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Posts posted by millionfall

  1. Fixed. Check my post again.--> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9808709#post9808709

    (the seached threads 'timed out' )





    You sound like you have little to no awareness of actual Coding in MMO's and what it truly involves on a grand 'spiderweb' type scale.





    They already have been, right here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=170994&highlight=weapon+appearance :D


    Also, "they" are not your elected officials. They are merely other humans doing a job for a large corporation. They don't owe you anything. The GAME is what you pay for, not answers from Devs at snap of your typed fingers.


    Whenever you have time, try to get some perspective or get educated about Coding. Or both.

    Maybe you should stop being defensive and passive aggressive. It seems you just have issues of letting things go. Plus they do owe fans answers and honest. Keep saying with 3 plus years of we are working on it and looking into it. Then they say they have plans to put it in but don't then say they are looking for a good time slot when they had like five instances of it and keep saying they don't see a proper time for it is dishonest. At the end of the day fans keep putting food on their table and if they keep giving non-answers and cop outs is really not worth defending. How do you know I haven't spent time with coding and it is a mess but they had 3 plus years how do you not see that. I'm afraid I can't help you and this did not require a flame response.

  2. Yet you did.


    And your demanding sense of entitlement also clouded your ability to search the forums...





    p.s. Check the 'Dev Tracker' and you might notice how they typically don't respond to incoherent redundant rants.


    Good luck to you.


    Two of those threads no longer exist and the third is just requesting not asking why the hell there is no update. They keep saying it is planned but not important enough to implement. This is sus as I stated before they had plenty of slow updates to work it in. This is why they need to be clear and honest.

  3. Sorry to be negative and demanding lol but this has been going on long enough. We need a clear and honest answer as to why this is taking so long. We keep getting word this is going to be a thing but nothing has come of it for years now enough is enough. Either say we are going to find a way to work this in or you don't care enough to do it. I feel you had ample opportunity to make it in during our slow cycles but nothing is being done. Well hope I didn't come off as to ranty and pissy. I just feel like this will never become a thing and it is very sad. I'd rather not keep ripping out the mods and what not it gets so annoying after so long as well.
  4. Oh look we have the 20 thousandth post of new races being requested. We really need a sticky thread for this. Bioware please get on the ball with this and make one stickied preferably fine since it has ones that are completely doable and highly requested and give clear defining reasons why and would bring in a wealth of income. Although it doesn't matter as I well copy and paste it in.


    Please note this is not intended to be an *** just pointing out why we need a sticky topic for this.

  5. I never knew he was a part of Banes story at all to begin with.


    Revan might have been mentioned in passing as an example of ancient Sith who inspired him, but he is hardly important in the grand scheme of things and like others mentioned, Bane was around long before Revan.


    And yes, cascading cannon is a slippery slope and completely ridiculous. I assure you I can take everything that happens in SWTOR and link it (with your tenuous logic) to almost the entire Legends continuity at some point.


    So if Kotor is cannon, then the Mandalorian wars are cannon, then the KOTOR Comics are cannon, so then Celeste Morne is Cannon, so then the Legacy Comics are cannon, so then the Fel Empire and Galactic Alliance are cannon, so the Legacy and FotJ novels are all cannon, so then the NJO and Vong are cannon, etc...


    Yeah it doesn't work like that.

    He was far more than mentioned in passing. Did you forget the hole Rakata Prime journey and the whole reason he went there? It case you completely forgot what was stated and what he found there it was a holocron that gave Bane his whole out look of the Sith and the technique he used to destroy them. It included instructions on how to use the Force power known as the thought bomb, and the lessons from the Holocron focused on the user coveting the dark side and the importance of a Sith Master training one apprentice at a time. Seems to me like he was a lot more then just a side name tossed around.


    Do bare in mind that Disney has been given the rains and they could say I don't give a damn if we tossed it out initially it would line perfect for what is going forward and we can solidify that Revan was a big source of Bane's outlook and how he destroyed the old Sith. I also believe that the new villain looks alike more like Revan with his outfit and the mask over the hood. Also if you look at how some Mandalorian helmets are you'll notice that the he uses looks astoundingly like it and Revan's mask was from a Mandolorian's helmet.


    I personally kind of hope they leave it alone aside from mentions or some implementations like how to make a holocron or such.

  6. With regards to the Zeltron, I totally agree, and would have no problem with seeing them available in game. I only mentioned the potential backlash because, well, the community here is incredibly backlashy. Forewarned is forearmed, and all that.


    "500CC for pink skin? What a ripoff! Why don't the art team do something worthwhile, like make jawas into mounts?"

    Lol yeah I see what you mean. Sometimes people just don't see the value of opening with a race with so much potential. There is just so much they can do with them with how the game is currently forming.

  7. I rather suspect the reason Zeltron not making it in (other than being a relatively lesser-known species from the (old) EU) is that having reddish skin is a little too close to the Pureblood Sith to have them stand out from each other enough visually. But yes, other than that they'd be an easy species to include. It might be a tough sell for the Cartel Market though, as a lot of people would be reluctant to part with their cash just to tint their skin pink.


    Me: You never know though as people have suggested less for the price of addition. Atleast with Zeltrons they have a lot to work with for the game to make it worth it. The stronghold alone would net them a lot if they do it right. I also had another point that I forgot until now to add in to it. I'll edit the post with it soon.


    Voss... eh. It wouldn't make much sense to have them as having grown up in Jedi or Sith enclaves as the system and species were only recently discovered by the galaxy at large, and few Voss (if any) seem altogether keen to travel off-world.


    Me: Yeah like I said I mainly included it because I know a lot of people wanted it. They can recon it if they want to as this was set in the game.


    Nautolon... you know, at first I'd have said they were a no-no, as their facial features are off-human, but I dunno. Maybe? They're certainly open to interspecies romance as there's a relationship between a zabrak and nautolon mentioned in the Jedi Knight story.


    Me: I might include the image I was referring to to solidify the human romance. It totally works within the spectrum of the game atleast. Like your Warrior tells Vette "We're all open minded here right?"


    Also, gold star for realistic species ideas, not the usual ridiculous "I wanna play a Jawa/Ewok/Yoda" stuff.

    Got my individual talking points in the quote so yeah that is my break down and reasoning. Thanks for the gold star and I said I love this game played since early access and poured way to much money. I believe this game can go far and as long as Bioware keep to their guns of bringing epic content and care about the fans, I'll show my support and try to bring them great ideas and show them some fans actually listen. Thanks for comments bro and got any races that you like to see go up there?

  8. With two new species under their belt it is a good time to play around. The Togruta and Cathar can fit just about any class and that needs to be factored in the suggestions. Also romance is a big thing along with an open minded galaxy with bi-sexual characters recently coming out of the wood work. I love this game and this franchise in general. I cannot tell you how much I have dumped into this game. The packs and unlocks alone have set me back a lot but moving on.


    These species are in no particular order and are my opinions. Feel free to support or disagree with my choices. If you do disagree please give a reason why. You do not need to give mass paragraphs even just a little goes a long way. Now that that is out of the way lets get to suggesting shall we.


    First suggestion:

    Zeltrons: These are the perfect choice to go with. They have it all and so much you can get out of them. They even have their own planet that can be great to visit. They have both sexes and they are bi-sexual. They are also made cannon and one is a Sith General. They have all classes covered and be a great change of pace. They can make great companions too and have both genders covered. The planet Zeltros has amazing potential as well. excellent choice for a stronghold and it is a hot tourist destination. You could even set up a nice decorations vendor since they are big on art. This species would be great addition both character and companion to break the huge human roster.


    Second suggestion:

    Nautolan: Not much to say about this race other then it is highly requested. I can see why I myself would love to see this race in here as well. Also no question about the romance issue. I mean if a Zabrak can get with one why not even a human? There is a comic somewhere where it has happened already. We will probably see a lot of Kit Fisto copies but we got a few Ashoka and Shaak Ti so why not. It would definitely be a nice split. This might be something you are already looking into so hopefully this will come out possible middle of next year. I kind of want to see the Zeltrons first though.


    Third suggestion:

    Voss: Not really much to say about this one. I think they are really particularly rather over hyped. With that out of the way really the only other thing that I can say is it could not be uncommon for some individuals to break the mold and say **** it its my life.


    Well guys those are three off the top of my head. I will probably look into more and update this when I see something that sticks out. If you guys have other suggestions you like to see go up here then post if down below and I'll add the ones that stick out to me.

  9. What ever rper. However you all know this is another excuse to Bioware not to pay attention and give everyone what they want because they want to milk the **** out of Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Agreed they should allow us to at the very least make dye modules. Give them to armor or synthweavers since artificers can make the dye itself. Peace out homies.
  10. Bioware hardly reads any non-customer service forum topic... especially pvp. They pay barely any attention to us, so any complaints should go to suggestions under general discussion, or customer service. I highly doubt this is something ticket-wise. But, I suppose you could try to send a ticket in for harassment.


    As for the pvp-server, you chose to roll on it, and were informed at the serverlist that those are the rules on a pvp server. If it makes you feel any better everyone has to deal with it, especially while leveling. Based on your assertion that you cannot switch instances due to low population I take it you play republic side? I mean I haven't done dailies on a pvp server, though I imagine nobody does them because there's little reason to do so.


    Your insults to us seem to contradict your earlier request of having constructive comments. This is made even more humorous by your incorrect grammar.

    You say that but there is fare worse grammar out there that I have seen trust me. Thanks for actually reading some of what I post but it still doesn't change the fact that I know how this game works better then most people even pvp sometimes and that is sad coming from a non-hardcore pvp player. I like pvp sometimes but getting swarmed by twenty guys when you load in and you can't do **** about is NOT fun at all. So after this I am not going to post anything especially since most people don't bother to read.

  11. Whats funny is that you are making yourselves look bad. If you would of red my post then you would of come to the conclusion that this was meant to bioware and not the community. Also you would of used your eyes instead of your ego's you would of noticed it was like my first post on here. This was the only forum I thought that it would go in. No wonder every sucks in WZ no matter which one I go to. I am justified because I have clear obvious statements that I know how this game works. If there is only three people on the planet then you CANT SWITCH period. You have to have the numbers on YOUR side. Let me paint a picture for you guys since all of you are to illiterate I log in and as soon as I see the game I am swarmed by five guys and die before I can respond. That's what pissed me off the most. There was no notice either that this was happening. Bioware needs to put something like that up in the client. I wouldn't of cared otherwise. I don't care about your guys idle threats or stupidity. Next time read and understand before you flame.
  12. Thanks for those that actually read. Right equipment doesn't mean **** when there is like 50 to like a 100. I've mentioned this before and obviously you didn't read.
  13. Well since no one wants to pay attention and read i'm going to close this up now. Wasn't really meant to start debates that I clearly have no interest in. Before this thread gets way off topic with people who think they are above everyone else i'm going to ask this be closed. So stop stating what is so clearly obvious. I know what pvp server is. I've played this since early access. I've also played age of conan so I know what open world pvp is. I know I can transfer but I don't need to I got toons of other servers so stop saying to switch. Also no **** pvp server isn't for me I already stated that or at the very least made it obvious. Finally fun, do you call a massive hoard against three or four fun? Hell no you don't and if that is you definition of fun then there is something seriously wrong with you.
  14. See this is the reason why I hate pvp servers you are all so disrespectful. Yes I know i'm ON a PVP server stop wasting time and space on this post stating the apparently obvious. All I am saying is if they are going to do a big event where not a huge mass of people are going to be on that planet then please just don't do it or set something up so you wont get mauled from a mass hoard of people when you only have three. I've put up with a bunch **** for a long time and that just *********** pissed off the most. So unless you have something construct to say then don't say anything at all. I've stated one of the only REASONS I am on a pvp server is because a PERSONAL friend of mine is heavy into pvp. You guys need to learn to be more courteous, the fact that most of you use this to bash and insult people is very pathetic.
  15. Okay so I'm a little pissed here. I know I am on a pvp server but it irks me when I come to do some dailies on the NON pvp central area and now the whole *********** area is swarmed with the opposite faction and I can't do anything. Next time could you guys please make it so you have to be flagged when ever you guys beside to do that? Not all of us are appealed by the pvp aspect and some are just their because their personal friends are.
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