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Posts posted by Lent_San

  1. I'm a huge sap, but I was so thrilled when Theron came back. My character even behaved despite the opportunity with Koth lol. And (I've played a bunch since my last post) while I'm a little disappointed that you can't use Theron in Star Fortress, it is a silver lining that the reason is because he is like guiding you through it.


    Same for me! :D

  2. Welcome back! ^_^ Did you play SoR too last year? (Because Theron :D) I love how in KotFE the companions involved are heavily involved with the story, unlike the 1-50 content where they either attended group meetings on your ship or followed you into battle and only had a little plot relevance after their recruitment.

    I always got the impression that Vector was originally meant to be romanceable by male agents as well as female agents and that Hunter was originally supposed to be a guy but they changed it in the last second because his dialogue was flirtatious and LucasArts is nohomo.


    Well, my male smuggler is currently in a rather happy and stable (*cough let's hope so*) relationship with Theron, after running into him again when all the ordeal of the first nine chapters of KotFE was over. I admit he briefly flirted with Koth, but when decision time came, he realised that Theron was the one to return to. :p


    I do know my sig says Corso for SGRA (and who knows what happens when Corso and my captain meet again one day :p) but for now, Theron is a good choice and I'm glad the Bioware peeps went away from brief flirts with random people and established real relationships with recurring characters in the game, however tame they may be. ;))


    I got the same feeling about Corso btw, some of the banter between him and the captain was certainly interesting in terms of SGRA 'hints'. :D

  3. Don't know if anyone still remembers me from way back, but I've come back to SWTOR with KotFE and so far am really happy with the way SGRA were implemented (It's taken waaaaaay too long, we all know that).


    I see some of the usual suspects are still around and the same discussions are held.




    Nevertheless, I'm happy right now and if finally SGRA get the same space in the game that hetero romances get, this may well be the argument for me to stick with the game from now on, seeing that KotFE also is well implemented and quite fun to play so far.


    I've seen worse from the developers, when it comes to this game. ;)

  4. Maaaaark!!! Yay, one of my old fav faces! 😃😃😃


    Yeah,well, I was kind of coaxed by a friend of mine to look in again and there was this kind of 7-day return thingy that I came across yesterday, so I used that and today bought the new expansion and a GTC for 60 days so I will be here at least for a while.


    Sad to hear there's nothing definite on class and future SGRA content, but well, at least with the expansion they've implemented options that both genders can romance which is something we've been talking about all the time!! A first step in the right direction, as far as I'm concerned.


    I've read elsewhere that the focus would be more on story content from now on so I guess new companions and new class story is not totally out of the question. So basically we're back to square one with this, but I'm still looking foward to those new NPC options now. And as I said, Housing in SWTOR also looks really good so far!


    If SWTOR doesn't deliver, I'll still have Wildstar to fall back on, but so far I'm happy to be back! 😀


    Too bad about Tatile though, indeed they kept us waiting for a long, long time. 😞

  5. I'm baaack. 😆


    I used to be a kind of regular in this thread but left the game because I wasn't too happy with the implementation (or rather lack) of same sex romance options. I see with Shadow of Revan we have made progress, late, but oh well.


    And housing looks good to me!


    I guess the companion romance option is not off the table for SS romance? Need to catch up anyway, I stopped playing halfway through Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Still would like to be able to romance Corso with my male smuggler. 😊


    PS: Realise my post is still the first one in the thread after the initial yellow one, lol, from two years ago. Let's see if some of the old peeps are still here.

  6. I do the opposite for a variety of reasons, the first being I simply relate to and sympathise with female characters more (not sure why). In the case of Mass Effect a big part of why I played a female Shepard was because I don't like the male Shepard's voice. The female Shepard, by contrast, is much better cast. Unsurprisingly I like the female Trooper in SWTOR too. Oh, and female Hawke/female Agent.

    Whenever I write fiction most of my characters are female; I usually balance it out but it'd be about a 3:2 ratio a lot of the time. When people RP with me online they usually think I'm female. In fact most games that don't allow a variable character tend to turn me off playing them.

    To me roleplaying is about exploring and experiencing things I don't usually pursue, or wish I could pursue but can't due to physical restraints (I'm not a 6 ft. soldier guy, mind you). I think LotRO with its lack of PvP options and focus on story and lore attracts a certain kind of player, one that doesn't need instant gratification with anything. Rift to me is similar, but unfortunately it's rather underrated.


    It's hard for me to tell if or how much F2P has changed the environment in swtor. I was here before F2P and I do remember the community being fairly positive and also lots of conversations about Star Wars lore in the general chat. I have noticed that the community has become somewhat not-so-nice. But on the other hand I think F2Pers get kind of an unfair stigma. After all, LotrO is now free to play, and while there might have been some jerks who appeared initially to try the game, it can't be that all of the nice people in LotrO pay money in some way or that LotrO attracts only nice people while WoW and swtor don't.

    I think I wasn't even talking about those new F2Pers alone. Going F2P sure caused some of the early players to become quite snobbish and snotty towards new players. Questions in General were suddenly huffed at while it's been quite okay to ask stuff before and suddenly that horrible "noob" stigma was unearthed again. Whenever this happens, you know the community is taking a turn for the worse.
  7. LotRO is a very friendly MMO environment for the most part - at least, of all the MMOs I've ever played LotRO was always the one with the nicest people (and not by a small amount; it wins hands-down). There's jerks everywhere but there always seems to be fewer of them in LotRO. So it might actually be LotRO giving her a faintly rose-hued tinge to her sight, not the boyfriend thing so much.

    Certainly I've witnessed far nastier behaviour on WoW. I haven't on SWTOR but mainly because I shut off General as soon as I make a character (mostly due to experiences on WoW).

    LotRO is a game I often go back to, for its lush settings and great community. It does have the nicest community out there, imo. WoW was bad but SWTOR has gotten equally bad after going F2P, at least in my experience, so no big difference there for me anymore.


    As for Mass Effect, I suspect it's because of traditional gender stereotypes associated with the military as to why most main characters for Mass Effect are created male. Even girl gamers might be creating male avatars there because many of them may feel that it "fits better with the story."

    I am a female in RL and I played a male Shepard. I do enjoy playing male chars in Bioware games, am always playing males in DA as well. I guess it's a mix between enjoying the SGR elements and also being able to play a game with a male perspective, but one that's not necessarily dripping with testosterone, since BW characters are written nicely and the fighting element is not in the forefront.
  8. Ah, right. I have found that sort of thing as well, though I've met some considerable level of hostility when stating as much. Girls can be so damn mean to one another. Nonetheless, it still stands. The point you've made is salient, pertinent and really freakin' insidious. It's an attitude that I don't think the majority of games developers actually hold, but too often the products they create support that attitude without meaning to; that needs to change. On the same note I've met too many people who seem to assume that all gamer guys support that attitude, though (conversely I've never met a single person who's claimed all gamer girls think like that). I feel it worth mentioning now and then that not all guys support such a sexist viewpoint.

    Please don't think I'm attacking you or your point. I completely agree with you. My comment was simply an additional point.

    <fixes italics tags, reminds self this isn't RPoL>

    Highlighted the important point that I wanted to make. I don't even think the SWTOR creators purposely create this game with the mindset for it to be appealing to male straight gamers mostly, it's more the neglect of other options that's been shifting this game in the direction it has been heading in, with male straight gamers claiming this game for themselves, reporting maleXmale flirts as bugs just because THEY CAN.


    I've been following Brian Audette and Hal Hood on Twitter. One is lead writer, the other is lead developer, I suppose. Both seem like reasonable guys, true nerds in the best sense of the word, with all due respect for women or LGBT people.


    Why doesn't this adequatly translate into the game?


    Could it be insecurity on dev's part to take the safe path instead of the risky one? Maybe. I've tweeted BAudette about how I was surprised that male X male flirts were missing from Rep side and he said they were aiming for more diversity in the future. He seemed honest and engaged. I truly believe he feels that way. Why they chose this non-inclusive path for Makeb though, it baffles me.


    Right now, those silly straight males (presumably) who claim this game for themselves feel all justified to do so. And they will for some time to come.


    That's the thing that really irks me, because even when this game gets more diverse (which I hope it will), those types will then feel as if this game was taken away from them. They will scream bloody murder with every addition that's not catering to them.


    This is what entitlement is all about and this entitlement is infectuous and insidious indeed, unfortunately.


    I know of course not all male gamers feel that way (and I know you didn't want to attack me ;)), many many do not, but to often they get drowned out by the noise those annoying types make and don't do enough to fight back. And girls may find themselves playing male characters all of a sudden and enjoying them, because it almost feels like a harassment-free gaming experience, at last. Which may reinforce the view that most gamers are guys and girls are in the minority, since it's an open secret that many guys play female chars. Not once has anyone assumed me to be a female gamer though, playing my male char. I'm automatically assumed to be male.


    Strange, strange stuff. It almost feels like we're in the renaissance stages of Gaming and social norms are still negotiable, with the scales only very slowly tipping towards more diversity and inclusion.

  9. As long as people don't think all guys think like this.


    Who says I was talking about guys? I've encountered numerous women that gave me strange looks and raised eyebrows when they realized I'm a female gamer. This is something that pertains to both sexes, most certainly.

  10. Psst... women in this game are solely for the consumption of men... the study of (LS) Jaesa proves the rule.

    If your life doesn't revolve around pleasing men, Bioware thinks you might as well just be a man.


    I guess you're right. And by enforcing that view, it becomes part of the gaming world paradigm that plagues us 'til this day:


    Women don't play. To play, you need to be independent, have time at hand and need to be able to thoroughly enjoy yourself doing something that serves no immediate purpose in terms of procreation.


    Since women's lives only revolve around guys, the concept not only of gaming, but playing in itself is alien to the female DNA. They simply don't have the time and mental capacity. *bows*




    Gosh, I hated writing this.

  11. This add-on ( I refuse to call it an expansion) lacks on so many levels so far. I'm Lv 51 now and already moving into Lv 54 quest areas because apparently this is all there is. It's like this whole add-on consists of 20 quests (not enough to level appropriately) and they expect you to go back to other planets to actually reach Lv 55 down the line. And don't get me started about how crafting is useless with nothing to sell on the GTN and 1h wait until missions are finished.... wowee. Not really happy with this.


    But yeah, SGR(A).... this is a joke. I said it before and I'll say it again, it seems like this add-on was created by 14 year old straight guys in puberty and when they think of SGR(A), voluptuous girls who sleep with other girls but love guys even better is the first (or only) thing coming to their minds.... I don't even know what to say to that.

  12. Well, there are literally no male/male [Flirt]s on the Republic side because... gays are evil, according to Bioware: Austin?

    I have no idea. But they decided that SGR should be separated by faction, except lesbians. So, actually, the only people who get the short end of the stick are the people with gay male characters playing the Republic.

    Makes me so happy I decided to level my Smuggler guy to 50 for Makeb, not any other of my chars..... :rolleyes: But seriously, not even flirts?


    I thought that while Imps have the male x male romance option, Reps at least get flirts? AmIWrong?


    Really ridiculous situation. Bioware: Austin really needs an intervention team which looks over their processes before they publish stuff ...... :rolleyes:

  13. Fabiyun, MusedMoose, Natashina, Uluain and many more quit SWTOR during the extremely long (near on a year) period of no or misinformation Bioware was providing us.

    Saying hi! Been away for some time and just now started checking out Makeb. So far my Smuggler has encountered at least five to six male>female flirt options, but not one male > male.


    I'm .... underwhelmed. :rolleyes:

  14. Ok, that done, I'm popping in to say I'm disappointed.


    So my smuggler guy shall have a flirt, but the romance is on the other side?


    I think my highest Imp is 3. :rolleyes:


    Not sure what to do with that info, other than wanting them to make good with further story adds, including companion romance.


    I'm off to holiday for a week, wishing you guys a Happy Easter anyway. :(

  15. I support the idea of adoption - certainly in this war torn galaxy there's more than enough orphans to go around, and my Twi'lek Sorcerer would probably happily adopt a couple little mixed species br--darlings.

    Pfft, I'm sure my Agent and Vector could provide a better home environment than whatever the Empire has got running around ...

    Well, Corso and smuggler guy already figured all of that out without SGR even being implemented. I just need that to happen in the game now and not only allusions of Corso being the "uncle" and, you know, smuggler guy being the best thing that ever happened to him. :p


    I do see your point, definitely. War-torn galaxy, orphans.... basically Corso was one of them!


    So OF COURSE there would be SG marriage in some shape or form and of course they would adopt. This obvious thing makes discussing it a little more difficult though. :p


    And hey, rats are appealing. They're adorable and they don't talk back. Plus you can teach them tricks.

    I love rats! I just love cats more and cats and rats in one household.... ouch. Don't think that would work.

  16. It would be refreshing to have a romance in this game that does not result in "Let's make babies!" or "Here's how I will protect you during the baby time."

    I'm 24, cisfemale and married. I get baby crap at work, I don't want baby crap in my game*. My Warrior is not suddenly going to paint the war room pastel yellow and buy a mobile just because Quinn popped a ring on her finger.

    *My husband is very supportive and agrees with my stance of "no". We have pet rats, they're pretty much the same.

    You make it seem so appealing. :p


    While in real life I have nothing against babies (just, you know, don't hold them to my face unless I ask you to), I'm not too fond of being reminded in a video game of what I'm reduced to often enough in the real world.


    My MALE smuggler though.... if he found a way of getting hold of his offspring (and Corso seems to be certain such offspring exists somewhere) I can see us having a debate on intergalactic same-sex marriage and adoption right effing here in this thread.


    I need you all to read up on and be prepared for that, just in case, you know. :cool::p

  17. While I am looking forward to the new stuff, the answer to side mini games left me wanting more. They need to go ahead and introduce swoop racing, pod racing, and gambling in the game already. I feel it gives players something else to do outside of the daily grind. With the new legacy/reputation perks I can imagine this would take off quickly and bring some more excitement to the game.

    I think this was just the beginning. It sounds like they want to implement much more new stuff through expansions and patches, which would be cool, it if does happen the way they proclaim.

  18. Can we stop whining for stupid reasons? Take your anger and frustration out on REAL problems with the game -- like the fact that all of the APAC server subscribers are getting shafted -- or that we may never see class-specific storylines again.


    One person's problem is another person's .... shrug, I guess.


    I'm not in Australia, so why should I bother about APAC servers? I do sympathize, but more than that....


    This Barber Shop thing bothers me though, since it exempliefies how every new addition lately was tailored for the CM while it's perfectly fine to just put one in the game itself. That's what bothers me.


    Different people have different issues, it's really very simple.

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