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Posts posted by taoyinyang


    I'm sure we'll see some fixes soon. Just give it time. Remember there's 8 different storylines to explore until then, not to mention the stories on each planet.


    Your right, but the A.D.D generation needs it fixed back in beta and Story? Pfft that requires a even deeper attention span.

  2. Like i've said many times Maybe bioware does not intend to change anything about PVP, and maybe they like it exactly the way it is.


    Its star wars, people will buy it, sub it and have many sub reasons for playing it because the universe is awesome.


    Stop coming back here if your not going to play the game, Its a waste of your own time and ours.

  3. Hmm...cancel my subscription because one element of a game I love isn't perfect a 12 days after release...


    ...I don't think so!


    Sorry, but I think that's really short sighted to say that. In 4-5 months time when you come back and everyone's geared, are you going to tell them to cancel their subscription because it's too hard to get gear?



    Truth. And Honestly if PVP is so bad, post up some resumes so you can get a Job with Bioware and work your magic.

  4. When im on my Jedi Shadow I hang out at the enemy's goal so when my team goes mid it can be passed to me for the goal, then I restealth...And as I post this the opposing team just ran to my side with the ball thinking its the goal side for them , ahaha
  5. Hello everyone, First of all i would like to say i'm a level 50 bountyhunter healer myself and win somewhere around 80% of all warzones i play( Valor level 38). My main reason for this post is to say how OP Powertechs are at Huttball. There is one Powertech on my server that can cheese with the best of them.All he does if you have the ball and are heading to the inzone is wait on top of their ramp behind firepit pull you in and if you break that cc he electrodarts you (Can you think of a counter to that?) He does it every single game and it just pisses me off that there is no counter for it. The only counter i see is a cd nerf any comments?


    That Powertech sounds Like Hawkson Powertank...Oh SNAP!

  6. Sometimes people make valid points in a expression of their concern. A complaint and a praise carries the same weight of respect for each others opinion. Hearing constructive feedback and solutions is what happens after we come to a middle ground.


    Though forums is a manner of communication this is a new community, the ones who post here like this game in particular and want nothing more but for it to do well as a standalone title that it is. Allot of us from older games know that if negativity runs rapid on this board that connects us directly to the desks of bioware employee's, without any lick of solution that we can all agree on from brainstorming idea's back and forth, taking time to process the pros and cons of others and our own posts. We can end up with a company that takes idea's based off the whim of the moment to satisfy short term goal oriented buyers.

  7. Pretty much. Bioware should add some new subforums. Something like: PvP complains, PvE complains etc. You can't read any Forum without having to filter the "Just my little Review" "my opinion about XX "Why im unsubbing". :/ I need a good SW:Tor forum, this is full of whiners.


    I wouldn't mind that either, I personally would love that.


    Think of it, Going to a forums filled with people who actually enjoy the product they are using without any concern for those who don't.


    My God I think your onto something!:eek:

  8. I and a few others have been trying to get some constructive feedback on ways to improve, promote and create enjoyment for future PvP Scenarios. I agree with you too, I do not understand in a world of limitless possibles why individuals choose, CHOOSE, to associate with things they disagree with.


    This isn't 1995 there is not but one option to choose from in Personal Digital Entertainment Massive Multiplier Online Role playing games but 1000's think outside the main stream box and find something you like, that you don't have to change and enjoy it.

  9. Ok for Hutt Ball:


    They are aesthetic:

    Ad Signs and Sports Distractions

    Announcer saying more that deals with the situations like "I hope they pass the ball soon"

    HuttBall Themed players outfit, currently my bounty hunter looks like a football player but that's just the gear design.



    but for the stage.


    Moving platforms :D

  10. I'd like a warzone that's a giant head on collision between players and it's a slow push to overtake the enemies compound. Back and forth style, whoever's base is breached and blown up loses.


    Im watching "Star Wars The clone Wars:S4 x E7" This would be a perfect example of what your saying, when the troopers engage in combat.

  11. I've always been a fan of Star Wars Battlefront.


    The settings and wars are always so epic tasting, one map had you activate beacons, defend them, man a turret to cripple the opposing side all while depending on your current character goals for them too.


    Troopers getting bombs or shields

    Jedi channeling to hold off incoming plasma shells, im sure the animations for all of those would look amazing in a screenshot.


    These extra abilities could be exclusive to just that battleground. Working together with your own classes or just by yourself to fulfill objectives in a group environment .

  12. More huttball styled maps.




    8 player imp Guild vs 8 player imp Guild.


    Ooo! Guild vs Guild, great idea.

    Could send PVP Mail invitations or something and then teleport everyone to the Warzone.

    A Guild Ranking/Rating/Score system would work well with that, Guild rewards and everything.

  13. Im sure this could happen to other people too, Maybe you could create a blog or a guide to give some info on what your doing and pass it along in your server community. Keep up the good work, If your looking for personal recognition as well as a victory match people will PM you to create groups to go into warzones.


    I get allot of invites on my server from random people wanting to do warzones because the performance i give is noted, even if the pug team is lacking at the time.

  14. If you could create/construct the next warzone:


    What would the setting/Theme be?

    Team Size:

    Goal to win:


    I was working on mock ups for Warzones and thought a tournament based warzone would be exciting.


    Players start in Cages/Single Rooms. When the event Starts they face 1 person across from them. Depending on the victor they move onto the next round, The defeated can spectate until they get one last chance to redeem them self by fighting someone else who's lost.


    Team size is :1 v 1 with maybe 16 players on both sides or less


    Goal to win: defeat the opposing faction to gain victory for your side. Just like in the Olympics when people killed to represent their side/faction to show who has the better warriors.

  15. Yeah, I realized after I posted you were going to bring this up. It's a little dispiriting to be told to go eff yourself when you're just trying to gently help someone suck a little bit less. Still... I keep trying. Maybe as a tank I'm just used to taking a lot of punishment.


    Same here, I can tank it so my team can pull together, learn from each other and work together.

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