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Posts posted by Hushups

  1. Every now and then when I press my button for a ready ability, nothing happens. I have enough rage, the ability is not on cooldown, the GCD is done. It simply does not go through. There are also times when I set an ability in que (so that it goes off next as soon as the prior one is complete) and that won't go through. And for me, the most annoying, is my interrupt abilities need to be pressed 2-3 almost constantly to get them to go off. Sometimes they go off so late that it was a wasted use since what I was trying to interrupt has already almost fully channeled through.


    That is what I have experienced in terms of ability delay, it may or may not be what others have experienced.

  2. *face palm*


    If Diablo III hosted several thousand people on a server, and had more than 4 people able to populate the world at a time, then perhaps you would have a point.


    Feigning ignorance and attempting to dumb down my argument is cute, but not effective.


    It's almost as if my point was that SWTOR is no where near being an MMO even though it hosts several thousand people on a server. It's almost as if that fact is entirely irrelevant based on how the game plays and what you experience in the world. It's almost as if I compared SWTOR to D3 because you'll meet the same amount of people in your travels. It's almost as if I don't count people standing next to an auction termianl as "MMO."


    But you're right, apparently I have no point. Or you just missed it entirely.

  3. I'd honestly rather get into an old fashioned chain pull grind group from EQ1 and have an entertaining chat with the groupies for an hour than run from quest hub to quest hub doing the exact... same... quests... over... and over... and over....


    At least the chain pull groups just hung out, you didn't have to travel anywhere for your grind. And you got to just chill and talk with people while mindlessly bashing in monsters. Yeah, it's a bit dull and eventually you log off to take a break. But what is exciting about killing 10, looting 8, planting 4 exactly?

  4. Every night I do one or more of the following with my guildmates.


    1) PvP

    2) Raid

    3) Do Hard-Modes

    4) Kill world bosses

    5) Do Ilum

    6) Level Alts

    7) Do the "quest" to collect mats for the Magenta Crystal

    8) Collect the +10 Stats Datacron



    Lets put it in terms of what I'll be doing in Diablo 3, shall we?


    1) Check.

    2) Nope, no raids that I know of in D3.

    3) Inferno difficulty is apparently going to be very hard, check.

    4) Yup, lots of bosses in Diablo 3. Check.

    5) I guess this means do dailies? Not sure, but I'm pretty sure any game allows you to go to any zone... so sure, check.

    6) I'll b leveling alts in D3, check.

    7) I'm sure there will be "quests" in D3 that require you to do things repeatedly for crafting mats, or something very close to that likeness. Check.

    8) Nothing like that in D3 that I know of, although people will be farming for runes, but that's a bit different, so gonna so no on that one.


    So, by count: 5 yes, 1 maybe, 2 no's. Looks like Diablo 3 is well on it's way to being an MMO, yes?

  5. The 19th is the last day for the "free month" included in the box for those that had early access. Toss in a few more days for those that waited to buy right at release and in roughly a week, the bulk of those that dislike the game will be gone from the forums.




    No, it won't. If you think so then this must be your first time in a MMO general forum. Nothing will change.

  6. Fully customizable UI.

    Mutable droids.

    A copy/paste of any other MMO's auction system.

    A mailbox on my spaceship.

    Abilities that go off when I press the button for them.

    Streamlined travel (removal of space ports).

    Gathering nodes that I can gather from.

    Guilds having more function other than a permanent chat channel.

    Companions that:

    will deliver toggled items to my bank for me.

    will deliver mission rewards to my bank for me.

    can craft faster if set to some sort of "unsummonable" mode.

  7. Alot of threads and myriads or replies emerged from players that claim they cancelled their sub and just playing their free game time.


    Im gonna be really caustic if i keep seeing threads about cancellation and doom past 20th of Jan.


    Newsflash: People can cancel their accounts after the 20th as well, which in turn means that they can post to let you know about it.

  8. What is going to happen to these forums after the 20th? :eek:


    Everyone who dislikes the game will be gone, and not posting.... :rolleyes:

    Those of us who like the game will be in game playing and not posting.... :)


    I can already hear the crickets on the forums... there won't be any one showing the love after the 20th!!!!!!!!






    What's going to happen is the same thing that is happening now. Those who are unhappy will continue to complain, only then it will be paying customers who are complaining. The only thing that will change (maybe) is the volume of threads/posts. Other than that things will be exactly as they are today. Go to any MMO general forum and take a look, they are all alike.

  9. This thread fails to account for the simple idea that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what WoW was like at launch, or EQ2, or WAR or any other MMO. Those launches are no longer the current standard in what people expect to see in their MMO's. Whether you think that is good or bad is also largely irrelevant. If people don't enjoy this game because it doesn't meet their expectations, end of story. Hopping in a time machine and talking about how bad some other game used to be doesn't impact the amount of enjoyment I get out of a game today.


    I don't mean to bash the OP here, it's a well written thread and he's correct in what he's saying. But it doesn't matter. Standards have changed, expectations have changed, end of story.

  10. Ahhh, the classic "I enjoyed playing older games that weren't nearly as polished as newer games are" thread. Which of course means that we should be satisfied with a product that is unsatisfactory by today's standards.


    I guess this means we all get to quit and fire up EQ1 again?

  11. There seems to be a pretty thick, black line here on what we are defining as game breaking.



    Here's the Game Breaking bug definition:

    -A bug that makes in impossible to play the game;

    -Something that crashes your client;

    -A bug that freezes your client;



    This is far closer to defining a broken game, not a bug that causes serious problems. Impossible to play the game? Has there ever been a "bug" that makes it impossible to play a game? Can a game that has a bug like this even be called a game? Hard to call it a game if it doesn't even function as one.


    A game breaking bug is one that ruins a game. You don't have to make a CPU freeze in order to have a terrible effect on a game. If you are playing a FPS online and there is a bug that makes it impossible for you to kill an opposing player, that is gamebreaking. Massive drops in framerate that make it very difficult (but not impossible) to control your character can be gamebreaking. Online games with online economies can be ruined very quickly if dupes are find and rapidly exploited.


    The idea that a game breaking bug is one that makes the game impossible to play is incorrect. A game breaking bug is one that drastically alters what an intended outcome is supposed to be, based on design, which then ruins the game itself. The worst ones ruin the game so much that the game is then essentially unplayable because of it.


    As far as SWTOR? To me that dupe exploit that was recently discovered is one that I would call game breaking. The dance bug that allows you to break targeting is getting pretty close. I've seen a lot of topics about over heating computers and significant frame rate problems. There's an interesting thread about the Empire players having a significant advantage over Rebels, that could easily be chalked up as a PvP breaking bug/design flaw. And for some (some) the ability delay is a gamebreaker, although that is more based on a person's playstyle and how they need a game to respond in order for them to enjoy it.


    When you really get down to it though, if a game has a bug that annoys you so bad that it makes you no longer want to play.... then it broke the game for you.

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