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Posts posted by Johnny_Blazexxx

  1. You play Madness spec all the time, you spam force lightning (force regen) until you proc Crushing Darkness, which you use on CD, not counting that you Afflict at least three people to get autoheals through talents and gear. Plus you've got pretty much +75% force pool everytime I target you. So not only you regen life consumed every couple of seconds, you also have your force recovery on demand as a filler. Why on earth would you ask for that?
  2. Make Cleanse ability to remove all DEBUFFS and remove CD from it.




    Add every 'cleansing' class an ability that removes buffs on foes.


    The latter would be more painful for most people, so I'd stick to the first one.

  3. What are you basing these numbers off of, rated, regs, average length warzone?




    My point is that there are 4 really good damage classes that are totally wanted in rateds for there DPS and honestly we (my guild) talked about assassin hybrid and tank jug and the only reason assassins are wanted now over a jug tank is because they can put up ok numbers in a rated environment because "tank" wise myself and others feel jugs are just as good as assassins and sometimes are better at times (there smash/tank hybrid is also not so bad). A nerf, which apparently two is not enough would pretty much kill what chances we have at having a spot on a rated team since as it stands every single advanced class with the exception of mercs/commandos have one ranked viable build and also trust me when I say that no team will put an assassin dps build on a ranked team.


    You started to talk as I'd feel like trolling you, but you redeemed yourself. My point would be exactly the same as you said. Moreover, tank assassins are wanted in a rated setup because of versatility. Especially with field respec. Even without it, you get the most specs you can imagine when it comes to a single class. But the main reason to take (more than 2 or even 3) tanksins for a rated team is utility. No matter what WZ you get into, double pull on a single defended door/node on Void/Alderaan is more viable than leaping and ranged interrupts. I tried to be bottomline cynical on Shin's WZonia, but she marked me as spam.


    I use ranked to set the example because for the most part you run into total group synergy with heals/tank/dps and consist of players who have optimized gear and know completely the ins and outs of there class and rolls. I could care less if I put up insane numbers in a pug group, numbers don't really mean much in regs.


    Well because in ranked you would go 50/500/250 (and I trust you to ba able to put up these numbers no problem) which is ever more useful than 8 operatives, 4/3 OPs/Sins 1 Mara, 4/3 OPs/Juggs 1 Mara, 8/7 Sins 1 Mara. IMO this game since the beggining was all about utility (some people call it stunwars). There's no need for DPS, there's need for people taking other people out of combat.


    My point IS (except for what you said, with which I completely agree): Tanks shouldn't be able to do damage in tank spec (hybrid whatevershenaniganspec) equivalent to DPS classes.

  4. Truth in this post!

    If another player is out DPSing you in Tank stance, then that player would BLOW YOU WAY on a true DPS class.


    Nice try :-)






    Well Sir, assuming that you are serious... it's not a matter of trusting you (I do), but rather making a choice: would you like to go 750/50/50 (prot and healing are intentionally lowered for higher dmg), or 300/250/150?

  5. Every discussion about Shadows, Guardians and Vanguards revolves around one simple matter, that's been tampered with by players since the beginning. Should tanks be able to do damage? Of course they should, but is it supposed to be on equal level as dedicated DPS classes? Tanks will answer "yes" and the rest will say "no". Either with heavy armor and/or defensive CDs they're able to outdps everybody else and guard people at the same time (obviously shadows don't wear heavy, but they've got CDs and healing). Out of 20 people or even more playing a tank class, only one person actually can play a tank (like Shin's teammate Ladispute for example), rest is mindlessly dps-whoring, because as a tank you will be able to survive longer in comparison to pure DPS classes (maybe excluding the marauder), so it's easier, more comfortable.




    I am against tanks being able to make the same damage output as DPS classes. That's why I think Shadow's tank tree is the weirdest of all three. VG's talents offer AoE mitigation, shield proccs and utility. Guardian's offer self-mitigation and utility... and Shadow's tanking tree offers threat and damage proccs. I understand it's a light armored class, but there's nothing tanky in tank tree, except maybe tier 1 and 2 talents. And since it is light armored class, IMO shadows should have more defensive talents/proccs to match heavy armored guys instead of constantly buffing up project or tele wave.

  6. The best thing from a Sage/Sorc perspective about bubble stun is that... nothing has really changed. Unless I had the courage (or stupidity rather) to go solo WZs running heal hybrid, I was never worried about people reclessly breaking it before full duration. I have never dotted people, nor have I asked tanks/dps for assistance when I was ganked, because I knew they will be stunned for the whole duration.


    Now, a lot of people complain about the stun not breaking on damage, because WZs are more AoE fest than before.


    1. Snipers are shutting down the nodes by putting explosive probes on them, or casting the flyby everytime (wasn't like this couple of months ago, when still majority needed to L2P or... majority haven't been playing snipers).


    2. More smahers in teams on average.


    3. DoT spamming just to get my 750k+ in Voidstar etc.


    4. Generally more frequent usage of AoE stuff just to stack DPS or interrupt capping (which is useful, but still one of the main causes of bubble stun crying).




    What's even better. I heard complaints from Combat/Carnage Sents/Maras about the bubble stun! Which amazed me, because it's simply a matter of throwing a lightsaber and then popping Force Scream/Blade Storm, to get the burst without stunning yourself.


    And from a Sage/Sorc perspective - I still have to gimp myself, to go for bubble build. My healing output is lower, there are no HoT proccs anymore, so I'm twice as interrupt-vulnerable as before (back in the 1.5 sec Deliverance proc days), which forces me to use Healing Trance/Innervate on every CD instead of Deliverance, that serves only as a stun/interrupt bait nowadays.


    PRO TIP: Get ranged DPS to burst the bubble and then leap and start smashing :-D


    Previously you didn't have to do anything against any melee, except letting them pop the bubble. Effect was exactly the same.




    That was a defensive standpoint. Now let's talk about offence. I can bubble my smashers, let them leap onto someone, pop bubbles and smash stunned people. That's ok? It sure is. Since every ranked group has a Sage/Sorc, you should encounter bubbled people on the opposite side aswell :-D


    The deeper we go in this thread, the more chances that we come up with one simple conclusion: Nerf smashers :-D


    ...and operatives.

  7. If you go 21/20, then you're Sentinel's worst nightmare. You just have to stay above 30% health, so the annoying heal debuff doesnt eat your *** (plus the execution throw comes into play).


    You dont even have to avoid ravage/master strike, because second hit will mezz him (exploding bubble) and you will want to freecast Deliverance in the meantime, to either burst someone on your team, or force his trinket and bait interrupt.


    Then you can run and slow them. If they use they're gap closer, you use your Force Wave, which will root him. This way you save your Force Lift and Stun for other people.


    Since you're all Balance, then use the Force Lift to bait trinket, then go KB, then Stun last and Force Slow. Still plenty of stuff to annoy any Sent.

  8. L2P issue.


    Then remove JK/SW leaps, force push, harpoons and Shadow/Assassin pulls.


    And then will come QQ about removing CC in HB...


    And then remove force speed...


    And then all the mitigation from tanks, who carry the ball...


    And then remove burst damage abilities, so the carrier won't die in 2 seconds because of removing all of the above...


    Considering the defenders can be kept behind the spawn barrier longer then it takes someone to plant a bomb AND for it to blow the **** up. Yea, totally stupid.



    Well maybe because you wouldn't be able to plant, if it lasted for a shorter period? Unless you like perpetual nuking, which would lead to teams having even more healers and eventually making it impossible to plant whatsoever.

  10. 1) It was too perfect. If you used Force Speed and timed your jump exactly at the ledge, you were able to leap over to the other side and take the Speed Buff, which is absolutely useless when you fight at the doors (literally it's pointless to use it). Someone put it on purpose, it shouldn't be considered an exploit.


    2) Jumping over required skill, which means that your team would hold off enemy by using utility instead of dumb 1-2-3-4 DPS, so Force users were able to run away and gain advantage. As for the jumper... He/she was supposed to be good at Super Mario :)


    3) It punished the loosing team for not using utility properly and for having poor situational awareness (eventually you could commit suicide and hold everyone off at the last door).


    4) Warriors, Knights, Vanguards and Powertechs will still be able to leap if they want, but since no one is that dumb to stand on the other side so close to the ledge - you're gonna have to nuke everyone down and waste time on 1-2-3-4...


    I brought this up, because defending on Voidstar is very easy. You don't even have to kill anyone, just interrupt. The rest is all about kiting, breaking LoS and proper utility usage. But if you give up a door, the best punishment for you, was that someone jumped over, planted, then planted the last door and it was over, because most people were focused on DPS numbers, instead of playing the objective.


    Any other thoughts?

  11. Really ? so you are condoning the idea its fine, for 4 or 5 people or perhaps the whole team to throw CC's and stun at one player ? - isn't this a little over the top ?[/Quote]


    There's nothing wrong with this. Eventually every thread about something that should be nerfed or doesn't work ends up the same. Focus fire is overpowered - not classes. And that's the right way of things. You have to focus fire someone to take him/her down in seconds, or completely shut him/her out of the combat. If you recall your lost matches, you will come to a conclusion, that losses occur not necessarily due to team being undergeared or imbalanced, but rather improper usage of CC's and lack of focus firing. If there's 3 healers and you can't kill one by focusing, then you have to spread and damage/CC others to put more strain on them. Then you watch if they use CC breakers - if yes - then someone else puts on them their concussion charge / whirlwind / flashbang etc. If you're playing a healer yourself for example, you should tell your team on TS/Vent, who has used it, so they will know who's vulnerable to what and take proper action. That's why it is possible to win WZs by having a 4-man premade, because rest is just filling a spot - nothing else. They can be utterly useless. You will loose only if you pop your CC's and they break them prematurely.


    Huttball matches are the greatest example of how important is to time your utility. You loose everytime pugs throw all their CC on a ball carrier at once. They guy barely picked the ball up and he's already full on resolve (like, in the middle of the map!). How wrong is that? Who does it and what's the purpose? If he's a tank, then it's over.


    Resolve has never worked for me any how, I do not see any solutions here to the problems of multiple cc's being thrown at a player, and being then rooted, and killed.


    Sometimes I feel, that resolve works only on me, and everybody else is being perma-stunned. Once again - resolve works! It just doesn't prevent roots. Having 3 guardians leap to you is annoying I know. But then again, where's the team?


    What are guardians whining about? Harpoons of course. There's nothing worse than using your leaps and being pulled back to where you started (and then most often comes the CC immunity bubble). Ultimate ragequit.


    I play a Sage healer. I get CC'd and rooted and snared everytime I appear too close to where I shouldn't be at all. And I die in seconds to Merc+PT, PT+Mara, Mara+Jugg combos. I cannot do anything to prevent this except one - stay out of LoS. It is achievable, you can only take my word for it, but it's possible.


    Your talking about CCing a group of players together, which is to my mind, different, from a group of players ganking 1 player on their own, or being targeted by over zealous CC's and stuns just to prevent that player being able to participate in that Warzone.


    Well but isn't it all about ganking? Ganking is overpowered because it's all about killing players, who have absolutely no chance of survival. It's being the most unfair to people, but that's the way it works, I'm sorry... If gankers are overzealous in CC, then you're gonna have your immunity no problem. After two seconds into a fight, you will see your resolve bar flashing and voila - you're immune for even longer than 3 seconds, as suggested in this thread. But if there's leapers on the ganking team - you're dead. And there's nothing you can do about it.


    I remember we had some very interesting Ilum fights at a time, when there was actually a point of doing this. We assembled a group of 8 people and played against a 1.5 Ops group from Empire. I was the only visible member of our team, the rest were Shadows and Scoundrels. You cannot win 8 vs. 40, right? Right, but you can annoy them to a point, when there's nothing else to do than farm armaments (takes forever) or just quit, so it's back to 8v8. I was a bait. I walked up different ramps everytime and everybody else was literally on my back, waiting for someone to come by and try to gank me. They even switched their tactics later and if anyone spotted me first, they didn't charge straight away - instead just called for help. So 5 people charged me and then *wham* - Shoots First x4, 20k damage and we're done here. We were getting 3 kills per 5 mins this way, but it was so much fun. The only people that complained about someone being unfair/OP/imba were the 40 Imps, who worked in a too large group, impossible to control by anyone. By the time the rest came in from the middle rock, it was already over and I was on my speeder lurking a different ramp already.

  12. Well if you actually have your team use CC abilities properly, then all the problems vanish suddenly.


    And if you save your "trinket" for a moment when you've got full resolve, then all the problems vanish suddenly.






    Wait for 8-man premade rated WZs, judge skill of your teammates, then adjust it so you can secure more wins, then go back to this topic and reconsider.


    PvP isn't really about 1-2-3-4 rotation, nor it is about any kind of DPS. It is about playing the objective and team choreography. That's why the only questionable "balance" thing in this game is whether tanks should be able to do more damage than actual DPS classes or not.




    The fastest way of clearing a node on Alderaan or a door in Voidstar is to catch as many people as you can in a group stun and then fire all the AoE on them. This however requires choreography also, which means that people who play this game are supposed to have brains and be good at making decisions. If you're suggesting, that CC should be easier countered, then you're bringing this game to look more like: "if we DPS everybody in this WZ and burn them down, then we win". That's why there's so much crying for Deathmatch gameplay type. Really, no one asked you to stay in group and get stunned. Someone just took advantage of your "skill".

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