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Posts posted by Sildanar

  1. Real E-sport opportunity


    Hutball is the ideal E-sport, forget arena's and such or even ranked 8v8 play from 1.0.


    The reason?


    Well its damn hard for regular people to recognise what is transpiring in a 4v4 arena match...its who has blown what cooldwon or used abilty x rather than ability y and thus won or lost the match in split second decision, which is fairly technical and takes time to understand and probably an interest in mmo pvp to truly appreciate.




    Huttball can be technical in tactics rather than in cd's swapping and the intricacies of whose ability is doing what.


    You are sitting on a E-sports gold mine..


    An example from literally 5 minutes ago on your live servers



    Commentary by Barron Deathmark


    its 4 all and 38 seconds to go...who will win??


    Remember folks its Hold to win in a tie


    Frogdogs leading all match have the ball

    Rotworms pile on massive dmg coming in...will it be enough??

    Frogdogs healing like mad, their Sorc healer best in game so far..not one death massive heals, rest of the team piling it on...


    OMG the Rotworms have done it they have done it....

    The ball carrier is down !!!!


    its 12 seconds to go....


    The Rotworms have the ball...he's on 50% health can he make it??

    ..Rotworms are healing like made, they have 2 healers..,

    BALLCARRIER IS DOWN TO 5% HEALTH its down to the wire

    5% health...


    and TIME!


    Rotworms win!!!!!!


    crowd goes wild



    Anyone can realise what is happening here..

    a football viewer

    a WWF fan, a tennis player

    as well as experienced mmo pvpers


    its about the score and they plays ie passing and positioning rather than cd swapping and hard swaps ie arena.


    Enjoyable by many many people accessable and fun to watch.


    Just need some camera positions in the match area for broadcast, some good editing and excellent e-sport game callers..



    Like I said your sitting on an e-sports goldmine.


    All the best



    and yes it was a great game :)

  2. Not really a fan of the packs since 4.0 dropped.

    Seems like Im getting less value out of packs of any size, previously I found it great value and the variety of stuff dropping in the pack felt good.


    Now, it feels like there is not as much dropping by a long way, and thus I have to buy more to get even a remote chance of getting what I want.

    The end result of this is I find myself not really wanting to buy ANY at all.

    Less value means I buy less and this I feel is a common feeling as the price in the GTN seems to have gone up quite a bit imo since 4.0 for items in packs.


    On the specific packs ie gold, silver bronze armour or deco packs etc, these are a good idea also the 5 pack is a good idea.

    My issue is with the lack of value in the revised standard packs. Basicallly less in each pack = less value ----> buying less of them for me.


    Thanks for listening

  3. I had a lot of fun in the chapters, I was worried about when I finished them though. I am very happy with what came after, I'm having a lot of fun with the alliance stuff. I think they did a great job so far and I can't wait for some more chapters. I do miss my old companions though but I'll be fine for now.


    Pretty much sums it up for me perfectly. :)


    Overall a fantastic expac , so many things are great, the story all of the QOL changes pretty much too many to name and a rewards system and progression system that is interesting and worthwhile (character development/follower development).

    All up


    GG Bioware.


    Also its nice to see some positivity on these forums...:D

  4. My reaction to level sync?


    I was excited for it before seeing it in game as I had experienced it in GW2.


    The reasons why I liked the idea of it are as follows.


    1/ Makes all content efectively end game content, so for experience and cash etc you can go anywhere.

    2/ Play with friends without them not getting xp and you getting suitable rewards for your toon.

    3/ More engaging when playing so called old content, not just ridiculous one shots etc.

    4/ Developers get to see the content they made used much more so than without it where so much content became irrelvant if you out leveled it.


    Did it deliver?


    YES absolutely imo.


    One example, prior to the xpac hitting and by that I mean the day before I was grinding the Elysium Heroic zone on Alderaan for achievements, (this was a continuation of my getting Alderaan achievements over the last 6 months when I was bored).

    2 days later I was there again on a level 65 soloing the H2. So they got the balance of power right.


    Kill time pretty much the same, (when I did it overleveled I just did it group by group not swarm style)


    While traveling around on Alderaan, maybe a psycholgical thing but I felt somewhat threatened, I felt like I had to take care which was a nice feeling.

    What Im saying is I felt like I was powerful but engaged.



    Overall a big win for Bioware here IMHO great idea, implemented well.

    Good for players and developers.


    Well Done Bioware.


    But if you want a negative view...omg I hate that UI for the Alliance missions... soo bad :p

  5. Not really.


    Having it optional could mean we get less content. One example could be world events. This also gives devs room to design content for older planets if they wanted to do it. Overall the system is a win for both sides as now content can come out for all levels and still be rewarding for all levels if the devs pick to do it. If people could turn off level sync it could not only ruin events. It would have to be balanced around it.


    Even playing field is the best choice.


    Great post, nice explanation of at least one good reason for a universal system.


    Well done :)

  6. A fantastic opportunity to revitalise the game, making all content created, permanently appropriate for all players at all levels.. at any time.


    What astonishes me is that some people do not seem to get it.


    Here is an example.

    My wife is playing ESO atm.

    She has a max level character, I have a lowbie lvl 14 atm that Im very slowly leveling, started at the same time her main was.

    When I play, guess what, she gets nothing if she plays with my character, and I get a boring experience that I dont enjoy (all my mobs being one shot etc) so we dont play together... she does not have a toon at my level and I dont like being dragged though content.


    With level sync..


    Well it's a whole new experience.

    She would get rewards relevant to her and I would be near her level in power so we could experience the game as it was meant to be...challenging and engaging and not a zerg fest.


    A win for both of us :)


    I think Level sync is such a powerful tool for exactly this reason, that I truly think all mmo's need to do it.


    Put aside your EGO and wanting to be more powerful and sit back and enjoy the game as it was meant to be played..


    Any game is better for this imo


    GW2, SWTOR are doing or are about to


    but WOW, ESO, WIldstar etc etc... all could benefit from it.


    Just my 2 cents

  7. I for one am not at all happy about this.

    It was quite a bit of work for me to max affection on all 40 companions, quite a bit of credits and time etc.

    Seems just a bit overboard.

    Put them in the archive section, make them have Zero value of achievement points but still exist in game..

    Something to give players who achieved this some lasting recognition.

    Overall Im very happy with this coming expansion...this is the first thing I have been unhappy about.

    Not good at all imo.


    Please find a comprehensive solution that recognizes our efforts, dont just chuck it in the bin.

  8. Ok, so I posted that I don't like level sync... however, I am trying to see the upside, and I did just think of one situation where it could be a "good thing".


    Imagine you're leveling, you're on Tattonine, and you're enjoying the place, you want to do the full planet story, the side missions, everything. Normally you end up outleveling the place, getting just 6 XP per mission after awhile making it kinda depressing to carry on, knowing that you'll have to do the same stuff on the next planet.


    But instead, with level sync, you'll never quite outlevel Tattonine, instead you'll keep getting XP. So lets say you love Tat but hate Alderann, you can do everything on Tat, level up a bit, then go do just the class missions and blast out Alderann and move on asap since you arrived at Alderann a bit overleveled for it.


    This does open up options to "level your way", doing extras one place, just the class missions somewhere else, always earning something from it rather than almost nothing.


    Just trying to see the positive here. :)


    Yes absolutely.

    I have been aware of this and I agree totally.

    So many times while leveling various characters I have been "forced" to move on because of greyed out quests.

    So yeah this system gives more options while leveling.


    I think there are more advantages but suffice to say I agree whole heartedly with you here :D

  9. Wrong point of view. Bioware is recycling people to populate old content, not the other way around.


    Getting end game players to repopulate old areas might fill a void in this game.

    End game players get burned out on conquest and content droughts. Going back to old planets should give them something extra to do.


    A chance to help lowbies and talk to new players might fix dead server syndrome that you see happening with PVP servers. This game constantly has new players coming in but they never stick around to the end of the game. There's a schism between new players and end game players. Level sync is a possible solution to mingle the two playerbases.



    Great post, a nice summary of some of the benefits of this level sync system.

    Making the planets alive again and getting people back into old content again by making it relevant.

    There is not a content drought in the game, practically no one has done it all, its just a relevant content drought..

    Which this system addresses.

    Well done Bioware imo.

  10. Down scaling of your character to the upper limit of a planets level range (same as GW2) is a





    It makes all content of a game relevant at all times.

    I have tried to do the Nar Shadaa bonus series wwhen I out leveled it and it bores me to tears, it feels wrong, unexciting and unengaging.


    When I saw how this feature worked in GW2 I said to myself ALL games should do it, it is such a powerful way to make all the massive amounts of created content relevant, interesting and engaging at ANY LEVEL that I feel it is essentail to any mmo game development studio.


    It must be frustrating to have people say, there is nothing to do when as a developer you can see (as Im sure they can) that the percentage of people who complete all the leveling content ie every single quest in game is probably tiny. Meaning probably in the order of less than 1%.

    Level scaling that includes quest reward scaling as credits massively increases your active and relevant content in your game, thus maximising your return on studio development time.


    You have this massive game but people bypass most of it and then it is irrelevant WHY?? This is a waste of resources and time, hence why I strongly believe this is excellent news both from a players perspective and a developers perspective..



    This idea gets a




    from me.

  11. Just watched this interview, pretty disgusted tbh.

    Snave comes across very very poorly to put it politely, whereas Musco does an excellent job.


    I for one would rather have a class rep with a bit of class and tact, sadly missing in this interview.


    One can hold people to account or put across a contrary point of view without being a complete &$^&%%..


    Maturity & Diplomacy these are our tools...


    On other matters, I for one dont want cross server que's at all (especially for at least regular pvp), it builds server communities with rivalries and online vendetta's that are great to see again after so many games going to anonymous cross server ques.

  12. Dear Bioware.


    Simply put, just do this..


    Guild ship vs Guild ship PVP with death match and objective based maps.

    12 fighter's and 2 shuttles carrying 8 people each, per ship.

    Can board and fight on enemy ship

    Player controlled cannons and missiles on each ship 4 sets.


    Max players 24 per side.



    The result









    Chaos in the streets

    cats and dogs living together

    Nerds throwing their credit cards at you

    mass hysteria



    Please please please do this..


    Im begging you :D


    ps. really excited about upcoming Galactic strongholds and Guild ships..well done :)

  13. The Changes proposed


    Operatives and Scoundrels


    Operatives and Scoundrels can now be charged and pulled by other players while in cover. For Snipers and Gunslingers, cover remains unchanged.


    Operatives and Scoundrels are very slippery, and we never intended for them to continue using cover after choosing to be an Operative/Scoundrel rather than a Sniper/Gunslinger at level 10. However, with the innate cover defenses being provided to Operatives and Scoundrels, we incentivized the use of cover beyond level 10 for them. Some Operatives and Scoundrels picked up on this incentive and used cover to become more survivable than we had intended for them to be.


    With this change, we are moving all remaining defensive bonuses granted by cover into the Hold Position passive ability, which Snipers and Gunslingers already have. So while Operatives and Scoundrels will still be able to enter cover to use any abilities that require it, they will no longer gain any defensive bonuses while in cover. For Snipers and Gunslingers, this change has no real, noticeable effect.


    I have played Sawbones since before 1.2.

    I think allowing us to be leaped to and or pulled while in cover is sad but necessary.

    It will also change activating the doors in Voidstar in cover as well :(


    However I would like to retain some defensive effect of cover if only to give it some meaning of actually being in cover








    Cooldown: 1s

    Crouches in place, taking cover if used behind an object that provides cover. Crouching enables the use of cover-only abilities, and so long as you remain down behind a cover object, most ranged attackers strike your cover instead.


    I personally would like to see the protection provided from ranged damaging attacks to remain while DOWN behind an object.


    What are your thoughts?


    On an explanatory note, I currently use cover to heal from all the time in warzones...which with good positioning protects me from smash monkeys and (this is why it needs nerfing) promotes the other healers on my team as easier targets for Mara's or Jugg's to focus. If there are 2 healers in a WZ widely separated and one is in cover and one not. who do you think is going to get leaped to??

    And yes I also constantly seek out objects to hide behind in WZ to utilize the defensive buff from ranged classes it provides.


    TLDR: Being able to be leaped to or pulled in cover = necessary nerf, but please leave some defensive utility to crouch if we stay behind an object otherwise crouch/cover has no meaning.


    Thanks for reading.

  14. Played Sawbones since before 1.2. Sad to see healing in cover nerfed, but I do agree the nerf was necessary, it will also change activating Voidstar doors in cover as well :(


    To a couple of posters who said they never used cover as sawbones.




    OMG this was extremely powerful and if you didn't realize it I'm sad for you.


    Many many sages died because the 2 Mara's hunting the healers couldn't leap to me, not to mention with correct positioning when in cover you have protection from the Smash Monkeys... need I go on?

  15. In short NO!


    Those so called "Epics" drop at a stupid rate...like one every 5 minutes.. 12 an hour thats not Epic at all.


    Gearing up alts in SWTOR is easy, basic comms give you BoE lvl 66 purple armour which is heaps for heroic FP's at 55.


    Timeless Isle is lazy content by lazy developers in a has been game.

    By all means if you like it go play it, but no way ever do I want that rubbish content polluting this game.



  16. Dearest OP,


    I'm the Prince of a country you might have heard of, its called The Kingdom of Upper Nigeria.

    As you no doubt are aware we are a very rich country but are being oppressed by Lower Nigeria.

    I'm also a filthy rich Billionaire please help me to get my money out of this country

    To do this I need your bank account details and those of your entire family...for tax reasons.

    For this I will pay very well indeed.


    Also My cousin has property in Nebraska with delightful seaside views and he would be delighted to sell it to you for a very nice price...




    NB: The above is not serious, just in case :eek:

  17. Healing is fine, its a learn to play issue for DPS mainly.


    I have played Scouperative heals since before 1.2.

    Shutting down a Scoundrel healer is totally possible 1v1. Some classes are better at it than others but basically

    Learn to play...


    To the poster who said he played Vig Guardian and could not 1v1 a scoundrel, seriously think again your one of the best at shutting them down.


    More generally focus fire, timing stuns correctly, busting them out of stealth after a defensive vanish, pressure pressure pressure...these are your tools.


    The real issue is with brain dead pug dps who cant focus fire to save their life and if we balanced this game around that kind of player then I for one would not want to play.


    Furthermore people seem to falsely see that healers cant be killed (because people are bads) then roll healers and suck at it and warzones are lost due to having 4 healers and no one to actually take objectives or make kills.

    Voidstar being a great example of heals being good on def but shocking on offence.


    I know when I'm up against good DPS in PuGs and I sure as hell know it against decent premades.

    I get killed fast or shutdown immediately.


    Regarding cross healing and tank Guards, yeah sure It can be harsh, it can be a challenge to kill healers in this situation... congrats a game has provided a challenge to your skills.... time to step up.


    Heals are not OP...its the matrix of healer skill and tank skill that you have to overcome with your skill

    L2 Hard switch, separate tanks from healer + CC.


    In short L2P

  18. C'mon


    A SITH walks into a pet store and asks for 5 Hamsters and a Gerbil..


    Would YOU sell them to him????


    And well you should not..


    Lets be honest about the real reason the Harbinger has issues


    Sith and small furry adorable animals just don't mix


    except possibly in a blender with some Vodka, Corellian Rum and a cute little umbrella... :eek:

  19. Seriously this issue annoys me.


    People keep bashing this games pvp blah blah blah, yet no one speaks out about what is better?


    Go on, name the mmo game with better pvp at this time??


    (I'll give you a hint SWTOR is the best overall atm)


    Please I really really want to know what game knocks this one out of the water.


    WOW? said my many to be in it's most unbalanced state since vanilla..

    Rift? you cant be freaking serious?

    TSW? Now I know your on drugs...

    GW2? ok this rates a mention, because of the massive frigging hype arround it at launch because it was going to be a pvp mecca amirite?

    Well here's a heads up princess, its a spam crapfest with ridiculous TTK and class imbalances that make the other mmo-pvp games blush... not to mention the partical sparkle fest so you cant see anything and the 40 million, minions clones pets Phantasms and AI controlled weapons that equal skill?? hmmm..

    And there is only one type of pvp map...(excepting wvw)


    Each of these games has benefits and faults, but overall SWTOR pvp is easily IMO the best of the lot at the moment.

    But please if I'm wrong in your opinion...point out the game which is on the whole better and why or G T F O..


    (This is not a, what other game is better post, its a SWTOR is better and prove me wrong with frigging examples post.)


    And finally my last point if its sooo frigging crap go away, stop complaining and play that secret MMO with the perfect pvp that only you and the cool people know about...



  20. After a 4-0 loss to Maniac on PTS, Eric may need a little help


    Playing Madness sorc, Sorc heals, PT tank and Merc (pyro?) comp??


    If he is going to insist on running comps like that, here are my sugestions on a few light buffs to madness sorcs to help a brother out..


    1/ Balalnce sorc's can move and cast while in force barrier..abilities do only half dmg...but are 10 times more trolling..


    2/ New ability to replace Creeping Terror at top of madness tree




    cast chain lightning on every sucker in range for 5 times normal dmg, 2 min cd uninterruptible.



    Run ERIC RUN :D

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