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Posts posted by Tomahak

  1. And how exactly are you using your own intelligence without threat and damagemeters? You're adding upp all the numbers you see above the mob every second, add them together and come up with your dps?


    this is what i do right now and I'm not complaining. If this game is design for human intelligence with no adds-on support, well I really hope they keep it that way.


    I don't think we are guessing right now. Human Intelligence make hypothesis and try to solve problems. Best part, it's working.

  2. Today, my friends and I tried to enter HM Black Talon. We receive the message that we need to reset all active flashpoint. Fair enough, we reset it, nothing happen...


    Even when we receive group invite asking if we want to reset all flashpoint, nothing happen. This problem spread like a virus, we can't even get inside a flashpoint even when we're not in a group.


    I know there's a work around where we need to make a alt and give him lead and yada yada. There's nothing about it in patch 1.0.2, nobody answer our tickets about it and no reply on the forum.


    Please fix this as soon as possible



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