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Posts posted by Kagek

  1. there is a difference in asking for help and demanding someone tell them how to play. Talking about which skill should be higher in a rotation is asking for help, demending someone tell them what their rotation should be is different. The forums were never build for the purpose of good players telling bad ones how to play.


    You will NEVER be a good player if you are incapable to thinking on your own, what most of these players are demanding is for someone to tell them how to play. If you need someone to tell you how to play and how to gear you will NEVER be a good player.


    I couldn't disagree more. Your explanation for people being 20-25% worse at dps is that they didn't reinvent the wheel as well as others? And the forums weren't made for people to help each other? *** are you on? I want to see how the world would work in real life if everyone had to reinvent everything and never ask for help. And pretending to know what the forums were made for it hypocrisy itself.


    There's not a whole of stuff you can actually do wrong with a Veng rotation, this tells me that the numbers mentioned in this thread are either made up, misunderstood or perhaps slight gear differences make a larger dps difference then we think.


    Yesterday I grabbed on of those "change to do extra damage every 4 seconds" relics to see how they compare to flat stat PvP relic and did a couple minute parse on a dummy. I was shocked to see my dps on dummy go down from 1.5k to 1.38k. The dps proc was apparently barely doing anything and the loss of like 130 power from the previous relic made at least 120 dps difference.

  2. a WELL PLAYED vengence jugg can do nearly the same damage as well played marauders.



    The issue is you have to be good at it. The problem with 99.999999999999999999% of gamers now post wow is they think they should just stand there and do max potential DPS.The SW base class has the 2 most demanding advanced classes due to the resource management. If you cannot make the class perform it is not because it is underpowered it is because you are doing it wrong.


    I hate to say it but it is a 100% L2P issue. Deception assassins are WAY too low IMO but PvP QQ will keep that spec from ever being useful in PvE, however DPS juggs are far from bad DPS


    Alright, that's awesome. We all most likely suck. Great. Now maybe you'd like to actually contribute something constructive and tell us how not to suck? Cause I tried the rotation listed in the YouTube video in the other thread about this and my dps on OPS dummy actually decreased a little bit instead of increased.

  3. I am sorry but you are wrong yes my tank spec on my assassin can in large pulls in full dps gear out dps my deception easy but if you think that jugger is below deception you are sorely mistaken. We have in our guild a vengence specced jugger who easy pull 1400-1500 dps on tanks in EC and also on kephess, i have never seen a deception come close to that over the entire fight.


    Before the L2P comments i do know what i am doing and it is true deception can with some luck and the right mods/augment/ect do nice damage its still not close to my jugger and as i wrote resource is insanely much easier to control on a jugger.


    Can you ask him for his rotation, last time I did tanks in HM denova I was only putting about 1100-1150 dps with my Veng Jugg. Sure not all of my equipment had augments yet that that point, but I doubt adding another 60 power would make my dps jump up 250-350 dps.

  4. CPU: Intel i7-3930k

    Ram: 16 gigs.

    Video Card: Radeon HD 6950 with unlocked shaders.

    Fleet FPS: avg of mid 20's I believe, haven't checked in a while.

    8 Man Ops: 60-70ish from what I remember.

    16 Man Ops: don't do those.

  5. It was an example. In the game it comes from, in combat resurrection isn't unusual or uncommon, and repair charges per death are easily covered by the amount of coin dropped in the chest. The point was there are a lot of great ways to design dps checks without resorting to a hard time>X, Mob gets ********* buff and you all die style. That's just a flat out lazy one.


    Well, I don't think Enrage Timer is that horrible, at least it's not like you all immediately drop dead when the timer is reached. Yeah the mob is 1 shotting people but if you're really close you might still be able to bring it down. Plus with some bosses having a slow attack rate it gives you quite a bit of extra time.


    In the end if you've hit the Enrage Timer and was able to defeat the boss with half the raid dead then you know you weren't quite perfect and have room for improvement but you're not punshed with having to restart the entire fight.


    I don't really see why people are looking for innovation in encounter design all the time. If you have a tried and true raid mechanic, why stay away from it? Are you really going to be able to invent something better or are you more likely to just annoy people?

  6. DPS check is a bogus excuse for an enrage timer. This fight was a DPS check with no enrage timer and used thought:


    Rathgar is a pure DPS fight plain and simple. 30 seconds into the fight and then one minute or so afterwards he will one shot your tank and every minute after. Rathgar will gain one level every time he kills someone. If he reaches level 99 he will one shot every single person he targets(starts at 94).


    This means you need atleast two tanks in your raid and rezzing them quickly so they can get back on the mob to get the next one shot will be crucial. The tanks can be the ONLY people in your raid to die.


    You need to kill Rathgar in under 4 minutes ideally with NO ONE but your tanks taking the deaths. This means your total raid dps needs to be around 300-500k dps to achieve this as he does have a decent amount of HP.


    Um, thats one of the worst encounter design I've ever heard of. Who'ld want to be a tank if that means duying over and over? That's a nice repair bill for them and I don't see anything fun in duying and being resurrected multiple times during the fight because thats the way they designed the fight.

  7. See, but I should not be able to drop a heavy armor class 75% in 3 gcd's (well one of those channeled)...and right now I can.


    What does it matter if the armor they're wearing is heavy? That's like 5% damage reduction max.


    I do ok vs Marauders with my Veng Jugg, just have to be in Soresu. They do seem to have a lot of defensive abilities though.

  8. I guess the OP doesn't give a flying **** about the Bioware employees having to work for the whole night straight to release a patch for him. Looks like they won 2 hours from their management, good for them.


    I work as QA for a software company and I can tell from personal experience that it's a gigantic pita to be up working at 2 AM just cause we now have customers in Hawaii. Not to mention that the quality of work goes down with sleepyness.

  9. Of course the amusing thing with this game is that you're arguably better off doing dungeons for Columi gear along with the Ilum daily/weekly before you ever touch the 50 WZ bracket. It's much easier to get carried through HM dungeons with weak gear than doing WZs with weak gear. Tionese and Centurion gear is so weak as to be utterly laughable, even with the increased number of comms from champ bags.


    Not to mention that the DR on Expertise is so severe that you're actually gimping yourself stats-wise if you use full BM gear instead of subbing in some rakata pieces. So if the intent was to make it so hard-core PvPers wouldn't have to raid then they utterly failed in that regard. It'll be interesting to see what happens if they release new raid/PvP sets without increasing the level cap or adjusting the DR. I'm predicting a train wreck because Bioware has yet to disappoint in that respect.


    All of this nonsense could rather easily be avoided if Bioware gave us templates to play in PvP where your choices would be limited to class/advanced class/talent spec and the rewards for PvP were purely cosmetic. Though I don't know if the combat in this game is fun enough to support an active PvP community without the allure of the power grind.


    Really? I have the opposite viewpoint. It's much easier to get PvP gear since you can get it on your own as opposed to trying to get into HM FPs as a fresh 50. Whenever I see people with 12k hp get into our group I know we're going to struggle with Enrage Timers.


    Meanwhile in PvP it doesn't really matter. Yeah you might die fast to start with and be less effective then other players, but you'll still get carried by the other 7 random guys on your team and get your Champ Bags.

  10. PvPers complaining about losing a massive advantage is new and refreshing.


    PS: That's what you get for rolling FOTM.


    You mean "FOTM" like my Vengeance Jugg? Was gimp before, now even more gimp. What's going to suck is that now it's going to be even harder to kill a healer unless you have several people wailing on one at once and tanks are going to have an even easier time walking to the finish line in Huttball.


    What else sucks is that they don't reset everyone's spec points for free after such changes. After this change it would make sense to drop the 3 points in Accuracy talent for example and use some Acc/Power mods instead of Crit/Surge ones.

  11. Why do people always use the "no life" argument when they are hating. Rewards for effort put in is a must. Following your logic you shouldn't get any bonuses for leveling either.


    I agree, otherwise why play a mmoRG in the first place?


    The only reason I do PvP at all is to get better gear. It's not like there's anything about it that can be fun for more then a couple of days, so why are people asking to remove the one redeeming thing about it? Same thing with Hard Mode FPs and such. All this stuff is boring after the first run, if there's no reward for doing them then I don't know what the point would be.

  12. To to test this, someone will need to drop the best known mod, an Advanced Hilt/Barrel/Armoring 25 into a custom gear piece and see if it's assigned gear rating becomes 140, the current max gear rating. If not maybe there are higher level mods that we haven't seen yet, or they intend for us not to go beyond a certain gear rating with mods. I've only gotten up to an advanced 22 mod so far (what you can reverse engineer from vendor mods). I can't recall the rating it made.


    That's some thread necro you've got going here.

  13. Well I do agree that the Champion weapon is MUCH easier to get then the equivalent PvE weapon unless you're in a raiding guild.


    It's pretty tough to even get into a Hard Flashpoint as a DPS, so PvP seems to be a much easier way to gear up. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting the battlemaster weapon by grinding another 33 valor levels & using battlemaster bags rather then getting one from those SOA raids as I'm a melee DPS to boot.

  14. Sat on my butt yelling in /1 in Fleet 'DPS lfg for any HMs' for about 5 hours straight on Friday. Didn't get into a single group. Whispered immediately to two different group leaders when they advertised that they were looking for 1 more DPS. First said sorry full, so did the second except he admitted that he took an Assassin dps guy instead cause he didn't want to compete with me for gear after I asked him how someone else managed to beat me at whispering to him as quick as I could. He then suggested that I should respect to tank if I want an easier time finding groups...


    In the end I decided to try out PvP because there was nothing else to do.


    I don't know if a LFG tool will improve on that experience significantly; but it's gotta help because you can't really do worse then have people be unable to get into a group for generic PvE content.

  15. you might have to die and then go back.


    Tbh the way I did it was kill the apprentice guy, die to the master, and then I went back in to kill the master.


    Same here, but one thing to notice that I screwed up on: The master does some kind of charge thing that disables him at the start of the fight unless you do an AoE. So you're basically battling 2 foes in succession instead of 2 foes at once unless you do an AoE. So don't do AoE, focus on apprentice, then when he dies switch to master. At least defeat the apprentice before duying if you can, then can just field rez and do the master separately.

  16. No they still work in other stances as far as I know.


    The thing is that I've seen Shield Generators with extremely similar stats as focuses, just also the usual shield effect, so I don't think there's any point in using focuses for our class. Some of the Companions and other classes can only use Focuses though, so I think thats what they're for,.

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