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Posts posted by WillytheWise


    We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.



    Ok i think we all know this isn't going to work.


    Instead of delaying the inevitable why can't you guys just make the individual server forums. You guys are trying to half-arse this stuff and its not helping in the customer department.

  2. I think a lot of people fail to realize mmo is just a sub category for games.


    Star wars is an MMORPG


    and we all know rpg games are STORY DRIVEN.


    So if you never intended to play a game based on story. then why in the hell would you of picked star wars much less paid for it.


    sry im done for now.

  3. So, give Bioware $60 USD worth of subscription money when they've proven that they couldn't even fix 5% of the bugs reported in beta?



    No thanks.


    lol ok bud your lack of knowledge and/or your skill in trolling is far below normal standards.

  4. Lets get some facts straight now.


    Its only been a month since release,

    Their are a few flaws and bugs.

    Bioware is fully aware of most if not all impurities in the game.

    They are working on these it takes time to rewrite code, if you haven't tried then ****

    Its true not a lot of end game content is out, but comon on guys its only been a MONTH.

    Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums.


    So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


    I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


    May the Force be with you Bioware.

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