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Posts posted by SenaZane

  1. I think most people understand this.


    The concern is as follows. At launch they had only one and it cost a lot of people (by Ohlen's own words). then you look at the effect the delay was between the last new end game addition and SoR. Some loses that Eric admitted to being regrettable at NYC Cantina.


    So the concern is, and I think it is valid to consider, "will the new story be interesting enough after 9 chapters that players will hang around as they are parsing out of the last 7?" It's clear the parsing is to try and mitigate a player loss. If they gave it ALL at once, people would probably be done by Thanksgiving and then what to do?


    It's a ll a big question mark and these make people nervous.


    The biggest issue with the one op they had at launch was probably that you were unable to complete it more so than the fact there was only one. KP came out fast enough that had EV actually worked, it would have tided folks over until it's release. If anything this example shows you the price of rushing new content without taking time to fix it. Does it suck that there are no new ops? Sure it does, but I would rather wait and have it working than have them rushing to put something together on top of the sheer amount of stuff they are already doing.

  2. I want to ask everyone a serious question here... Do you really expect them to add a crapton of new story stuff, a bunch of new companions, a new stronghold, new items, a total revamp of the older content to make it relevant again, and still make the deadline if they add ENTIRELY NEW OPS on top of all the other things they are doing? Call me an "apologizer" all you want but if you stopped to think for a moment, this really is the most ambitious update they have planned in the history of the game and they can't do everything at once and still make their deadline.
  3. Biggest thing I can see is that if down the road they merge into a mega server people will complain that they spent CC on a transfer. But since it's only 90 coins, people shouldn't complain too much.


    People will complain regardless... People who transferred a month ago are complaining about the decrease in cost because THEY were too lazy to take advantage of 12x exp.

  4. People are always like "EEW RP SERVER" or "EEW PVE SERVER" but fail to realize that these are the servers that have more player driven things like OWPvP and these people are less likely to rage quit after losing or leave WZs. I legit have only ever seen one person ever leave a WZ on TEH.


    That being said I would suggest Shadowlands over anywhere else for the people who are trying to figure it out or are unattached to people on other servers. It is more competitive there and I think they would be happier there.

  5. I really like the changes, but just have on thing to say about the AoE node cap interruption. I can completely understand where you are coming from, but it seems like you are punishing the group when if fact it is only a few culprits responsible, namely the ranged channeled AoEs without CDs (and to some extent orbital strike). A lot of people like to stand in the back and cheese using those AoEs to prevent anyone ever even getting a chance to cap and that is definitely a reason there are so many stalemates. For those AoEs, I think it would be fine to not let them interrupt a cap, but for AoEs that do have CDs like fragmentation grenade, smash, death from above or death field or AoEs that take some skill to use like lacerate, carbine burst, double saber toss or whatever the knight/warrior class has should still be able to do its job. You can't cheese with any of those, and they require skill and knowledge of when to use.


    At the very least make AoEs that have a specified target like fragmentation grenade, smash or double saber toss still be able to interrupt as those are the classes that will be hurt the most by this change.


    That is an idea, or maybe have only the first tick of a channeled AOE interrupt. That would actually make it closer to what the Melee can do. Then all you need to do is CC so it doesn't happen again. I don't like the change mostly because if people stand on top of each other it is gonna be a pain to target, especially when you have no idea if your team is targeting other folks or the same person as you.

  6. can we just let this go please... its part of the reason they dont give us any info is this being brought up 50 times a week.... get over it, move on, and let it go.


    My guess is that it hasn't happened yet and people should be patient. I assume whatever it is will be more noticeable than these few quality of life adjustments they are making. They are clearly starting to move in the right direction so I suspect they are taking a baby steps approach.


    Who can blame them when everyone is losing their mind over some changes that will drastically improve their server's population?

  7. 1) Since the AOE thing isn't set in stone yet, DON'T DO IT. I can't tell you how many times I am at a door with at least 3 other people, yet I am the only one watching the door. I mean sure it adds a new dynamic, but it is harder to target people when they are on top of each other and the only way to effectively get them all is AoE.


    2) I see a lot of folks complaining about "exclusivity" of ranked please consider this (apart from the obvious fact you can't get more people for ranked if it is an exclusive club). "174s aren't a ferrari or a Lamborghini. They're just a numerical stat advantage based on time played." according to a friend of mine debating this in a place where the rules are not as stringent. He is right. Gear will not make you play better or worse than you already do. The only thing it will do is even the playing field and make skill disparities more glaringly obvious, which is kind of what you wan't in ranked anyways when forming a team for 4s. We might actually get to see the ELO system working fully. With more people queuing you might actually get put into games against people with similar skill instead of just whoever the other team that is queuing is. Not to mention you are ignoring the whole "However, there will still be one exclusive reward per rating tier." So Joe Sixpack who can buy gold tier rewards at bronze still won't be able to buy one of the rewards and you get your special shiny exclusive item still. Joe probably deserves a gold reward from the gold tier given how much he played to buy that item anyways.

  8. Sadly, most of these folk - along with the trolls and ragers - get off on this sort of thing. They think it's hilarious.


    Trolls/Ragers/insult(ers?) want a response. They'll do or say anything to get one, because that means they "got" to you (which apparently = hilarious).


    For instance, on X server, there's a barely literate human being that hands out hackusations and verbal abuse, who we will call Buck. Buck has poor understanding of game mechanics, hence he sees cheating in every match. He's quick to call out the "haxer" in /say. In one magical Hypergates, Buck called out one of those hacking operatives and accused him of healing w/out a healer. The actual healer in the wz merely said ^ to imply he was healing him. Said healer then got a paragraph of insults. Why? Because he responded. Now in this case I believe Buck is mentally handicapped and probably abused irl, which is sad, and also could explain why he experiences euphoria through the degradation of others. Lack of self-esteem could be the cause for others? I don't know.


    In short, these people are generally quite "happy" because their raging/trolling/ddos'ing elicits emotional responses, which they find hilarious (why, I wonder...)


    I am not talking about people like Buck though. Buck will do whatever it is Buck does. Not trying to discredit Buck here because people like Buck exist, but Buck is the same on every MMO. I will use myself as an example to prove that it is not impossible to behave civilly, if not kindly to others despite how unhappy I am with the game itself.


    I have been around since launch. I have watched all that Bioware has done wrong as well as the things it has started doing right. I have watched many many people go. I have watched people come back and then go again not long after. I am fed up with the lack of communication and how much of a joke PvP is right now. I am unhappy with it, but I find SWTOR to be the game that I am sticking with until something better comes along or until it gets it's stuff together. I am no angel, nor do I paint myself as trying to be one, but I am a generally nice person to other people in game, albeit wary of their intentions sometimes. The worst thing I say in warzones is "Shut up and just play." and then I move on and say nothing else. I cope with PvP as it is because I am able to tough through all the idiocy. I cope with PvP because I can ignore guys like Buck and (let's bring another hypothetical guy to show my antithesis) Louie.


    Louie, like myself has been around since launch and seen all the things I have. Like me, he is on SWTOR 'til Bioware gets their stuff in gear or something better comes along. Unlike me, all Louie does day in day out is talk about how bad the game is between queues, even though he is still playing and has no intention of leaving himself. He flames the rest of the team for his loss in regs, knowing full well that most of the people around aren't super competitive and/or are less skilled. He is the dude who will argue all match with Buck then call the whole team bad despite the fact him and Buck did nothing but argue all match so the team was down two people. Louie sees new people all the time and berates them for their mistakes rather than help them. He complains how everyone is moving to where the action is, and even though it is 12x exp and people offered to help him grind gear, he wont roll a character there or transfer a character. He sits there and wallows in his own pit. He doesn't get a rise out of it or anything, he is just fed up and doesn't think the way he is acting could make things worse when in actuality it does. Sure his sour mood is attributed to Bioware in a lot of ways, but it is HIS choice to act like he does.

  9. Did you read the entire post? Let me break this down:

    1) Community ruins any chance of class balance -- without balance players will never be happy.

    2) Who is taking away the chance for class balance? The community.

    3) How are they ruining balance? By demanding changes.

    4) Why does demanding changes ruin balance? Because Bioware cannot balance classes based on community input.

    5) Why can't Bioware balance classes based on community input? Because giving in to player demands creates 2 major problems:

    a) Dev's are viewed as inept because they need players to balance their own game

    b) Players will expect Dev's to always meet their demands


    If Bioware stops communicating (effectilvely freeing them to do what's best without evidence of a direct correlation between a player suggestion and an implemention) and utilizes balance fixing solutions while adding new content to keep players engaged, morale will improve. Once morale increases, discontent will decrease and mouthbreathers will have less cause to vomit on their keyboards. Less vomit in chat = happier players all around....

    So both of us are right :p


    I did read the entire post and I agree that people will be happier if stuff got better, I just fail to see why it is so impossible for an unhappy person to not take it out on everyone else. I do not see why players can't do what I do and rage/insult people out loud while remaining stone cold silent in game. I fail to see how being "happy" would make people not queue-sync or DDOS people who are better than them (spoiler alert, these folks would do this regardless of how well done the game is, they are miserable people). I fail to see why this "unhappiness" prevents people from keeping their original threads or other posts about the same things alive instead of posting a new post about the same thing every day and having 80 posts about whatever it might be.


    Nothing prevents you from being a civil human being apart from yourself!

  10. You are correct about the community ruining the game, but not for the reasons you think.


    The community ruins the game by offering feedback and pages of ideas for class balance, and by gaining support for said ideas by a majority of players.


    But how can this possibly ruin the game?


    I'm glad you asked that! The answer is simple: Bioware can never, ever concede or aquiesce a balance decision demanded by players. Imagine if John Jarny said, "the players are correct and we will be implementing their vision for watchman (insert x discipline here)." That would create a precedent players would cling to until sweet death releaased them from their daily woes. They'd essentially be admiting players know more about balance than they do. And they'd be putting their gargantuan ego's aside.


    Think about it: the community came up with a ton of great solutions for a merc anti-focus mechanism. What did John do? He made up his own. Players cried and cried for watchman changes -- top theory crafters literally spelled out the bare minimum required to made the spec viable -- and what happened? Again, the Dev's came up with their own solution.


    In summation: the community will always be at odds with the devs because the Dev's have no choice but to reject our ideas. Bioware made a mess of things by asking for feedback and promptly ignoring it. If you choose give the people a voice (as Bioware did by asking for feedback) then you must engage your community or risk unrest and severe discontent. Bioware's only choice now is to stop asking for feedback.


    Still not seeing how this has anything to do with the way that players affect other players. All I see is more of how Bioware affects the players, which doesn't have anything to do with this thread.


    What baffles me is how people can't just admit that both contribute to the state of PvP. Until Bioware gets it's stuff together all we have is the current community and any potential new folks. The people who are still around clearly aren't sticking around because Bioware has done a stellar job, but they are still here and shouldn't do things to dishearten new players. The new players are less likely to enjoy the game if the community is full of douchenozzles.

  11. I agree 100 percent with you there, but that is not what is responsible for the low population in pvp atm. It doesnt help, but it is not what is mainly responsible. That lies, 100% on BWs shoulders.


    Never said that players were responsible for low population. Although technically it was their choice to quit, it was in the past and has nothing to do with the people who are still around. What I DID say is what the players who are still around are responsible for in regards to low population: chasing away potentials by being a douche and showing how a low population makes it easier to queue-sync. I pointed out that while they might not want to have to re-roll or transfer to other servers, there are things that the players are doing to make their low pop environment less than inviting, so they shouldn't blame Bioware for people wanting to get away from those servers and people not rolling characters on those servers. Could Bioware fix this problem by a megaserver or cross server? You bet your butt they could, but they don't seem to be anytime soon, so we have to think about things in terms of what WE can do to make things better.

  12. Would you elaborate on ATTITUDES please? Is it wintrading, hacking, other? Surely there is a problem in some server community attitude, but how that is affecting 4 vs 4 more than balance, wintrading etc.?

    PvP player pool is the problem and eludes me how that can be addressed when in order to be effective must syncQ in yolo with 3 FOTM players. How is that attractive to new players? Since the ranking system is only 4 vs 4.

    It is a series of mistakes that worsen the pvp experience and raise the resentment.


    Attitude involves all of the above in my book since it refers to how they approach the game in its current state. It is anything that the player themselves are doing regardless of if it is wintrading, hacking, queuesyncing (which is made infinitely easier to do in low pop servers) and generally being a douche.


    It is the player's prerogative to queuesync with friends because they want to "roflstomp" and get easy wins. It is a player's choice to sit at spawn during a match and complain about how the team is losing instead of actually helping to turn the match around. It is a player's choice to be rude to a newbie in game. All of it essentially goes back to their attitude and keeping an attitude in check is entirely in the control of the player not Bioware.

  13. Lol I just gave you a correlation Flop et. al.


    The mere fact that BW doesn't have any tiered system based on skill is a DIRECT correlation. The likelihood of the "overwhelming desire to be a critical of gameplay" doesn't happen when the disparagy between skilled and noob isn't as prevalent as it is now.


    Here is how you should see what's "killing pvp".


    Game has very few controls/oversight ( 1.2 patch)> players attempt to compensate (PvP migration to Fatman)> nothing changes> frustration mounts (YOUR EXAMPLE)> players either leave or are disgruntled( YOUR EXAMPLE)> cascade affect begins, you lose players (POPULATION) with voice of reason(ME), and disgruntled become more emboldened (win traders, Que sync, does )> people know those types exist, so you, as a "legit" player assume someone could/might be advesrly affecting the match on purpose(AGAIN YOUR EXAMPLE)> Arguments/trolls ensue.


    Is it really that hard to connect these dots or are you guys so focused on getting it feelings hurt that you can't see the REAL ISSUE?


    As much as you think you are not the cause of the problem, you exactly why **** won't change. You too busy blaming me for being "hard" on you for not feeling the need to compensate for BW inadequacies...





    And I'm not even "that guy" you guys are killing PvP just as much as turds are....


    And despite the correlation between the two it is still a player's choice to behave as they do. I understand that you are jaded and that Bioware could do lots of things better, I am in FULL AGREEMENT OF THAT, but sitting here and trying to say that people aren't responsible for their own actions goes beyond being obtuse. You seem to be missing the entire point I am trying to make here, so allow me to make it clear.... THERE ARE 4 RANKED TEAMS THAT ARE NOT PVPING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF ATTITUDES. Please continue to tell me how being a jerk isn't hurting PvP at all.

  14. I'm still waiting for any logical connections between any in game failures and behavior. Nothing youve mentioned, even though much of it is 100% true, provides any justification to being a douche to other players who had nothing to do with and bear no responsibility for any of them.


    They can't which is why I have to repeat myself so much. They can't admit that they are shafting themselves in the foot or take responsibility for chasing away people from PvP. Despite everything Bioware has done, they are still playing the game. Everyone knows that we are fed up with things including Bioware so all WE CAN DO is what little we can to make things better. Chasing people away from PvP is NOT MAKING THINGS BETTER. So when a fed up person quits, no one is there to refill the gap that is made, and it is killing PvP even if no one wants to really admit it. I know of at least 17 people outside of this thread that have not PvPed because of the attitudes.. That is 4 ranked groups not PvPing cause of jaded people who cant keep their mouths shut.


    I am definitely not innocent of raging and name calling. Heck, I've done it plenty of times with some folks in this thread. I don't flame you even though I really want to. It really isn't a difficult concept to grasp. You can keep blaming Bioware and their neglect of Pvp for the way you are treating others or man up and take responsibility for your actions.

  15. I play swtor from launch having 11 toons, 8 60 pvp.

    PvP is badly wounded from several BW choices through those years. The contribution of the pvp players to that is minimal compared to BWs.

    The worst choice was 3.0 balance and the final blow. Medium lvl pvp destroyed. Solo pvp destoyed by 3 fotm specs (not just 1 as in the past). It is 99% BW responsibility NOT to do things worse than they are.


    And it is 100% our responsibility to not act like jerks just because of stuff they are/aren't doing and ruin the game for other people. it is 100% our faults for not having helped or be nice to people causing them NOT to PvP and make an already dying scene die more.

  16. That's just one facet. What about actually addressing in game issues in a timely manner? Actually listening to player driven solutions and in acting them, again, in a timely manner? All these "player driven solutions have been tried before in this very game and nothing has changed. Again, we, as a community don't control the environment, so how can you expect people to follow your own subjective compass?


    You can't.


    The lack or adjustment of desire and motivation to address PvP is the main reason this community is where it is.


    The source is what is truly killing PvP.


    I never mentioned solutions to problems; just tutorials, guides and the like, so at this point it feels like you are twisting my words for argument's sake. You are completely ignoring the fact I have agreed that Bioware does need to do something and you are ignoring it because you seem to feel all of the stuff that is wrong justifies being a douche (or maybe you just want to argue). You are still here though are you not? You are putting yourself through the "suffering" are you not? That is YOUR prerogative to do so of course. That doesn't mean you have to treat others like dirt. That doesn't render you incapable of reaching out to new players to help them. That doesn't mean you get to cut everyone down. Those choices are on you regardless of the reasoning behind it.


    The way your argument plays out is as follows. "God Bioware has done a cruddy job at this game. Better go harass noobs, make everyone else's life miserable and DDOS the people who are better than me."


    P.S. Most of the community at the point in time just want more action. The ones that are around have generally given up on any competitive aspect the game could have potentially. The people on servers like Pot5 make no attempt to attract more people there or keep the people they do have there. So yeah it is killing it off. Even servers like Harby don't make much of a case for themselves, but it isn't as big of a problem because that is where everyone is.

  17. Lol... Really? Not providing a place/tutorials for people to learn proper gameplay is not BW fault?:rolleyes: Not having proper population or metrics to divide the cattle didn't lead to the critical nature those conversations lead to?


    Nopers. It's not a song and dance. It's naive to think the community is somewhat responsible for policing itself in an environment that breeds those sorts of actions. The reason why other games succeed, where BW fails is that they are "healthy" from a development aspect. This game is not, and is the core of the myriad of douchebags you speak of.


    Rito doesn't own any of the big sites that show champion builds and go in depth about each champion. No game owns any of the sites with in depth explanations of the games they are about now that I am thinking about it. They are all player driven. If there is a game that has this, kudos to them though I am guessing any of the content on said sites is still player driven.

  18. The reason I knwo is becasue I got some hate tells after a match and when I replied I got the "You are ignored" message. Next WZ I was on the same team as the guy again.


    I guess I should consider myself lucky then, though very rarely do I feel the need to ignore a person via the ignore system. I try and save my ignore slots for gold spammers, not Mr. Mediocre but thinks he is the bees knees. I personally just don't give a hoot, but I am not everyone else and can only control me and hope that others somehow see reason someday. :rolleyes:


    P.S. I feel like we should be having this convo on FB friend.

  19. ok, here's a realllly simple one...

    Criticizing a player for not knowing the proper actions in a battleground has nothing to do with bioware. That is not systemic. You could just as easily educate that player, but you choose to berate them. This has nothing whatever to do with anything in game even if it was perfect, that is player oriented.

    We can dance this dance for days, but there is nothing in this or any other game that justify players being douchebags... nothing.


    Oh and LoL and other games succeed for a myriad of reasons from cost to many things. to simplify all that down to one thing is as silly as blaming bio for for the topics of this thread


    Not to mention there are several people who have come forward in this thread that do not PvP because of toxicity. If I went and posted this in each of the server forums how many more would come out of the woodwork? Now that I think about it probably none because they are too worried that they will get their butts chewed off by the people who usually inhabit this part of the forum.

  20. No, the source is 99.99999999999999999999999999999 % of the problem. See sig, other games have toxic communities, yet they thrive.


    Other games aren't SWTOR. Other games aren't what we are playing. When a game is in a bad spot shouldn't you want to do EVERYTHING you possibly can to help it grow and thrive again? 99% of the people who have gone will NEVER come back regardless of what Bioware does or does not do. A-holes are going to act like a-holes to other players regardless of what Bioware does or does not do.You can't honestly tell me that they wouldn't act like a-holes if they fixed things because those people will still get mad at people less skilled than them and act foolish. League can afford to have some people quit because of how toxic the community is, SWTOR can't. We can't change the past or change the fact we will never see the game be as teeming with folks as it used to be. All we can do it try and help the community grow and yes that IS up to us.

  21. No I'm not missing your point. It's misguided. I'll try to explain it again using the Matrix analogy.


    Community members are all plugged into the system. You have Oracles, hackers, Agents, and the oblivious. Each operate inside the system and "do what they are suppose to do", but they still HAVE TO operate in the environment controlled by the source.


    The same people you complain about are operating in an environment that is makes it possible.


    The question is choice, BUT if you have an environment were there IS NO CHOICE, and separate based on skill, balance continually, instead of every 6-7months, add new "fun" content regularly, you eliminate those bad apples because they have little, if anything to complain about, and population would remain high because you are actually providing a quality environment.


    Tech used a simplified version of this explanation, but the problem is ALWAYS the source of who controls the rules of the system.


    It is always possible to not act like a douche regardless of your environment. It is always possible to not overreact to every little thing. Do you know what I do? I rage like hell out loud and in comms around people who know I am just venting. NOT ONCE do I let it spill into my matches or game. If I get too upset with people and the game, I step away. Sure I am cursing and screaming IRL, but no one knows I am calling them a window licker because I seem fairly composed in game. I post a single thread and keep it up for discussion instead of re-posting the same thing every day. I know people are seeing my thread and the mods likely do as well. There is nothing I can do to control what Bioware does so I accept it and just play the game or play whatever else I feel like playing when I am tired of SWTOR. I do not take it out on the rest of the community outwardly.


    The source is PART OF THIS PROBLEM... The other part is the players. We cannot grow our community to its full potential if our actions are stunting the growth regardless of how bad the game may or may not be. Thank you and have a nice day.

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