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Posts posted by Daiiken

  1. Looking for an answer to this but i cant find it;


    I have 988 Daily commendations, when 2.0 hits, will they simply disapear or will they be turned into other commendations like the basic? if so i can only have 200 of those and then grind the rest?


    Please explain your intension on this.

    So i can either spend it all now or save it.

  2. Seriously whats up with that?

    Most of the black hole gear is already better then the campaign due to us being DEFENSE tanks and not absorb.


    you made it worse with Dread armor???

    I lose an overal around 190 defense, gaining only 60 wich is -130 defense and again you stack us with armor rating, endurense and again ABSORB?


    Whats with this?

  3. I rarely post on these forums but some post made my brain bleed...

    For one, guardians and juggs have 1 pish back that needs to to direct yourself towards an enemy and aim where you want them to go.

    Takes work but then again a game should be equal to all players, so even sages.


    Then i saw this

    yet again the guardians have been left out of the cc skill family, how much longer will it be before you give us a cc?


    I play guardian, dispite its DPS nerf to no end, i love it.. so here goes it, you are the CC! : Stasis, hilt strike, Awe, force push.

    Just learn to play yours class properly.

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