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Posts posted by Alloha

  1. Ok so i did a run thru of The Foundry with my BH and after facing HK47 I got to thinking that it would be awesome to play HK47 having played with him back in KOTOR. Then i got to thinking that being a assassin droid like HK47, Or wardroid like 4X would add a unique experience of the star wars universe from the view of a droid.

    This of course is just an idea and i'm not sure how any companions would work but it would definitely be unique

  2. Ok I just leveled my sage healer to 50 i skipped doing my professions(I know big mistake) and spent most of my money on speeder trainning and the bike.

    So here's what i need help with I tried my first HM FP T5 and i was so under geared that I left the grp as i was unable to keep up with the damage output.

    so anyway whats the best way to gear up enough for HM FP any help would be awesome Thanks

  3. Please do something were can make our companions put there weapons away my companion Jaesa has her lightsaber out all the time it's annoying as hell or is there already a button and i'm just missing it lol
  4. CAN it be used? Sure, it CAN be. Is it advisable, however? That depends.


    PvP gear plays a critical role in the game, if you ask me. Unless you're really well geared after hitting 50, you're not gonna be able to do any of the things (like hardmodes) required to gear up into T1+ gear for raids and stuff. When I hit 50 the first thing I did was buy a couple pieces of Centurion and that carried me through hardmodes.


    Back to your question. I've seen plenty of people raiding in higher end PvP gear like battlemaster. It kind of just depends on the raid itself. Regular raid? Full battlemaster should carry you through. Hardmode raid? I doubt any experienced guild would let you come until you had full/a lot of T2.


    But, as I said, PvP gear is a great fresh 50 starting point and will carry you through most PvE endgame stuff until you can get the tiered PvE gear.


    Thanks dude

  5. I'm leveling a SW currently lv43 focusing mostly on PVP but what i'm wanting to know is can the PVP gear be used in any of the end game PVE operations / raids as I may want to give them a try if only once
  6. Ok i got one lv37 one lv34 and two low level toons both under lv17

    so here's my issue when i bring up that family tree page i can only see the picture of the character i'm currently playing and not the other characters on my server.

    Do i need to have finished chapter 2 in my class quest before they show in the tree???

    or is there something else I need to do???

    Any help would be awesome Thanks

  7. The new warzone is epic (wish there was more like it with more towers and folks).


    Pvp feels way more balanced.

    There are more people playing than ever on my server.

    Q pops are nice to have back.


    My healer friends are all still happy to see me and

    they seem to keep us all alive just fine!


    In General Thank you,

    Thank you so very much!


    Im not sure why everyone else is so upset but,

    Im not sticking around to find out... gotta hit up

    some Wz!




    thank you so i'm not the only one

  8. Ok this maybe a stupid question but can you purchase any pieces of Lv50 BM armor B4

    Lv50 ???

    So the situation is i'm currently leveling (Lv37 atm) and i got 1K WZ Comms i havn't had the chance yet to check if you can buy BM armor pieces B4 Lv50 tho so

    What i'm hoping is with the new WZ cap at 2K i'm hoping to buy BM pieces on my way to Lv50. So then i could have a full set of BM gear once I do get to Lv50

    Anyway Thanks

  9. ok so i finally got my 1st toon to lv 50 a jedi consular and now working on my 1st sith toon,

    The main reason for my slowing leveling besides the normal reasons like work and stuff is the storylines become fairly immersive. Were as in WOW i would be rushing to hit the level cap and start end game raiding. But in this game i'm wanting to see what happens for each class which of course adds more time to me not end game raiding

    So anyway i was thinking I can't be the only one who has played since launch but is still only leveling toons and not doing the end game stuff

  10. Marauders are awesome i'm leveling one myself currently Lv37 it's not the easyest class in PVP to use tho especially compared to bounty hunters or sith inquisitor but from what iI hear at LV50 there monsters in PVP
  11. Ok so because of the storylines for each class i've almost played each class in the game with the exception of the Sith Inquisitor class. So because of this i find myself not really having a favourite side. i'm not saying this is a bad thing it's just weird is all


    So to give you an example i played WOW for like 3 years during that whole time i was Horde and i never played alliance. Were as this game i'm playing alts on both sides republic and empire


    This is why i ask the above question

  12. ok so i'm only lv 22 at the moment and i get that marauders can do massive dps but what wondering is where do the other medals come from the only non dps medal i got was the

    1k defender medal.

    Also will there be other abilties that will give me some healing or tanking abilties so that i could get access to the other medals in pvp or do i need to respec as i'm currently carnage

  13. maybe a dumb question but with the new content coming in patch 1.2 and with that improved graphics will this mean well have to update our graphics drivers. I ask this as i had MAZZIVE issues when trying play another bioware game Mass Effect 3.

    I hope this will not be repeated with SWTOR

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