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Posts posted by Ultimatummark

  1. EVerytime i go up against the final boss, my companion stops healing, and I die by either getting 2 shot coelesced lightning, or the pull before relentless assault bugs me thru the ground underneat him.. is there anyway to fiz this, or does playing in a grp change this outcome at all? Help Plz
  2. When I go to my processes (after closing the launcher) all the bitraider stuff dissapears, its only when the launcher is active that I see it.. And if i wanted to delete it, would I just go to my control panel and uninstall bitraider?

    Like I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, and all I did was sighn in. It hasn't run a patch or anything, or even started to do the minimum download, 3 hours in... There is deffinatly a problem, and uninstalling is not helping.. I just think I might have done something to mess this up for good.... :(

  3. I launched swtor today and noticed the play button would not light up and in the bottom left corner it kept saying "initializing" after waiting about an hour with no change I took to the internet to find solutions.. i went into the launcher settings (as per a guide) and changed the bitraider settings to true. I went back and launched the game only this time It was telling me I had a networking error. Giving up I reinstalled the game. I have now been sitting at the fresh launcher for re-install for an hour and a bit and it has not stopped saying "initializing downloading" please tell me I did not mess this up beyond repair.. If anyone knows how I can get this working please please give me any advice or info you can!
  4. I bought a requisition item to get the ISO-5R droid as a companion. When I did so I was given a quest to talk to a guy in a bazaar. After I did that the quest completed, but I did not get the companion added to my roster. ive tried to recollect the item form my collections but when I use it I get a wording that says "you can no longer use that" So... Im down quite a bit of creds and I have sent a few tickets over the course of this week... I have gotten Zero replies about this problem, Form both the community and the GM's ALL I WANT IS TO KNOW is if this is happening to other people, if this problem is a known problem, and if its being fixed.. Please I just want a little information I realize that is asking a lot from an EA game.. but im hoping for the best
  5. I recently purchased an Iso-5R droid companion requisition.. at great expense, and when I completed the mission (talk to the guy in the bazaar) It said the mission was completed but i did not get the companion added to my roster.. I tried to collect the item from my collections but when I used it all i got was "you can no longer use this item" I have sent a ticket.. but who knows how long that will take.. i was hoping to find a work around.. anything that can be done to get the companion.. So I didn't waste the credits on and IN GAME (should work) item
  6. I Love this game, I really do, star wars has always been a big influence on me, so I think this game is exactly what star wars fans need.. but at the same time i have yet to see one reply form an admin or moderator answering the many asked questions in this thread, all we want to know is when is this coming out or when the HK droid is available. The many planets being open areas was a great idea, the crafting FANTASTIC, classes are all star wars oriented and great to play with, so instead of adding more of what we already have why not go through these forums, see what your gaming community wants, then meet those needs and expand the population! I could never get into world of Warcraft, to me this game is better then WoW, but blizzard listens to their players and meets their needs. No one cares about the overall vision you people have, we want an original and fun game, but it can only go so far before its just to pathetically overwhelming. Free to play will still diminish your game, over a few years this game will die, you people want to save this game then look at all the ideas people have and act on them, the players who play your game everyday and love it for what it is, will always have ideas to throw around, just saying, sometimes its good to listen to other people and act on those ideas.
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