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Posts posted by timowade

  1. You can't quest just because you have the pvp flag on? rofl.


    no no you isunderstand me here, just add a mission to flag the player for pvp, can even be going to a vendor or seomthing and handing in a token u would get from a warzone or just plain going to a vendor on the fleet or at say ilum..


    All other players wouldent have any effect on any other player UNLESS they had gone to said vendor and flagged themselves or done the Said mission to flag themselves..


    no timers or anything like that need be involved just make them return to said vendor to deflag or do another said mission to deflag.. Ive seen this in another mmo back in the early 90's and it was a good idea imo


    those players could then show up on everyones screen as red dots :D

  2. General Discussion -> Upcoming Patch - 8AM CST 1/19

    UPDATE: This maintenance period is now scheduled to begin at approximately 9:30AM CST (7:30AM PST/ 10:30AM EST/ 3:30PM GMT/ 4:30PM CET) on 1/19 and end at 1:30PM CST (11:30AM PST/ 3:30PM EST/ 7:30PM GMT/ 8:30PM CET).


    Please check this thread for further updates.

  3. Vanguard/Powertech - if you are Sorcerer or Operative, faceroll him. If you are well geared Marauder, take him head on. If you are any other class, call for more friends.


    Mercenary/Commando - if you are Sorcerer or Operative, faceroll him. If you are neither, use interrupts, CC to disrupt them as much as you can, especially healers.


    sorry noob alert here, but what do you mean by faceroll him? you see have this same problem that the op mentions. I am a sorceror with most points in healing tree and a few scatrtered in other two trees for the power cost reduction and the stat bonuses

  4. Hows about you guys(bioware) put some changes in the main game world each month or every two weeks to give us a feel the enviroment is changing over time, maybe accompany this with some lore and a bit of a story as to whats going on at the moment with the war etc..


    I think this would greatly enhance everyones immersion in the game..


    pls discuss and give your own opinions on what you would like to see evolve..

  5. We want to acctually be able to play the ones acctually in the game without wiping on almost every hardmode boss due to bugs every time we do a clear.


    It's fun to wipe on bosses due to difficulity lvl.

    Not so much spending 4 hours on SOA because of evading, teleporting orbs.

    Floor not propperly respawning.

    Boss bugging on phase transitions not losing orbs wiping us in phsae 3 because he stops to cast 2 second long casts.

    Dying randomly while running the redicolus distance to the boss every time you got a bugged attempt.


    And you know what, most of all- You don't seem to give a **** about the pve side of the game. You can't even hotfix a damn tier MAIN HAND weapon.

    Also, if you want to nerf SOA, funnily enough the biggest nerf you could have given him would be to FIX THE gosh darn BUGS.


    But instead of fixing bugs, you release new probbably very untested content instead of even mentioning simple stuff as "Rocket on Annihilator can no longer crit targets for 20k in hardmode".


    This is why me and my friend group of long time core raiders canceled our subscription.

    If you don't give a **** about us leaving then jog on and enjoy your valor farming for nothing, I know for a fact that anyone who is trying to raid in this game feels more or less the same.


    Priorities Bioware. That is all.


    im not trolling here but please do not include me in the WE, you hjave your own opinions and thats your right and im not saying i dont agree with some of them but please dont put WE as it feels like your putting words in my mouth.. thanks m8y..


    Now, its true they are working on bugs at the same time as new content they have seperate teams working on these things.. Im glad they have some new content in.. its hard a balance to reach, that between putting in new content and that of fixing current bugs in the existing contentr and i myself beleive there doing a pretty good job atm..

  6. time will simply tell. I'm older than most I presume,...forgive me if wrong on that. WoW came out and it catered to a wider audience...how? By simplifying the mmo mechanics. to this day I am amazed that WoW players consider themselves hardcore. Imo it's elite mmorpg with training wheels.


    Mmorpg have always been a low subscriber and scarce following since it was due to the number crunching and "real life devotion" that was involved. WoW comes out and draws ###millions. do the math.


    mainstream ftw.


    I dont want to argue and I'm stating only my opinions...which mean natta but to only myself.


    Take care though and I hope to see some of u in game.


    5 years from now while we're all subb'in :p


    i agree with your opinions here even if they are only to yourself ;)


    I started with asherons call back in the ninetys and imo things will never be the same as they were back then with the amount of freedom you had in every aspect of the game.. Even down to being able to place loot down on the ground in the game world itself, like flaming torchs etc..


    Obviously this caused its own issues and people were asked to refrain from placing hundreds of torchs down in one area and lagging out the server for everyone but hey! it was an awesome era as developers were playing around with the mmo mechanic...


    To your question OP yes it has kinda :)

  7. they should have done what they did in mass effect with elevators.... show you taking the thing and having your NPC's shatter on about something. thats something i liked about ME, when running around for the first several hours going up and down elevators on the citadel.... no damn loading screens.


    thats a damn fine idea!;)

  8. ive used master looter in all but operations so in flashpoints and in world boss fights with an operation group.. It worked fine. I haent tried it in an operation with an operation sized group however so i cannot comment on this.. But if this needs fixing thern this could be implemented at the same time... So umm what do you think of a /roll feature then getting the subject back on track :D
  9. We need /roll and fast, I shall attempt to explain..:p


    You see on raids within guild and similar, master looter is used to fairly distribute the loot amongst players who actually really need that loot. Its a much safer option than the now classic need greed system and i commend the devs for implementing it. :cool:


    However when using master looter there is one inherant problem that needs fixing and rather soon..

    The problem you see, is master looter works fine for designating the loot amongst the players and distributing the other crap stuff randomly. But when you have two characters needing the same item, there is currently no way to randomley give it between those two people.. :rolleyes: A generic random number generator within the chat system would be an easy fix for this... :D


    We need to be able to do a /roll 100. so for instance /roll is a command to make a random roll from 1 to the designated number, this can be anything from 10 to 1000.

  10. master looters quite often used in guild run raids etc and it works very well incase people need by mistake etc (we all know that excuse). this is a much safer option but i agree the game desperatly needs a /ROLL function and FAST....
  11. I formed my first guild in this game, today. It's set to be a roleplaying guild on Vrook Lamar.


    While I was working on some things for the guild, I found something completely baffling: I can't edit the names of the default ranks. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Why?"


    Then there's the issue of the lack of chat bubbles - one of the most vital things the chat system needed in this game. It's impossible to interact with players, face-to-face, when your chat window becomes bogged down by dialog from other players as well as the General chat, if it's on.


    There's a lot of things I like about this game, but it just seems like BioWare rushed to get TOR released. I sincerely hope you're all working on adding these things into the next few patches.


    you could make a new chat window with only /say in it bud, or /yell whichever is yur preference or both even..

  12. As much as I enjoy SWTOR there is still much lacking. I miss SWG with the open maps you could travel for days , whereas SWTOR, you are more or less on paths through each world. Going hunting, camping and even owning a home was something new and exciting for a game. Being able to maintain and store things in the home was great as well.

    Also, SWTOR needs more classes.

    As stated, I am enjoying the game, but really would like to see these things added.

    Alsways enjoyed going out with a friend exploring the large world, camping, hunting, fishing etc. I was an original jedi redneck .


    awesome ideas mate i agree 1000% with all of them

  13. Hows about a mission that upon completion gives the intial abilty to summon a shbuttle to your capital planet that anyone can click and use and lasts for say 15 seconds..


    Further missions would unlock other destinations of course..


    What you think guys??

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