondering though, if they do decide to compensate players as so many people are asking for, would BW even be able to tell who has this downloading problem?
  7. Stephen, man I feel bad for you because I've had to do very similar tasks at times, that is, defending the sometime incompetence of the company I work for. Whether its the DEV or QA totally fubaring something up or the Sales guy overselling and over promising or a number of other things that can and will go wrong.


    It just seem like the lack of professionalism at BW is a bit rampant. It could be addressed with good leadership that has vision but also forethought. So I don't blame you or the dev guys, I blame management for mishandling the past 2 days worth of significant and public facing fiascoes.


    How long can you apologize for your company and still make it mean something?


    /my 2cp


    We completely understand your frustration - we're frustrated too. We were given incorrect information and we relayed that to you in error. All we can do right now is apologize.


    I want to be clear that no-one intentionally lied; the messaging was a mistake, but one that compounded our earlier mistake, and that's unacceptable.


    If you haven't seen, I have updated our original thread with revised instructions. As you probably realize, your options at this point are to either let the client complete a full download, or re-install from physical DVDs. Re-installing should reduce your download size considerably.


    There are still discussions ongoing about this issue, and I'll update you when I have more to share.

  8. what a joke man.


    I followed their advice yesterday and I just KNEW something wasnt kosher.


    Now here I am downloading another 11Gig file and then probably more after that.


    Seriously, I'm not even angry anymore because frankly I dont care. Between broken promises, bait and switch tactics and totall lack of meaningful customer service BW I wish you good luck.

  9. I"m waiting. I downloaded the accidental patch yester afternoon. Per instruction I proceeded to cancel the 11G download (before it starting patching). So I'm expecting to wake up tomorrow morning and be able to login with no issues. Sadly, I bet that wont happen.


    An no Rated WZ's is definitely a let down.


    Well, let's hope those affected and decided to wait it out will actually be able to play tomorrow without, as explained in Allison Berryman's stickied post, having to re-download the client.
  10. The fact of the matter is that they waited until the 11th hour to announce the removal of the Rated Warzones. Its not really the issue that they decided to pull the feature, but how they waited to let the community know.


    Cmon we're not that gullible, this was not a last minute decision. They knew well in advance yet they also knew that the 3mo subs are all coming to an end and also needed to lure back some of the pvp crowd. Job well done on the bait and switch.

  11. Yeah and I thinks that's the point of this thread, which is probably why it hasn't been locked yet and why everyone's being funneled to it.


    There will be nothing done, but at least they're giving everyone a forum to vent. This thread will be quietly closed by end of the maintenance period.


    On that note, I just received a notice that one of my posts in this thread was moderated for rude behavior. I dont see how, I try to keep it clean and concise. It was a response to a couple of the "dont let the door hitcha on the way out" posts, but I guess those are not rude at all right?


    Yes, they just removed the ability to use the system, they didn't remove it. The likely scenario is that the PvP team has been working 24/7 for a long time now and they wanted to give the team until the very last minute to see if they could release it even half-assed, they couldn't. The best way would have been to give a heads up a few days ago that it might not make it but, what's done is done. Regardless, no one did this to "grab your moneis" or to spite you. Everyone did their very best, and failed, it happens.


    The point that annoys me is the crucifying. If the new operation was delayed, I honestly would just shrug and focus on something else instead of spewing vitriol at the devs. Do they deserve it? Debatable. Does it accomplish anything? No, nothing besides helping you vent. I assure you, everyone at BW feels like **** for letting people down like this but, if it makes you feel better, it's your choice.

  12. Ah, so following that logic, then the political polls they take for any sort of election are meaningless right?


    How I see it, yes you are correct, only a minority of the player base actually post on the boards (although a greater amount are lurkers). However, I'd imagine that the sentiments espoused here are somewhat reflective of the general population at large, +/- a hefty margin of error, but "good enough" imo.



    you cant kill star wars. 99 percent of the players are not typing in the forums. lol. the ones that are and are complaining, are a very low number compared to the numbers they have. if ever single person that threatened to rage quit actually did, they would lose what.. like a couple dozen of you?
  13. See the thing is that I think the actual code for the Rated Warzones is still in the patch. If you read the first few comments by him he states that we wont be able to queue for the rated warzones, but no where does he mention that that part of the code was pulled.


    Me thinks the code is already on the server, they just toggled off the ability to queue for a rated WZ.


    Here is the Rub. There is NO WAY you guys did not know this wasn't going in. You would of had to Rewrite the Entire patch to remove the Ranked WZ and Que system and Build a Alternative means of getting the gear that was suppose to be tied to the Rated WZ. Then you would of had to send that ReWriten patch threw testing and get it cleared to be launched...
  14. Haha Jandi, I think you've hit the marker closer than you think. Except you left out the part of the ebil EA whispering in their ear, "remember, the 3mo subs are just about done and we need to get back some of the pvp base" and which point EA waves their hands "these are not the Rated Warzone patch notes you are looking for" (at least not until the 11th hour)


    I know most are too angry to consider what I'm about to say but, you know what, I'm still going to say it.


    In late feb/early march, they realized that people were leaving the game due to lack of content. They needed to start pushing 1.2 as fast as possible to keep the people they had. Problems arise, it's late march 1.2 is still "on the dock" with many things simply broken/unfinished. People are getting angry on the forums and people start to leave due to not caring anymore. They start to hype it and whoever decides these things, decides that early April NEEDS to happen. It's early April, the patch is still not done, devs are working around the clock. At Pax, it's mostly done but ranked pvp is still not ready for live. Come Tuesday, the forums are ablaze with mass people screaming "where be patchy, we are done idling in fleet with 4 others!". They say Thursday and look at the PvP team with a puzzled look, PvP team goes "ummm, a definite not likely?" They get the whips, ice cubes and flyswatters out. It's Thursday, they are holding until the very last minute until saying it won't be in. PvP team goes "Even pros like us can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a banthas ear". A long, very heavy sigh comes out from the CM offices, accompanied with some /facepalms. SR say "Murder and mayhem awaits" and releases the notice.

  15. LOL! Matrix online had to be the biggest POS ever to hit the interwebz. And the combat system, revolutionary??! lol, you betcha! The kind of revolution where everyone dies from the pox. Worse game ever.


    I feel the same, i lost my musician and after that my creature handler bh and got some grull keyrings.


    Went to mxo and left simply becuase warner sold the license to soe, i still think matrix online would have been on of the best games going if soe hadnt got the license, it was an insanly revolutionary combat engine for its time, probably still is now.

  16. Right, and this was a last minute discovery was it? I have no doubt, given their track record, that there were all manner of bugs and inconsistencies. But really, waiting until the last minute to tell the player base that it's been pulled from the patch? Cmon, you seriously think this was nothing else but a money grab?


    It's a good thing that ranked warzones are delayed. There were just too many issues with them, including the potential of having uneven numbers and some even nastier things.

    A very brave and good call to delay them and especially listening to the community feedback in order to make thins right and not delay the whole game update any further.


    I just hope the delay won't cause an option to toggle on Chat Bubbles to be delayed until after 1.3.

  17. Why is it if you do a cursory google for swtor 1.2 rated warzones you can find all sorts of BW connected sites making touting reference to the Rated Warzones in 1.2 up until about 4/9, then magically all the advertising and hype starting around 4/10 suddenly has no reference to removed content. Man, those guys must really have the insight track...but hey, this was a last minute decision right? Communicated to the player base ASAP? Yes sir!


    Who says they did it purposly, do you think this was a master plan or something, there is every possibilty that bioware thought they could fix it for the patch, they found out it wasnt possible and informed us.


    The fact that they waited so late shows that there were working hammer and tong to try and make it work but couldnt.


    But here is the question, do you want something that works or something that doesnt.

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