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Posts posted by Drankathar

  1. What this guy says.

    I'll add that the class needs some attention. I don't think it's hard to play I think it's fundementaly designed wrong. Too many worthless skills(savage kick,pommel strike) that could use a tweek. Such as savage kick becomes our stun. Extend the range on deadly throw 5 meters. Fix ravage to lower the channel time .5 seconds. Give us force push and dump pommel strike it's a useless fluff ability. Never mind fixing the ability bugs that's a given. We have a few too many key binds IMO but macros could solve that easy.


    Screw force push, give us force pull! More fluffly to want to bring people to us. Rest of your post I agree with 100% Few tweeks and we'll be a great class to play.

  2. have to admit, having hit 41 last night, I am finding the class to be much better. Just got some good gear (prototypes and PVP gear) and some good mods for the armor I want (Foundry mara armor) and I am finding this game to be alot better.


    Also a tip for people not wanting to use our gear, get a IA's armor and take the mods out/put our mods in, ta da different look same stats.

  3. pvp whilst questing has been fun, different and quite enjoyable to stumble on random jedi or republic and duke it out for a bit, tis a shame that the winner doesnt get some xp or something for doing this. 7/10


    pvp queue? 2/10. Huttball blows chunks for all but a few class's and only really works if you have a group of friends playing, Alderaan is real fun but never seems to pop up much, Voidstar is AOE spam on a door you lose/bug cant plant the bomb. Coupled with how un-responsive the game feels in these matchs (ability lag/abilitys playing the animation but nothing happens ext ext) it needs improvement.

  4. For the last time, guys, Carnage does NOT need Quinn! If I can solo two equal level elites with Vette, so can you.


    This is true floyd, however we are talking about a person that is having issues with a mara rather then someone who seems to know the basics ;)

  5. For a first tip I'd make sure that his gear is up to par first, mara's in the 30's seem to be very gear dependant, if using orange gear make sure that he has the best mods in this gear that is possiable at his level. This should ensure that his base damage and survivability is increased.


    Next its important to have the right party setup for what spec you are running. As an anni mara I dont need Quinn, however a carnage would. Anni can self heal (and since we seem to build rage fast, we can self sustain well). Having to not worry about staying alive means he can focus on doing what we do best. DPS.


    Lastly, kill the weaker mobs quick. Sure the gold is dishing out some huge damage, but thoes weaker dudes build up. I also noticed that the weaker mobs sometime contain party buffs for the other mobs, such as 10% increase in damage. Get rid of them first and you have an easier time.

  6. level 36 here and really enjoying my anni spec mara. Dont need to use Quinn yet, tho sometimes I do when I just want to explore. Had a dual with an equal levelled carn mara with simular gear, the dots helped me take him down with more than 1/2 my health left. Whilst I know carn dont get good till later levels, it makes me happy that I havent had such a hard time leveling.


    One thing i have noticed that makes a big difference is to keep upgrading your gear, a +2 str increase does make a difference.

  7. I had a crazy idea, give us a force pull ability, basically pulls the person to us, knocking them down for X amount of time. This would act as a cc and a knock down and enable us to get into melee easier, still puts us in danger as we are now in melee ext. Put it on a decent cooldown so its not spammable but this would be a good idea IMO.
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