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Posts posted by shadedsorrow

  1. We do have some really active pvper on r my server. Just most of them dont start showing up til around 2-3pm server time. :( Unless they have the day off like myself. But right now, my server has a stagering 10 peeps on the fleet.. Its 1:30pm server
  2. The only thing that would fix this is X-server q's. Which are on the way, but obviously this will take a while to put into the game. Lets just hope they are close.


    And no, D3 has no PvP at all so I would not be looking a their site.


    They're goin to put in arena's in later on (free patch). But even then if your a republic player swtor doesnt even have pvp. At least D3 will out right telling ya that before you start.

  3. The sith on my server have been playing WZ's for over an hour now and the republic cant even get a single WZ group goin til like 3-5pm.. This is such BS!!! How long does a person have to wait til BW fixes a problem they've had since release?? I love the pvp in this game, but im getting really tired for waiting in game for hrs to play my freaking game!!!

    Anyone else looking at D3's wedsite while waiting for a que?

  4. Logged on at 10am est. its 5:30pm now and still havent seen a full group. D3 comes out on the 15th and its getting REALLY hard to convenience myself this game is worth the time and money. Even though i love the pvp..
  5. So i finished all of my companion's (Corso Riggs for the smugglers) quests, conversations and i have 10000 affection with him and i got this legacy unlocked, but i didnt receive any buff to my max health. Is this a bug ? Any one else have this problem?
  6. i keep seeing healers put out 500k healing in a single match even after 1.2.. The good healers r still good and the bad ones come to the forums a complain that they cant lol 2-3 dps shooting them any more.. Lean to los and kite peeps
  7. Thats not true! Sure, you're getting the gear faster now, but it's a great loss anyway! Think off the Time I´ve spended to get the Merc Com! If I had not changed my WC into 960 MC I would have 2880 WC now. Truely, an unfair loss of invested playtime....


    NO, if u hadnt changed your WZ comm to Merc Comm pre 1.2. u wouldve had 1000 WZ comms and no Merc comms, but now u at least have 1970 WZ comms or 1-2 bm peices right out the gate.. quit QQing

  8. I don't defend myself against mentally handicapped arguments. I don't even know what an OMM is, actually.


    OH im sorry. I typed omm instead of mmo. I didnt mean to confuse you, :_(

    but i think what i said, and your response to it speaks for its self..

  9. You're a joke.


    I will now explain why.


    If you can't queue with friends, the next argument is going to be that the system isn't placing good compositions. "I JUST LOST A HUTTBALL BECAUSE THE TEAM HAD 4 SORCERERS AND 4 JUGGERNAUTS." Yeah, okay.


    The queuing system sucks, I don't recall arguing that, but removing premades isn't going to stop people from crying for losing. People who cry, will always cry, regardless of how fair the system is. If you disagree, I am guessing you have little to no MMO experience and have never browsed the forums for this game or any other game before.


    Also, the server I play on is irrelevant; read the forums and you'll see HUNDREDS of threads where people cry about people leaving their warzone because someone got a score in Huttball, Voidstar started out as round 1 defender and within a minute the attacking team got passed, or 2 nodes were won in Civil War. It's not made up, it's there for you to read.


    Also, until rated warzones come out, I usually solo queue, but when I group queue I bring a comp that will help the team.


    I love this part " i am guessing you have little to no OMM experience." Well i do and let me break it down for ya. WOW U cant que over 5 peeps at a time, but they have 10-40 man pvp zones, Rift cant que more then 2 players. they have also have 10-40mans and then their's swtor which is going to have full ops group VS pugs soon.. Yea, lets see how long that last before they start loosing peeps just like rift and wow did before they killed premades vs pugs.

    OH, back to that quote.. Which OMM did u play that let premades farm pugs?

  10. The problem is that, at the moment and for the foreseeable near future, warzones are strictly single server phenomena.


    If you put a hard restriction that people who Q in groups can only play against others who Qd in groups, then people wouldnt be able to just log on and play - they'd need to be sure there was another group out there also Qing, lest they wait for it to pop for over an hour.


    And your right. Thats why they shouldnt have MADE rated war zones until they figured out how to make server to server pvp.. Plain and simple!!!

  11. He's not saying u cant group up with your friends, get on vent and pvp. He's saying if u choose to do that then you'll just have to face some other guys friends as well.. I dont see what the big deal is.. Your friends VS 8 pugs or 8 friends.... there's no differents right? You still get to hang with your most dearest friends.


    Yea, who r u guys trying to fool? Peeps running premades (OH, i mean hang with friends *-) ) cause its freaking easy to win and running agaist other premades wouldnt mess that up. Other wise u wouldnt complain about it..

  12. I love this idea!! I know there will be some peeps out there that wouldnt mind re rolling a whole different faction just to have a new race to re roll to, but i for one would never do it..


    I mean, how many peeps could really want to give up there main toon, guild, credits, professions, ect.?

  13. This really isnt a person complaning just a question...


    Whats the point on having purchasable pvp gear (the new champ gear) in 1.2 when the New Bm gear has No valor req. and if the current system remains in place will be able to be grinded out by Pre 50's like the lvl 20 and 40 gear?

  14. Wha??? Dotters cant dot and DIE and still keep 4 peeps from capping til they can run back.. OH the horror!!


    Every Dotter should quit right NOW!! Cause theyre so far behind the rest of the swtor players on knowing how to actively watch the doors that they'll NEVER recover..


    OH and BTW for the dotters that are whining about this L2P.. LOS peeps, POP CD. learn to stay alive to keep peeps off the doors not just dot and die! oh heres anotehr idea have more then just yourselfs solo defending a door.

  15. Here's an idea... Said Smugglers stealths to the finish line unseen by anyone and then unstealths now making him the best guy to pass to for a easy score. As for the ranged BH/trooper u guys will still suck at running the ball, but your NOT useless!! With two knockbacks and hugh nuking moves u can help keeps peeps off your runners and also send peeps to the finish line for your FR to charge at.
  16. Hutbal is my favorite , but thanx for your advice though.

    Your server, thats what you said.

    i'm most likely on another so thats your problem?


    Your pretty short sighted arent u? How long do u think it will take before your in the same boat?

  17. I'm all in for premade vs premades if they ALLOW us to queue with 8 people

    I'm all in for Rated Warzones to fight equal geared people


    I'm all in for 4 friends / guildies and 4 pugs , but dont complain if you get steamrolled even with 4 of us , cause this my friend is luck of the draw


    Yea, well thats alright. my server has 6 sith pvp guilds on it and the repulbic has none, guess what happened tonight? I que ed up for 3 WZ and there wasnt enough republic ON A FULL SERVER to fill anyone of them.. HOPE u and your friends like hutball, cause im sure you'll b seeing alot more of it. maybe then u can get steamrolled by a better premade over and over and then u can come cry with us :)

  18. Peeps who run pre-mades against pugs then come onto the forums, and whine about how u cant make us play against other pre-mades thats not fair!! R just NO skill players looking for an easy win. Plain and simple. Other wise they'd b happy to show off their skills on another pre-mades.
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