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Posts posted by AlmightyAsh

  1. I went from valor rank 63 with ~1000/52k valor. In just under two hours I went to ~44k/52k valor something that would have taken me all day and did normally take me all day previous patch.


    No this isn't the retarted claims that people blew way out of proportion of 1000 per minute its closer to 350 per minute. Also keep in mind I am an operative and cant aoe that well or tag people as well and was still making this kind of gain. No i dont have timestamped screenshots either but what used to take me a full day to do took less than two hours.


    I was trying to get my 65 mount being one of the first few to get it as well...I logged on to see a bunch of people with the mount. Needless to say I dont really feel like you achieve or earn anything in PvP anymore and I unsubbed as well.

  2. Thats right, I said it. I do not, repeat DO NOT play an agent or a smuggler. I play a BH and that's the only thing I play. I find that warzones are quite balanced at the moment. Yeah maybe I would like to see diminishing returns on CC pan out a little quicker but other than that everything has been cool for me.


    Operatives attacking you from stealth is their bread and butter. All that set up takes time. You guys have to put these things in perspective. Just because it happens to you (and it's happened to me as well) doesnt mean they need a nerf. Everything is relative. Look at the scoreboard.


    It's highly likely that almost everyone of their kills has been 1v1 and thus is a very low number. Operatives cannot stand and fight you. Every other class can. If they have singled you out and you are their victim, well, it sucks to be you. But their kills will be far less than yours simply because of the mechanics of the kill.


    They are opportunists. If you present yourself as an opportunity then you are a sucker. Gotta learn how to trinket, knockback, stun and run. Heal up and then put a few missles in his face. If he's not running his *** off to get away from you he is a dead mofo.


    Play better OP. This game doesnt need a bunch of nerfs. I havent found any class I couldnt take down. The game is fine. Dont let it end up like Rift.


    This man understands pvp.

  3. Hey guys I'm a 43 Shadow running a 31/0/2 build atm progressing towards a tank build of 31/0/10. I do have one question the tool tip says that Harnessed Shadows (buff from using project) is supposed to make the next telekinetic throw uninterruptable and at 3 stacks of this buff heal for 3% of my life per tick. Now the heal is super important to the way we survive but the problem is ITS ALMOST ALWAYS getting interrupted.


    Stuns, knock backs, etc keep interrupting this skill. Is this intended and the tooltip just a bit misleading? Or is it bugged? Because the heal is an important tool that we kinda need and there isn't really many active defense mechanisms to the Shadow class other than Kinetic Ward, Deflection (2m CD), and Slow Time. I'm serious its like the NPC's save a CC cooldown just for a 3 stack telekinetic throw, not to mention this skill is borderline useless with all the CC in PvP.


    Anyone got any ideas on this Proc?

  4. At lvl 23 I can 1v1 people 20 lvls higher. Doing pretty well IMO. Not very good in larger groups though. Shadows (not tanked spec) are squiiiiishy!


    This. Tank shadows arent that good either. They can be very annoying and can help a team with utility but your damage is really terrible. That said taunting people, pulling people, stunning etc is all very fun.

  5. A few things I would like to get off my mind. I tend to classify myself as a "more-hardcore" player. I have played a lot of MMORPG's and I can pick up on stuff fast. It does not take me long to figure out how to play a class role in any RPG.


    So creating a whole new character because I want a tanking shadow and a DPS shadow is asinine. This games not at all grindy compared to EQ, Lineage 2, etc. but the process of leveling isn't exactly awesome or exciting either. Sure on my quests (im 37 atm) I have seen some cool stuff: Jawas, Sarlac pits, speeder bikes, etc. But to completely reroll the same class would be insanely boring.


    Thus respecs are necessary. Should they be cheap? No I agree they represent the fact that you screwed up. At the same time games need to allow players to be flexible. I am a PVE spec'ed Shadow Tank which does very well in PVE so far but does suffer greatly in PVP. Why should I have to suffer the monotony of grinding for money or a whole new character just to have a different play experience. Having a dual-spec feature allowing a maximum of two specs fixes this and doesn't limit players in what they can and cannot do in game.


    It literally has NO affect on a hardcore player to have two spec's in game. If your so against it don't use it. It can only benefit casual players who do not have time to do the reroll/farm tons of money methods you describe.


    Now lastly...respecing the either of the two dual specs given should cost something substantial. Like I said it means you screwed up big time. But at least the two specs are there to allow the player to experience all aspects of the game.

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