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Posts posted by Snievelsnavel

  1. Pre downloaded but a bit of a D3 noob im afraid, why hold back on barb?


    Heartburn can be very expensive when it leads to ulcers and trips to the hosptal. You can scream war cries all day long but it can real burn a hole in your pocket in the end. Better to build your cash flow first.

  2. Bioware uses shadow rendering to make certain players hard to mark and even the tab key will not pick up the target and to top it all off if you see the player and point and click on them you cant kill them. I have seen players with one health last through countless blasts with no healer present. Tuesday cant come soon enough. May the force bring it sooner.
  3. Ha ha consumption meh such a horribad boring class to play that Bio even allowed to put points in consumption so you feel like your doing a exploit when you feel like your class is not contributing to the win. I want to assure your feelings are correct.
  4. File a complaint with http://www.bbb.org the Austin branch. Demand a refund. The only argument bio will have is the time you played. If bio gets enough tickets they will be forced to outsource their customer service over seas.


    Good idea reference T-mobile. Got booted from the BBB forced to use the fav 5 plan. lol we still use it. Matter of fact t-mobile does not even sell fav 5 phones anymore. Being fined by the BBB is not a good thing.

  5. Thought this may be useful to Bioware.


    I have a very large extended mmo family, well after playing MMO's for 10 years it's hardly suprising. What is not suprising to me is that I am the only person left playing SWTOR out of all the people that would normally be playing it with me. Infact only 1 of them actually went out and bought it, he left after 3 weeks.


    Anyway there is one reason that unites every single one of them, one reason that is stopping all of them playing this game. That reason is lack of world PvP. Now first off lets define what we (me and my on-line buddies) define as world PvP.


    Warning I am about to mention World of Warcraft, people that can't cope should stop reading now and go into a corner, suck their thumb and cry rivers.


    World PvP is when you are out questing in "The World" and then all of a sudden you get attacked by enemy faction players. You may be fighting a mob, there may be 5 of the enemy players, you may die in under 5 seconds, whatever, this is called World PvP. No i hear you say, this is called Ganking.....well ok it may be a gank but it's still Player verses Player and it's in the world so it's world PvP.


    No one likes being killed by other players, especially when they are higher level or outnumber you. However this brings a whole new game to the table, it means the nice pretty world is a very dangerous place and lets be honest, most people like a bit of danger in their gaming. And if you don't then thats fine, there are PvE servers, basically if you can't cope with being ganked roll PvE but stop ruining it for people like me who like danger.


    My friends tell me they refuse to spend hours and hours every night playing a game that is about as dangerous as putting on a hat. They want excitment, adventure, they want to be chased of high level players, they want to be ganked by 5 or 6 people, they want their little Republic outpost attacked by 30 or 40 Empire players, they want their NPC's massacred, they want a world that is real!!! And so do I.


    SWTOR is just lifeless, no ones is ever going to return to a zone once they have out levelled it. Why would you? You can't attack the enemy faction bases because even on level 20 worlds they have a zillion level 50 elite guards with 102k hp. Honestly you are digging your own graves here by making sure no one is every allowed to have fun. You are telling us how we have to have fun and guess what, it's not fun.


    In WOW Blizzard made the rules but allowed a lot of flexibility, we were allowed to flatten South Shore, they were allowed to flatten Tarren Mill. They could sneak into Orgrimmar and kill the auctioneers, we could storm Ironforge and kill their king. Every zone after The Barrens had massive crossover questing that ensured we would all be fighting eachother as we levelled up. WOW was exciting, dangerous and fun. SWTOR is stale, lifeless and boring (if you like pvp).


    This is not just me waffling, this is actual fact as I have a large list of friends that prove me right and judging by the amount of people already left this game I would say we are not the only ones.


    Now I fully expect the PvE people to get confused again and start flaming me, they keep forgetting to roll on PvE servers and start posting on threads like this that they don't want to be ganked LOL So anyone that actually replies with Ganking is not fun, where is the fun in not being able to quest due to griefers, etc etc my reply is YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SERVER PVE IS -------> THAT WAY!


    So you like to gang up on single players that are questing and gank them when they are near death. Sounds like skill and enjoyment. Do you have a brochure on how much you charge for yard work?

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