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Posts posted by Xandermpls

  1. Tips.


    Use the party jaws + blizz for the ultimate jaws party.


    Dress Torian in Tusken Raider Gear for a real life Tusken Raider Companion.


    Dress Skadge in the Hutt gear because he basically is a Hutt with legs.

  2. lol.


    I am mind blown and will continue to sub. As a developer this stuff takes hours of debugging and keeping classes balanced are complex formulas that are tweaked within variables.


    Anyhow, my sorc friend and I dominate the matches.


    Sorry guys! Thaaannnx

  3. Probably,


    My only lvl 55 is a Powertech, All I do is pvp and I'm subbed. I only pvp on him. Matches vary depending on DPS understanding not breaking CC's, dividing teams equally on the fly and cooperating with healers and tanks, coordination.


    I focus sometimes on using electro dart and carbonize/oilspilling with interrupts some matches if I have to carry.


    No medals for interrupts ;)


    Oh, I think I've actually seen you around during some of my matches on my own PT.


    I remember thinking that you needed to taunt more often.

  4. Yea actually you are one of the better regular PVP'rs. You play the class well, and have your key binds well set up. My setup is way different, Thanks for starting this thread ill make a vid. =)




    (my toon name is "Amen" same server cuz I'm in your matches lots:)

    I thinks its particularly hard to find Powertech videos on youtube, so I am making this thread to help that .


    Heres my only PT vid, its only a half a Voidstar since I was having recording issues.



    PVP or PVE it doesn't matter

  5. /agree



    AP has ZERO heat issues and is more melee focused and depends on shield which is up I think every 45sec if you are being attacked.


    Pyro is 10m other than rocket punch and depends on kolto also every 4x sec if you are being attacked. Pyro requires you use rapid shot (free attack) for heat and if the other guy manages to cleanse/mitigate your DoTs you will most likely overheat.


    Both are really good and require you know how to manage your CD's. I play pyro and many games (especially arena) I have been called a one man army! The build drives people CRAZY because as you seem to be almost dead BOOM back to life...again focused almost dead..BOOM back to life...


    Both can perma snare 50% which will drive players mad...I can kite melee and make them rage..

  6. Advanced Prototpype is the only reason I continue to sub to this game. It is the best class for the "Star Wars" Bounty Hunter.


    Punching people in the face with a wrist blade and rail shot and consistent flame elemental damage at high numbers. Not to mention if you have both sets of gear (DPS/TANK) you are set with cylinders. Some scrubs just play games for numbers but it comes down to skill as well. ;)


    I would love to duel another powertech with my spec lol. Amen on The Harbringer. Go ahead. I'm running in ranked and solo ranked, pug etc. As I said, only reason I keep subbing =)


    Currently level 40, on my Powertech. I've been swapping back and fourth between specs of Advanced Prototype and Pyrotech. A couple things between them leave me unsure of which to play with, as I find them both fun. Somethings I've noticed are:



    +Good AoE

    +Good Survivability

    +Speed increase

    +Bigger Crits on Railshot/Rocket Punch

    -Bad Heat Management

    -No Skill resetting Procs

    -AoE Reliant on Enemies standing near, bunched, and stationary



    +Skill Resetting Procs

    +Longer Lasting DoT

    +Flame Shield

    +Better Kolto Overload

    +Better Heat Management

    -Numbers are seemingly lower, even when critting:mad:


    These are only what I've seen, or experienced. Please give me some feed back.

  7. I wanted to add my 2cents.


    I have had a Powertech/BH since pre-launch. I have valor 85 and a full set of PVE and PVP gear. (I have plenty of alts as well) I dueled another power-tech with his PVE/modded gear. Level 78's. I was in Conqueror full set with Obroan relics x2 and obroan shield/main.


    Not only did I wreck him but the difference in stims/biochem. I think one of the best ways to do comparison is have the same build/class and duel in different armor sets. One thing to keep in mind is that as patches come and go there will always be something that could be better for a short while.


    In the long run, of pvping pretty much daily for hours the devs have made two different sets of armor. My suggestion is just get both. Then as things patch, update nerf and change your armor/stats will constantly on average be better :)


    He will argue occasionally that expertise does nothing or isn't worth it, and in warzones I am either #1 or top 4 70% of the time. With random ques and bad players I can get shut down without heals or damage output but on average I do very well. I have tried wearing my 78/72/augmented PVE gear and just get crushed when I get focused.


    As a developer myself, with coding anything this big, bugs are natural. I kind of personally see the super extra modding and such as xploiting" and so to "play fair" I wear my pvp set in pvp and pve in pve. Simple.



    I will say, I got rid of 4 pieces of partisan. 2 I upgraded to conq, and 2 I replaced with Makeb vendor components and it was quite crazy the difference I noticed. About 100k damage average more per WZ. As far as stats go, I have 2% better crit and I noticed about 500-1k health, just going off memory because I didn't screen before. Seemed to survive a lot better as well, but maybe it was the healers tonight.
  8. Excellent feedback. Perhaps it could be implemented into a system like the overt/flagged and non flagged status you can have in game at the moment on the live servers.


    Any other inputs? I will try to put together something tomorrow morning over coffee a bit more detailed and develop it further, this input is crucial for anything like this to go into place though. Thanks for playing!

  9. Just curious if anyone wants to brain storm this with me? I like the idea of having Bounty Hunter missions. It means its one step closer for Actual Player Bounties right?




    Maybe I am an optimist or Star Wars Nerd but:


    Bounty Hunter Player Missions


    This is similar to the Star Wars Galaxies system. Players can choose to attack civilians in public areas or something and that gets them marked, once you reach a certain point you get a mission set on you where the Bounty Hunters can then track the target with droids. Upon completion PVP XP. Bounty Hunters Only.



    Smuggler Missions


    This would start on the ground in a cantina (where your mission is taken) and then you would have to bring some items in a VEHICLE mission, this would introduce vehicles like skiffs where you can blast people and have to fight on a moving vehicle? :)


    Then you would complete the drop to a Star Port and the quest continues into space. Once you fight down your ambushes you make the drop and get the PVP XP. Smuggler/Agents Only.


    Jedi Sith Hunting Grounds


    This would be a open warzone type area perhaps a new area. YAVIN 4. They would get quests where they would have to have so many kills for PVP xp. Force users only. (Jedi/Sith)

  10. Well with PVP the first thing you are going to want to invest in is gear =)


    In terms of what cylinder to run in it is dependent on your gear and build set up. If you are a subscriber you should be able to quickly field respec and change your build for PVP and then when you run hard modes or operations you can switch back to your PVE build.


    There are some very useful things that a Shield tech has in their tree that are definitely PVP oriented skills. For example the snare on flame sweep. Very useful in pvp matches and guarding your healers.


    For defensive skills you will have players argue one thing and then a patch will come out and gear/stats kind of change.


    On to your question :)



    When I jump in a match if I see many players guarded and many tanks I will switch to a dps stance. I am still higher armored then many players and I can manage my heat well enough that I will still be able to dish out DPS. If you jump in a match and you are the only tank, of course you will want to switch to your tanking stance. Also some stances trigger specific dots be sure to read all skills.


    What is your build currently :)


    Over all you will definitely want to get your pvp gear




    I am looking for a little Help i have made myself a Powertech after never playing one for 2 years so thought i would give it a go and I'm loving it. I like to pvp but I am a little confused about the Defence Mechanics of them.


    I started out of Shieldtech and loved the survivability of them but I couldn't kill very much lol, So i changed to AP and I love it I do pretty well but I am a lot squishier ( I am only 26 right now) So to the point, Should i run Hegc or would it be better to run with Ion Gas cylinder for better survivability, Also *iF* i went with the IGC would I Stack Defence or Absorb or shield rating or what?


    Many thanks in advance.

  11. No not ranked.


    I can do 300k protection in regs easily. I hope your not talking about ranked cause if you are you are only hurting your argument. Same for your damage, 250k is paltry for even a tank, in a full length match a PT/VG tank should be able to put up at least 350k, and 500k + on longer matches.


    Also kills count means nothing, I can shoot a HiB with its AoE dot into a pack and if anyone in that pack dies before leaving combat I get a kill.


    PVP is about two things.


    1. Winning.

    2. Medals.


    • Not numbers.
    • Staying alive, managing your resources.
    • See original post.
    • Obviously you have different thoughts/opinions and you have shared them. That is cool but again, venting heat the traditional method in ADDITION to ANY effect I auto vent 8 heat on top of that. This gives me the best heat management hands down, I'm a programmer I code, I write apps for smartphones and desktop applications I understand how (not everything) but many components work because I am the nerd on the other side putting together the math equations and variables that decide how the numbers work.

  12. I personally disagree/agree. Depending on your class. If you were a Master Bounty Hunter/Master Carbineer/medic


    it was very difficult.



    1. You had to buff your MANA by going to a Cantina and watching an entertainment.

    2. You had to buff your HP by going to the Medical Center and see a Doctor

    3. You had to buy food/drinks from a CHEF to increase damage, armor etc (and pop certain foods/drinks/stims during fights)


    4. You had to fight Jedi Knights which could kill 10-20 people solo.

    5. The only element you had working as a Bounty Hunter was surprise. (being able to physically choose when or how you fight him.) Obviously during raids, or when he was questing vulnrable.

    6. You had many different damage types and armor resists to deal with and had to hotkey weapon switching, ACID/Laser etc

    7. It wasn't a duel, or pvp. It was physically going to a terminal, selecting a mission (player actually playing game as) buy droids, use them track them go to the planet, track them, sometimes you would track for days irl just to get your bounty. Payouts were 200k a pop. BH were rich.


    I hunted Rebels as a rebel. I was banned from most of the star ports/cities and hated by everyone but imps.

  13. Said no PT ever


    1. if we are blowing through trash in flashpoints. even the trash can hit hard, knocking them down and than regular blaster fire rips through the trash faster than trying to tracer them and stops doing damage to you along the way. is it required? no, but its actually faster than trying to do normal combos vs things that die quickly, the knockdown saves rest/heal time. it may be seconds but they add up and we can blow through a corridor of trash without even stopping to stand still and cast anything


    2. in pvp there are often times when you must reposition, or when chasing someone that is running away. its our hardest hitting attack that doesnt have a cooldown timer (obviously you would heat seeker or rail shot if they were up). but its my goto move if i need to fire while repositioning or chasing. you simply never want to stop putting damage out, so why stop firing so long as you have low enough heat? now if your heat is up, than yea you just use blaster shots, but how often are you maxing your heat?

  14. Obviously with using high heat cost items heat management comes into play. As a veteran Master Bounty Hunter/Carbineer on Bria SWG and beta until now powertech main I know this



    The reason I posted that was actually in order for a Bounty Hunter to use his attacks it would actually (hurt/kill) you just to get your attacks off. I brought that up, because this is a star wars game forum. Yes I played beta swg and beta swtor. SWG was better early on. SWTOR is easier to play, and less challenging pvp and builds are pretty run of the mill. The hardest classes ops in the game compare to peanuts to swg.

  15. This thread wasn't for you then :)


    I play ranked and am top tier, heat management can be tricky.


    I can spam flamesweep (yes spam) and missile blast in pvp. (with my build)



    Amen (toon name <--)


    This isn't a debate, or trying to knock teh stereotypical builds just pointing things out that are different that I do differently that work. I can start posting screenshots later tonight.


    Flamesweep (area slow, accuracy/dps debuff) and it can dot depending the cylinder. It is very useful.



    If you are talking about PVE then of course, depending on group/offtank/heals and which fp or op you are running :)


    But why?? flame sweep is a terrible ability and you hardly need to spamming it all over the place. Not to mention leap should never be used on cooldown like that, in case a situation arises where it you need it immediately. i.e. to interrupt a cast or close the gap between you and your healer if you happen to get pulled apart.



    Wow, really wow

    Yes, it is a good cap interrupt, but you where implying it should somehow be used rotationally. Its only purpose in the game is has a last ditch measure against caps.



    SWG has what to do with swtor's tank rotations?!? And its not like pedigrees are worth much of anything on the forums anyway.



    But you shouldn't need that talent from pyro, resource management is extremely easy as shieldtech, there is no reason for it. And you tried other builds? So have I, and I find yours to be on the list of "less than effective" builds. So what exactly makes your opinion more valid than mine?






    1) Thanks, but I already knew that talent works.

    2) mine, is hotkeyed too, but I press it maybe two or three times in a warzone, and never in huttball or PvE.

    3) taunts should never mitigate damage for you, they are to draw fire to you, the OP was confused between the PvE function and PvP function of the taunt.

  16. Many people on the Power Tech Forums want to simply max out their gear and get the FOTM ShieldTech build.


    Really it comes down to playstyle, your guildies, who offtanks, who you are grouped with and if your are using group finder it won't matter you will always find people to complain.


    Things to note about Power Tech.


    We exceed at melee.


    We close in with Jet Charge/Grapple.


    We use a ranged weapon and have ranged attacks.


    A good ST/BH will stay at melee range.


    The deadly bounty hunter will know when to use the 30m attacks.


    I myself have experimented with Hybrid builds, and full tree's.


    I found myself wanting the 3% health and many say do not do this, the extra HP makes a differance but you will see threads arguing those talents can be spent elsewhere. Our endurance buff stacked with Cardio gives us 8% Hit points more then we would have without it.


    I favor having straight tanking build/talents and then using gear to increase DPS/Crit

  17. Tuant mitigation only happens if target is shooting another player, however in PvE the mob will always be attacking you as long as the debuff is on it, so that mitigation wouldn't come into play. (and if you read the tooltip is specifies only players can get the mitigation)


    And why are you leaping in, debuffing, and then kiting away? PT is melee and tanks what to stay in range with mobs unless they are trying to move them elsewhere. There is no reason in PvE as a tank to be trying to get away from the mobs (situational)





    LoL, missile blast isn't used not because of heat issues, but because the amount of damage it deals is horrid for PT, it does about as much damage as rapid shots does, and again what are you doing at 30m as a tank? I do 1700 per shot


    And that tree....

    Why didn't you take the 100% IC proc for RP, and skipped on supercharged ion gas?! Why would you even go for Rail loaders but then skip Puncture, puncture increase RS damage way more than rail loaders. And Gyroscopic alignment jets?! ST has hardly any difficulty with Heat to begin with, heck that talent is highly arguable even for pvp pyro.

    Rocketpunch resets quicker and has a quicker cd then rail I switch it out depending.
  18. Tuant mitigation only happens if target is shooting another player, however in PvE the mob will always be attacking you as long as the debuff is on it, so that mitigation wouldn't come into play. (and if you read the tooltip is specifies only players can get the mitigation)


    And why are you leaping in, debuffing, and then kiting away? PT is melee and tanks what to stay in range with mobs unless they are trying to move them elsewhere. There is no reason in PvE as a tank to be trying to get away from the mobs





    LoL, missile blast isn't used not because of heat issues, but because the amount of damage it deals is horrid for PT, it does about as much damage as rapid shots does, and again what are you doing at 30m as a tank?


    And that tree....

    Why didn't you take the 100% IC proc for RP, and skipped on supercharged ion gas?! Why would you even go for Rail loaders but then skip Puncture, puncture increase RS damage way more than rail loaders. And Gyroscopic alignment jets?! ST has hardly any difficulty with Heat to begin with, heck that talent is highly arguable even for pvp pyro.



    Jet Charge grants x2 flamesweeps, by kiting out you and jumping in, you can rinse repeat and do an aoe debuff/dps (in pvp its a no brainer)


    For those trying to knock a 30m aoe attack (clearly you haven't done ranked pvp yet :) its extremely useful for capping.


    Obviously with using high heat cost items heat management comes into play. As a veteran Master Bounty Hunter/Carbineer on Bria SWG and beta until now powertech main I know this :)


    The heat management I have from Pyro helps me a bunch, most of the builds you see here being posted I've already tried ;)


    I guess what I am really trying to emphasize is


    1. Flamesweep is not only an aoe debuff/dps but comes free when you jump in

    2. Missile blast is not useless but situational and if hokey can make a difference in a win/lose for a quick aoe if your jetcharge grapple are on cd and you need to hit a group.

    3. More a irritation as to why we can't really mitigate damage with our sonic/neural but I know it makes sense more just trying to stir up some thoughts.

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