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Posts posted by Kaidan_Samurai

  1. This bug happened to me pre 2.0. Same thing, double everything but it didn't restart until we had almost killed the Boss. We had every mob spawn in waves plus the two Bosses. (No one click anything as we were all involved in the fight.) It made the fight better IMO. :D


    We had glitches then entire time in Torvix as I recall. I never saw this bug again and I use to do this every week with multiple Alts.


    One time when I was doing a daily, (the one where you click the tower and some guy drops from the sky and you take something from him). I was waiting and more people showed up so I grouped with them. We ended up with 4 people. When I clicked the tower 3 guys dropped at the same time. I never did find out if that was a bug or worked as intended for bigger groups.

  2. Datacrons are "extras" that you can go after, some only at end game (level 50). I have them all on one character. The rest of my characters, (I said to myself) NEVER AGAIN. Stupid Balloon.


    IMO you don't need them. Maybe once you have them you look at it differently. If you're a min/max OCD person I can see why you feel you must have them. I spent countless hours going after these things. Trust me on this, you can play the game fine without them.


    Go after all the easy ones first. Then maybe go after then ones that your character benefits from. The rest are just a "completionist" thing. Learning to jump with lag can be done. I did it, but I won't do it twice. Let alone 4 more times...


    The gearing changes make the Datacrons bonus so minimal now. My end game gear on most of my Characters are crap after 2.0 went live. Mobs on Makeb are scary to a few of my Characters. The Datacrons aren't going to help at all. Even if I had them all, it wouldn't make a lick of difference.

  3. I solo'd it as a Merc Healer. My Companion (Torian Cadera) would draw the adds and I just ran in a big circle clicking whatever was up. I did help kill off the adds. My Presence is 680 and Torian is well geared with hand me downs...I had to heal him a lot but I didn't have any problems with this fight.


    Did it again with my Sorcerer and had a trouble. I had to use both my Heroic moment and light side 50% damage reduction abilities. Xalek didn't make it to the end :o

  4. Does anyone know when the problems started? I was about to log last night (around 12:30 est) when I was booted. Didn't think much of it at the time but now with all these threads maybe it was related?
  5. Lots of little mountain passes to explore too. I went down one trying to find a short cut to another area, killed some beasts and got some codex entries :)


    I like the whole feel of this new planet. They made it smaller with the islands and mountain passes. Some worlds feel empty and life is sparse. Not so with Makeb. Good Job!

  6. It's not something that's going to break the class. It's something very low on the priority list. Remember when the Bounter Hunter's Unload ability would continue to shoot someone who died from it? How long did it take them to fix that bug?


    It's just annoying that it can be interrupted and no other class has this. Of course you can have work-a-rounds. Would you be saying its not a problem if instead it did this on a "in combat" cast ability? I know it's not the same thing but I'm making a point. You shouldn't have to worry about an ability that can get interrupted by map objects.

  7. I agree, just got to 50 this past weekend on my Sorc. It was the first thing I notice compared to the other classes. The first few times I was wondering why I stopped healing up. I have a habit of checking missions notes when I do my self-heal. Once I figured it out I was left SMH at the design. I could one shot mission bosses but walls, rocks, stairs and/or ledges could stop my self-heal :/ Seems like this is something that could have a simple fix. Stop walking and do a rocking motion instead?
  8. I remember reading this guild back in the day. We will soon be saying "back in vanilla" :D I'm glad you're updating it. Keep up the good work!


    Reading over it i noticed you're using the term "5 stacks of Heat Signature" which (from what i'm reading in other threads) does not stack at all anymore. This change did not make it to PTS but it will be in 2.0. This is a direct quote from Austin Peckenpaugh "The following changes are going out in 2.0 and won't be making it onto PTS."



    -Tracer Missile: The Heat Signature applied by Tracer Missile now lasts 45 seconds. In addition, the Heat Signature effect now reduces armor by 20% and no longer stacks. Furthermore, this ability now fires a faster-moving projectile.

    -Heatseeker Missiles: This ability now deals 25% additional damage if the target is affected by your Heat Signature. In addition, this ability now fires a slightly slower-moving projectile, ensuring that the Heat Signature effect-checking will work properly if fired off immediately after a Tracer Missile.

    -Light 'Em Up: No longer affects Heat Signatures applied by Tracer Missile.


    And later he responed again so people would understand how these changes affect the AC...


    No, it doesn't work like that. Prior to 2.0, you need 5 stacks of Heat Signature in order for your HSM to deal +25% damage. After 2.0, you will need only 1 Heat Signature to achieve the same +25% effect. Also, Tracer Missile only ever applies the 1 Heat Signature. Heat Signature no longer stacks, it reduces armor by 20% all at once, and it lasts 45 seconds.


    What this change does is remove the "build up" at the start of a new fight. There are still "build up" mechanics in the Arsenal tree, but none that affects the TM and HSM relationship. The effect is marginalized by longer fights, but it should be noticeably more awesome in short fights (soloing, non-boss fights, and PVPing).


    Also, I triple checked this, but HSM does about 16% more damage in 2.0 than it did prior to 2.0 (from a coefficient of 2.39 to a coefficient of 2.77). I believe this change went undocumented. In any case, HSM won't be getting any stronger than it already is, which is very, very strong by the way.

    Austin Peckenpaugh

    Class Designer"



    Link to source material: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=615188

  9. I would love to have Legacy gathering abilities. Something along the lines of heroic abilities where you can use the gathering abilities of another character in your Legacy. The borrowed gathering ability would need the appropriate level to what you are trying to gather, same as if you were using your default gathering skill. Your could add a cool down of 5 hours per Character to keep people from farming everything they see with one Character. It could be a Character perk that you unlock, one for each gathering skill you want.


    As an example; You would have the ability to borrow Archaeology, when your current character is Bioanalysis. The resources might show up as different colors (beside gold) or different shapes on the mini map based upon your Legacy gathering abilities.


    Some gathering skills are used more by crafting than others, this change would bring more balance to gathering.


    As an example; If I have 3 Characters that use Armormech, Armstech, and Cybertech as crafting skills, I may have 3 Scavenging abilities. Meanwhile Bioanalysis is only used by Biochem. People who use Scavenging on multiple characters with different Crafting skills have an advantage over a crafting skill that has a single use gathering skill. As a result, they have 3 times the amount of gathering ability.


    This would allow me to choose which gathering skill I want to use on each Character. It would allow more freedom to play how I want, and it's an easy way to balance gathering skills across our Legacy.

  10. op or sniper? i know snipers have energy regen increasers, maybe he had this popped and that's what you saw.


    I don't remember what the AC was. However, I've looked through every tree, and the only ones that affect energy are a number bonus. Combat Stims (Lethality) +5 energy when used or Snipers Nest (Markmanship) plus 1 per second while in cover. Unless I missed an ability? These are not a % bonus. This seems gear related or some other pick up that adds 4% to the 5% base.

  11. Yesterday I saw an Agent on fleet and when I checked his stats I noticed his Energy regen rate (on the tech tab) was 9%, not the standard 5%. The mouse over tool tip said he had a 4% bonus. I’m sure of what I saw.


    I’ve never seen this before but I did stop playing for about 4 months.


    How do I get this bonus? I can’t seem to find anything that says you can do it. Most of what I have read says this is a static 5%.


    Thanks for any input!

  12. Welcome back guys! Glad to see people still returning to the game. I cant speak for PVE, but I know that in PVP mercenary is not the best choice. It isnt that they arent "good" and cant be "good", but there are other classes that can replace them much, much easier and also have more useful mechanics. Pyro merc? Powertech is better. Arsenal merc? Sniper is better. Healer merc? Both sorc and agent argueably have more useful mechanics. Not trying to turn you away from the mercenary, but just a suggestion that may save you some time and frustration farther down the road. I've played a PT since launch and can vouch for the Pyro PT being very, very, VERY strong.


    I was a level 71 in PVP before I left the game. Of course I had a level 37 Operative as an Alt. Can you guess which two classes received the nerf bats the hardest? I rolled a Mara to be able to continue my role as DPS in PVP but alas Free To Play was announced. I felt like I was paying for something I could do for free in a few months. My 6 month sub was due and so many games were coming out in the fall that I wanted to play.


    I am back and when I logged in my server had merged (again). 2 of my 5 toons needed to be renamed. My legacy name needed to be changed. I needed to respec as my points had been refunded. New skill? An interrupt! HA! Okay I'm starting to like this. Can anyone explain any other major changes? Do we have any other escape mechanic? I assume very little has changed based on the tool tips but if I'm missing something please post a reply.

  13. Hey guys im back to the game after a couple of months of being away.

    thing is i tend to forget everything pritty fast and i would like to just try to get back in to things as soon as possible.

    Got my self a lvl 43 merc. i like to pvp and pve equially alot. i was planning to go with a build thats directed towards pvp but will leave me able to still solo quest and some normal dunny runs.

    Basicly i just want to know if this build is still viable? and if not please lemme know why and please feel free to leave suggestions



    advice greatly appreciated thanks in advance.


    Yes, this! I'm back from a 4 month absence and I am looking to find out what has changed. I'm going through the forums but I am having a hard time finding a single source post. Mostly I'm finding threads about a specific change, which is helpful but not all encompassing. Sometimes they seem outdated. I just want to make sure I'm studying the most current information.


    I'm a level 50 arsenal merc with some black hole gear. Specifically looking for any changes that may have affected rotation and/or weapon priority.


    Any and all help would be appreciated.

  14. I missed the Datacron in the Colicoid Queen mission (Balmorra). I went back today to grab it and the door won't let me past because I'm not in the "appropriate mission". How can I do this mission again as the story has progressed and is not available? If I group can I get in that way?
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