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Posts posted by Sapler

  1. Watchmen allways looked like a tunnel class tbh.. Focus on one target plant your seeds and pop zen, i havent played it much but i have a hard time target switching when needed when its much easyer as combat and focus.


    Focus has load of aoe dmg as burst and can keep healers comfused of whos being targetd as you slash spam. Combat burns quick and has great blade strom burst to help finish og get a strong opener.


    this is just out of my experience.


    My choice in the end of the day? Might end up as combat as i now feel ok with it, i did play focus from 10-50 but combat is golden in pvp as every other specc, its just about how you play your class ;) (and i allso rolled combat for pve issues.. focus isnt strong there)

  2. Ofc i do have other complains, no games are perfect, games has flaws.. But sometimes the flaws are a bit bigger than normal. I understand peoples opinions i do "long que times" and so on. But it still dosnt fix that people gets pushed away from pvp in low lvl. Sure some people can brag about their Shadow or Sorc killing people.. or top the lists.. i am top3 myself in allmost every WZ i join, but it dosnt help unless you win right? Have a matchmaking setup going.. or bleeding brackets as mentioned.. Something that dosnt make this misserable like lets set up randomly 8 10-30 people against 8 40-50 :p not that how it happends but i can. thats the problem.
  3. I vote we ignore this post for 3 months.


    In 3 months we can all revisit this when we have a level 50 toon we can play on.


    So in reality the current complaint is "these guys leveled faster than me and now I have to pvp against them ***."




    It is more like "people who don't have work or anything else to do leveled faster and are now wrecking" instead. I am not a troll for me this is a big issue. I see more and more people leave once they see that its a group of 50s from the same guild becuse people don't know they havent the chance becuse of Gear/Ability atvantage...


    Why make it so the once who "have no life" is supose to wreck? and not let people who work and do other stuff aswell who dont have time to play 24/7 get to have any ability to deal with the issue?.


    The problem is't the level 50s it's you low levels draging the team down -_-


    Yes i'm looking at you noobie who just turned 10 and wanted to do A WZ.


    There needs to be brackets in like a month when theres a wide range of levels.


    Lets see you level to 50 withing a week when you have work, irl issues and friends to hangout with? if you do then bravo for you. Not everyone have that luxary..


    and for thoes who wonder i am not a troll or i am not supose to be. This is a issue i want fixed that can be fixed with just brackets.. how hard is it?...


    Edit: I allso have to add once you get 50? what about then? will it be fun to keep killing people at lower level? i mean comon sure it can be fun the first week or so but you gotta think that there is ALLWAYS GONA BE LOW LVL PEOPLE.. even if its alts og if its new people. they will get the same experience as we get now (the once whos not 50 atleast) which is ennoying..


    And think in about a mounth or so? when its merly only 50+.. low lvls will join people will keep trying the game and people will rage "why is there low lvls in my BG? god we gona lose now" yada yada.. I hope you get my points if you dont your just a sick elitist.

  4. So if it's to much for you, stay the hell out of the WZ till you are 50 or gain friends?


    Simple solution to your issue.


    I run premades with friends and guildies all the time. if we meet another group/guild and their 50 they wreck us without a sweet :p it's not about to much for me. Its just silly how broken 50s vs the rest can be.


    Yes we arent 50s yet becuse we arent people who dont have jobs and play 24/7 to get 50 to be able to wreck ants in WZ :p

  5. I have had great fun in pvp so far.. Until today where i meet 10 times in a row a lv50 premade.. Fully geared and so on. They blast our *** of and we can't do a **** about it. A dont come and say "you get a boost to match up" i can take most people my own lvl down, in or out of a BG.. 50s?


    Even with the boost i wont even get close becuse of the gear diffrence. This is ennoying and kills PvP.. I am allso kinda worried about pvp when i get lv50? I don't want pvp to be a lv50 faceroll.


    The only thing that can truely fix this is Brackets. Why wasnt this implamented in the first place? or at least a bracket alone for 50s becuse having them run around facerolling lv30 and under is just retarded.

  6. We've been told we're meant to be an agile class but...


    Where is it?


    When I think of an agile class, I think of the things like Master Yi in LoL (video here) who is a very good example of a VERY agile melee character. He's capable of keeping up on targets, jumping onto them and wildly running away when he has to.


    Isn't the sentinel supposedly meant to have agility, too?


    Ill take Focus as an example to this question


    Jumping on targets: Force Leap / Zealous Leap

    Running away: Transcendence / Force Camo


    and i think what you mean by agility is mobility.. since this isnt LoL dude, Its not like we gona have the same mobilitys as other heros/characters from other games, i hope you understand that.

  7. manage your cooldowns better. Dont pop bouth at once in the begining of the fight start with rebuke as you enter and you know you are being targeted, use your interupt on everything you se his casting(allways keep 1 focus avable for kick) aswell as using stasis as a interupt aswell when your get lower use your saber ward. Froce Camo when needed - In my opinion not to run a way but for a quick opener.


    I run focus build so this pretty much wins me every 1v1 fights in World pvp. you just have to outsmart your target or else you gona get facerolled.

  8. geeze im tierd of people complaining like this? sure ive had some problems myself but past 30 ive had lots of fun :p doing great. Sure some battles are a challenge but i still manage.. Isnt a challenge what makes a game fun? instead of being some faceroll class? geeze people are way! over doing this "sentinel sucks" stuff :p


    Sure it might be a bit lower in tire from other classes but nothing a buff patch can't do :p

  9. MS delay between you and the server you are palying on, might be something? :p sad to say but you guys are complaining about a game that has bearly bin out for 3 days. If you played wow in vanilla at their release it wasnt as smooth either.


    WoW has smooth fast respondsive combat becuse it have 7-8 years on improving on that alone, this game just got released..


    Allso slow combat? you havent though about that auto attack is gone? taking away half of the attacks that you usaly have in wow giving you a much more skillbased game where you have to do your attacks yourself instead of having your toon attack for you.


    Maybe it has a delay on the attacks? or what ever.. but that CAN be fixed over time so stop whining and play the game. If you dont like it? Good luck finding another game with smoother more respondsive pvp/gameplay other than the overplayed wow.



  10. I have to agree/disagree sort of.


    The pvp isnt terrible thats for sure, but i woudnt mind brackets as its more balanced that way, sure we get the stat increase to fit up to the 40-50s But something we then lack is expertise something lv50s with have loads of giving thema huge atvantage?


    10 brackets might not be the way to go but have something from 10-29 30-49 and a 50 bracket seems something doable, since 50 get the strong increase in gear boost this would seem fair, if you agree thats nice.


    I whould allso love feebback on this idea! :D

  11. Many people complain about the sentinel, i was to very stressed about the class i admit but if you take time, think and get a rotation and the specc you use working, you can do things much easyer.


    Just like people say its a L2P issue, before at about 20-25+ i have a very hard time at even only Strong mobs, now at 30+ with Kira i just kill elites on my way for fun and hope for look without having to even pop any defensive other that rebuke.


    All you have to do is to find a specc you find strong use it, learn it, master it. and you will have to problems what so ever.

  12. Watchmen might be a nice healing killer but then you only have the dmg? I made my focus specc on PvP Terms becuse thats what i love to do, worldpvp or BGs Focus have some nice things to help you along the way aswell, a second gap closer Zleap, more cheap slows, Exhoust and high crits, as you can easly allso take down healers becuse keeping something like a focus ready for kick aint a problem. Then again you focus on Watchmen becuse that works for you ;) someone might prefer something else


    It is all about how you like to play the best.

  13. This is totaly up to you? how do you like to play.


    I play focus becuse its heavy AoE oriented and can hit very hard, most people seem to go for watchman becuse at a point they have the biggest burst, but in my experience dosnt have much uptime compared to focus (in my case atleast) i havent tried combat, but people have very mixed feelings about it. Some love it and some hate it dearly keeping themself to watchmen.


    There isnt many focus players (atleast not on the forums asfar as i can see) Then again its all about how you like to play?


    Focus = Big critss and AoE Controll

    Combat = quick burst focusing on fast hits and quick dmg (as far as i see)

    Watchman = working on "bleeds" attacks giving a amount of small debuffs and can tick a enemy down fast if palyed correctly with Zen and so on.

  14. I do use riposte, aswell as slash and strike and all of thoes then again im running Focus so i dont relay on any other striking abilitys as much as watchmen.


    Tho i have though about ditching it since it does consume alot of focus starving you pretty fast, but i can be nice in dire situations, like a Elite or enemy player are bouth on low life and you can win if you can get a riposte of with no GCD.


    Ofc this is all to each player how they want to play and who is the most intense when it comes to more and more perfect rotations on how to do the most dmg output, with or without.


    My opinion is then again mixed.. I have played with it most of the time but i will try to remove it see if the outcome is better. I might post my experience once i feel i can stand for what i say.

  15. The only problem with Sentinels are that Combat is a very weak spec. Watchman is just worlds better in every category, yes including burst. Use Zen when you have three stacks of Overload Saber and Cauterize on your target and you can laugh your way through Elites.


    then again, you dont allways have 30 stacks to use Zen before or in time when you fight a elite/player and even if u get Overloadsaber and Cauterize up, what if you pop Zen to late? the debuffs lasts only a few seconds. (6 to be exact) There are even flaws in Watchman that even a dedicated "pro" player can make at times.

  16. I hear people say "watchman watchman watchman" ive bin playing mostly Focus, a tree spec never mentioned it seems.. people go "watchmen or combat" and dont even ask for it?


    Ive HAVE tried Watchman, but not combat and i failed hard.. I did do rotations/priority things right, but i didnt seem to do what i wanted which was getting things.. killed.


    As focus its another story aswell as giving group preasure in PvE and PvP i allso hit hard as i can spam slash and Blade Storm while Force Sweep even if it is a AoE Ability played right can hit like a truck making people flee becuse they see their getting pressured sending them in their own demise.


    As for hard PvE stuff, people are all about poping cooldowns every fight jada jada, Ofc an elite or so? thats why we have defensive cooldowns to begin with, and the game is allso kinda balanced about us using companions.


    If i see a elite or a Strong foe i can easly still use Kira just sending her in first and then jump in for a easy kill and allmost never have to use any cooldowns unless extra trash gets pulled. (As watchman this seem harder for some reason)


    Go ahead say that focus wont work, it works for me and it have done so far up to 30+ ;)


    QUICK EDIT: Just to mention about elites and so on, if you see a elite casting Aimed shot or something like "DEATH RAY OF INTERUPT MY FACE" You got a interupt that you can easly pull off with or without focus, since Strike+kick allmost only have 0.5sec or less on use if you are quick with it :)

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