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Posts posted by laparkuh

  1. how difficult is this to understand?


    MOST PEOPLE DONT DO PREMADES (seriously, a team of 8 pre will dismantle 50+ PUGS over a night)


    Your premades cause people to quit.( perceived or real imbalance exploiting FOTM and Hacks)


    Think about a GANG in the HOOD.....they are only 20 strong and the neighborhood has 1,000 people in it. But the gang causes all the problems, they have the illegal guns(hacks), Drugs(STIM,STIM,STIM), they have the coordination to abuse individuals, ETC


    Could the 1,000 people make their own GANG and kill the original GANG...sure, but most just leave the neighborhood, or wait for the COPS (BW) to do something about it.


    In short, the Premades kill MMOs....solo's quit playing, then the group cancer rolls to another game to infect...killing that one as well. Vicious Vicious cycle.


    You need to get this through your troll head. You don't need A PREMADE. Simple commands through chat work wonders, but according to previous posts you don't even want to do that. You just want to join a warfront, dps, and watch people die. That sounds like a first person shooter. So why are you still here?

  2. Make friends, use chat to organize people, or stop pvping. Those are you're choices. The games not going to change because you don't like healers healing and tanks protecting their allies. If you really cant type "focus healer" or any type of command in chat, again, you have no business in a multiplayer game...
  3. Sounds like you want kotor 3. This isn't it. It's an mmo and those are built on team synergy. I challenge you to name 1 mmo that has pvp like you suggested. And by the way,mmo pvp is very rarely 1v1 so remove that idea and you might be happier.
  4. It would just make more premades as it breaks the seal in cooperation. "Hey "gandalf" you should run the conceal spec without the hidden strike knockdown. Open with hiddenstrike, then debilitate, and I will come in with my debilitate and we can chain stun people for 8 secs without filling resolve"


    I have no real issue with in-game chat. But I DO NOT want build synergies, and exploits that knock balance out of whack.


    Why don't you want to "work with your team" though? Is it too hard? Are you the "solo Rambo" who dies and just cjagres back in without strategy? Just trying to figure out your hate for teamplay in a team game. Like you said earlier, fps games sound more up your alley. Even then though, I could be in vent and tell my partner where your sniping from in those too....

  5. People who think mmo's should reward soloing more than grouping are why mmos are failing. Is it really to hard to make one or 2 friends? "but I don't wanna" isn't a valid reason when asking for game changing design by the way. If you want to be rambo, play fps, otherwise teamplay matters. Oh and I personally solo queue about 5-10 games a day depending on schedule before you accuse me of being a premade user.
  6. So making it impossible to unqueue, and forcing people to stay and take a beating if they get a lopsided group is your genius idea for solving everything?


    Oh that's sure to work, at making people not even queue period anymore that is.


    Seriously, you need to go home and rethink your life after a thought like that.


    Pretty sure other games have incentives for people "not to leave" once they join, like a truancy debuff, and yet people still play those games...imagine that.

  7. I see that you can respec whenever you want by going to the fleet or capital and talking to someone.


    Why punish everyone by letting a DPS tank when hes never tanked before just so he can get in a group faster. Its wasting everyone else time.


    Why do you ASSUME that's his first experience tanking? Could have tank alts, tanked many times before on the same character, you just don't know...

  8. You don't need a combat log. Of any sort. For any reason. The game gives you everything you need. Your own simple analysis will tell you the rest.


    Are bosses dying? Then damage-dealers are doing their job.

    Are healers staying alive? Then the tank is doing their job.

    Are tanks staying alive? Then the healers are doing their job.


    Problem solved.


    And if those aren't happening, then it'd be really nice to have a log of what went on to see what went wrong.

  9. My rage? how about rage quoting the wrong post?



    By the way I'm not raging.



    You want people who like the game but have a difference of opinion to leave. I've paid 6month sub. No hatred here, just would like to see a few things polished. The fact you attack those and state they don't like the game proves you're raging pretty hard.


    Edit : Nice long edit there for someone who isn't raging at all.

  10. For the.. I dunno how many "ith" time.. this game is no less single player than any other MMO in existence.


    Because YOU CHOOSE to play solo does not change the fact that it is:


    1. A massive game

    2. A multiplayer game

    3. A persistent world

    4. Capable of allowing players to group and play together at ANY time.



    All four of which are the only requirements a game needs to be an MMO.



    You're rage makes it impossible for you to understand my post so let me help you. I said, "IF people keep telling others to GET OUT, then you're left with no one playing but yourself, IE a single player game." Get it now?

  11. Most of the people saying "FINE LEAVE!" probably don't even have characters outside of lvl 40 and won't even see the problems this caused for weeks. Then they'll start questioning as to why nothing was done but it'll be too late by then. By the way, just because a problem doesn't currently affect YOU, doesn't mean it isn't a problem.
  12. For all the people saying "get used to it", is that going to be your answer to everything Bioware does, regardless if it's a good or bad change? They "fixed" something that wasn't broken and made it worse. If that's how you prefer this game to be run, that's great. But I personally would like to see issues fixed...not features that actually work as intended...
  13. You nailed it! WoW invented combat logs and parsing data as we know it....they never existed prior to WoW and that's why people can't live without it! People don't want combat logs for the sake of improving their character with a good casting rotation or anything...
  14. I don't know what to tell you. People have been complaining that recount is needed "to max one's DPS and know MY personal DPS" well now you have one. But now you want one to know MINE..I pay my sub..when you pay my sub you may know my personal information.


    Untill then..did what we did in everquest. LOOK around and see who is doing what. If you can't know who is not doing their job in a 22 minute boss fight. Then maybe you are just not as leet as you once have thought. I..personally can turn the angle to see who's doing what while I'm fighting...


    If you can't maybe your the bad..not them.



    You skirted the question. Why are YOU personally so upset and worried about you're numbers? Are you that "guy watching TV"? If you are contributing to the group then it shouldn't matter what anyone can see. Are you also the player that hates when someone "inspects your gear"?

  15. How is it fair that your affecting MY fun by forcing an app that groups MY PERSONAL INFO into your hands. You forcing this APP on my hands. This game started without recount or add on's and it will live on that way. Now YOU know your DPS. And I KNOW mine.


    You just can't scream at people in raid for low numbers. I don't get it, you got YOUR PERSONAL DPS. Now you want MY INFORMATION. Once you pay my sub you can.




    It's not fun to wipe over and over because someone is sitting back "easy-mode" hitting one skill over and over to "look busy" while watching their favorite tv show. Group combat logs find that person right away and promptly place a "kick-me" sign on their back. Unless that player is YOU...then I don't see why you're so upset...

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