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Posts posted by MRSA

  1. Healing don't need any adjustment. If you hit someone for 5k damage I as a healer should be able to heal for 5k. Against a halfway good team you can lock down healers easily. The problem isn't the game, it's all the bad players blaming their lack of skill on the game. So many times (at least on the republic side) there is a major lack of communication and a whole lot of ego and name calling going on in a match. Want to fix pvp? Learn your class and learn what it takes to play as a team and you will win.
  2. Healers don't damage they heal. Healers should be able to heal for the same amount of dps a dps'er does damage. With the new changes I see healing on par with dps. Before it was worthless to be a healer and you didnt see but a very few. For those that are crying, it's not because healers are over powered. It's because now you have to play smart. I've had some dps who couldnt out play my heals and some who could. Its about team play and individuals bringing skill to the game. And personally I wish BIO would get rid of the WOW outdated expertise system totally. Bring us some world vs world and let us gear up stats. There are some good pvp ideas in newer games lets use them. There is a new game coming soon and its gona blow away SWTOR with new ideas thats already been proven in newer games so stop sitting on the bench and lets play.
  3. quiters are not the problem the undergeared solo he-man wondering off from the pack is. lack of leadership and people following instructions is. lack of team work is. letting your healer get ganked over and over then complain "were is the heals" is. people not able to learn and adapt is. so many factors are the problem not the quiters. I know by inspecting your gear while i wait to start and the 1st min into the match if its a win or lose situation. I play/pay to have fun. if you want to force your belief system on me and pentalize me 10-15 mins its well worth it then to deal with the trama you put me through.....or i will just invis and move the required steps to not get booted and go have a smoke or something. either way you havent fixed anything with that logic.
  4. Problem and reason im on top is because im to busy heealing myself instead of team mates. And im tired of chat complaining "were is the heals" well the heals are on me because your not helping the healers out....get a clue people not asking to much from you
  5. I implied ops leader to mark them because im assuming the rest are lets just use the word "noob" and the ops leader is usually someone who's been there before more so then the rest? so if its just a differant color chat to you and your not doing anything to lead then your not helping the problem. As far as healers im a scoundral healer I'm always on the move (unless I'm stuned) and I'm usually top healer or very least 2nd. I'm not just standing around looking pretty. I've never had guard put on me and never had anyone rescue me from the onslaught. I've stood right in front of my team mates jumping up and down screaming and never got one person to help just to see if they were aware....really? Then they complain "were is the heals"....really? All I'm saying is if you can't do at least the minimum I stated as a team then don't get angery when your healer exit your match and don't complain about no heals.
  6. I just want to let some of you know just incase you don't.....this is from a healer point of view


    1) please at the minimum get the free recruit gear, your dieing way to fast to be of any use

    2) ops leader take charge and mark healers pls and direct your people

    3) if you see your healer getting ganged up by 5 red names we are not having a good time please jump in and protect your healer.

    4) if your not getting healed please read number 3

    5) work as a team and listen to your ops leader. if your guarding a point call out the enemy heading towards you

    6) if I leave the ops grp its because you didnt read or listen to these simple rules of engagement. And rather than call names or hit my head on the keyboard I left. So dont get to upset just come to this list and do better.

  7. How about looking at GW2 and maybe some of the other games. and see how we can pull some ideas and implement them to swtor. I myself when I want wvw pvp I go to gw2. When I want to dungen crawl I go to swtor. Anything else I wait for elderscroll on line and pray they will have what im looking for.
  8. How about looking at GW2 and maybe some of the other games. and see how we can pull some ideas and implement them to swtor. I myself when I want wvw pvp I go to gw2. When I want to dungen crawl I go to swtor. Anything else I wait for elderscroll on line and pray they will have what im looking for.
  9. Im not getting why people are upset. Illum is a pvp planet correct? Its bioware's event right? I would think they can make any event for whatever purpose they want right? I would think going to illum one would assume some kind of danger and pvp right? I dont do a lot of pvp, I'm more of a casual pve solo kind of player and I got it. Althou kinda borring event I kinda like the feeling of danger you get going to the pvp area. I put on my pvp gear and lurk around and do what I have to do. And if I get ganked then so be it.....I'm in a freaking pvp zone for christ sake! And its a pvp event no matter how cheesy it is, its still A pvp event.
  10. Im not getting why people are upset. Illum is a pvp planet correct? Its bioware's event right? I would think they can make any event for whatever purpose they want right? I would think going to illum one would assume some kind of danger and pvp right? I dont do a lot of pvp, I'm more of a casual pve solo kind of player and I got it. Althou kinda borring event I kinda like the feeling of danger you get going to the pvp area. I put on my pvp gear and lurk around and do what I have to do. And if I get ganked then so be it.....I'm in a freaking pvp zone for christ sake! And its a pvp event no matter how cheesy it is, its still A pvp event.
  11. Not to rain on your parade but what exactly is this supposed to show? Single healing BT story isn't hard at all and I don't see anything special in this video.


    Good job on the kill but nothing really brag worthy or special because of a smuggler here.


    I think perhapse he is excited by his/their accomplishments. Its nice to see new blood coming to the forums showing their wares. getting tired of the old crap thats on here all the time. wish more new blood would post their stuff. I know in other mmo's (except wow) they posted in a guild section of their accomplishments and people were courteous with a grats... or good job......thats was awsome.



    that gunslinger rocks bro! You were on it. gl on your next adventure and post some more. you are definitely an up comming star :)

  12. I kinda over exaggerated to due alchol or more likely emotional hatred towards the sage lovers. But I never see sages better than a scoundral nor their heals being biger than a scoundral. I really don't see what the hype is. I see in general chat people screaming for sage healers all the time for hm's but would not take a scoundral....really? I see people brag about their puddles....well I hope they drown in it and if I walk by ill help them. I can throw hots on everyone just as effectivlly. And I guess I'm missing the short commings everyone talks about when they talk about the scoundral. I didnt mean to hound on the poster .......I just hate the sage hype I see on chat daily.
  13. It seriously just comes down to faceroll. Sages/Sorcs are the quintessential faceroll healer. There is absolutely nothing complicated about how to heal except for remembering to use your Noble Sacrifice after every Healing Trance. And even if you forget, you still have the energy resources to be ok. They also do great damage for being healers since their DPS and Heal Sets are itemized the same (no need for Accuracy like the other two).


    Scoundrels/Ops are definitely the FotM, though I have used one since launch. Their infinite energy and mobility if played right are definite perks that make them incredibly strong. They don't pack the "oomph" in strong up-front heals to take care of 2 or more players at once, nor do they handle AoE healing as well, but they are definitely good healers. It took me a little practice to be as good as I am with my Scoundrel, but I was able to Heal out the box on my Sage in Hard Mode KP without a single hiccup (that's how easy they are).


    All of the healers have their niche. Commandos have strong single target protection, Scoundrels have their mobility and infinite energy, Sages have their AoE and do well healing multiple targets. All 3 can tank heal like champs. All 3 have no energy problems if managed correctly (Commandos need more knowledge of fights so they know when is heavy healing and when is energy regening phases).



    When I play my Sage healer, I have no issues chain-pulling in Flashpoints, in fact I am usually the one pushing for us to do so. Sages have near infinite Energy as well if played right. And I have seen Sages and Commandos solo heal Story Mode Ops as well... even Karagga's Palace. It generally requires DPS who can heal to help out on occasion, like during Fabricator Droid, but it is entirely doable for any healer who is good and geared.


    i have never been out healed by any healer(same gear) with my scoundral. I can crit heal over 7k we chain pull. the secret to scoundral is main stat. more main stat allows more crit chance. I never not crit on my heals. we farm sm ev/kp for our noobs gear and i solo heal them. and im only geared in columin gear with a couple bh/rakata jewlery. ive been in pug hmfp with people in orange lvl 50 stuff and power healed through it. i had a tank who had lvl 41 stuff lol and we did it nonstop pulling. I'm sry but no one can convince me anything is better than a scoundral healer so far. you want aoe heal? i can double hot everyone faster than a sage can aoe and people run to the puddle.

  14. I've played all 3 healers. Anyone can heal good with a sage/trooper and do it well. But with a scoundral you are either good or bad. There isn't a inbetween. I never run out of energy, I even keep hots on rotation on all members. We chain pull with no rest time and everyone is topped off. I've solo healed on many bosses in sm ev and kp with no problem. I can't say that with our sage or trooper healers and to keep the pace we keep. To me the scoundral is the better healer if one knows how to play one.
  15. There is a very cool newish game out that allows free transfers once a week for free. I don't understand why we can't have a choice nor understand why we would/should feel lucky to pay for a transfer later on. I play both with equal time and if it wasn't for the lore of starwars I'd only be playing one. The customer experience is far better over there. I do wish bioware would look and listen to what other mmo's do nowdays and take from it. The other game took from swtor the idea to craft from the bank and I'm sure it's looking for more ideas to take from swtor so lets start taking ideas from them.
  16. When putting points into your trees go for only heals stuff. you want that filled first, then tweek it later. most important is getting all your heals and crit chance on dia scan early on. Read the scoundral 101 healing and follow it and tweek later. I've never had a problem healing. Althou things got much better around my early 40's I believe. go for 30/70% crit/surge and rest into power and tweek to your liking later. Ignore alc it will come to you later, always go for primary stat first to. Stay top geared never slack on that. This is the most fun class as a healer IMO enjoy.
  17. I agree a bit on the dps stuff, Scoundrals could use a bit of a buff. Gunslingers are great but they are made of paper from what I see as a healer. We are on par and not over any class when it comes to heals. If you think we are over powered on heals then your not playing your healer correctly. I see to many complants to nurf our heals on this forum. In my guild we have all 3 classes healing and we think that everything is on par and no one thinks anyone is over powered. Please no more nurfs.
  18. I'm a scoundral healer and I love it. Your right not much info on the forums anymore. Is like to know how we do on raids. I tried the other healing classes and found the sawbone to fit me the best. There is nothing I can't handle so far. If you want a healer who can play any healer role play a scoundral. Email me and perphaps we ccan get you on my server and guild. Is love to help you out.




    aalok aka uses to be drac on old server

  19. More than likely, you won't be able to move the entire guild in one fell stroke. But each individual member will have to transfer individually. As for the contents of the guild bank, you'll probably have to have members load up what they can before they transfer. But once on the new server you'll probably have to reform the guild from scratch and purchase the bank and all of the slots again.


    Rift was able to move an entire guild when they did transfers like this one. and you can transfer once a month to what ever server free. just saying its possable to do.

  20. I stop blaming you when you l2p...


    When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


    or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


    or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


    or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


    in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


    when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



    or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


    Amen! to this reply!!!


    Lets also add when you see the entire enemy team ganking on your only healer and cruise on by without even a hello! Then complain because no heals.

    When you have 2 or 3 at least tanks and not one guards the healers then complain no heals

    When Your in with a grp of lvl 10's with no gear.



    even with a 30 min wait time it would still be worth leaving any of this crap! and if it's a really bad penelty then invis and play hide until its over.

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