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Posts posted by MoonsLightV

  1. 1) Standard = ~ 1000-1500 on the server, so there is your first inaccuaracy


    2) last night at 9:00 PM Pacific time, the NA server farm had one FULL, one VERY HEAVY, and 4 HEAVY, with the rest being STANDARD minus the 20 or so LIGHT servers (which are always, and have always been light. So there is your second inaccuracy.


    And if you were refering to EU servers, I check them every couple days at their prime time, and they are actually very similar.


    What are you trying to prove here? I have checked bioware's official server status page now and again and the most I ever seen was 4 heavy and all the rest light or standard.


    The fact is there does need to be server merges, because even during early access finding a group for heroics was a pain, if not impossible at times. I never would have done any of them without guildies helping.


    The point of a mmo is to play with other people, and if a server is dead or extremely light on pop you CAN'T play with other people and finish up heroics or FP. And I am not going to be paying 15 bucks a month for a single player game.

  2. i feel for you OP. I am a juggernaut and whenever I was on Ilum and a commando would be around I would absolutely dread it. Melee classes like in most mmo's suck compared to DPS. A commando can run around and STILL SHOOT THEIR GUN while my jugg has to lope after them in the hopes of being able to catch up to hit them if force leap is on CD. By that time however I am usually dead.


    Bioware sent me an e-mail asking for my opinions on what I thought about the game. Among many other negatives I listed, I said that sorcerers and commandos needed to be adjusted. Not necessarily nerfed, but tweaked so that they weren't so OP...which they both are.


    A whole team in huttball made up of only sorcerers has to tell you something about the balance in this game.

  3. Everything about what this poster wrote is truth. Watch how GW2 start "dying" a month after release. This new generation(WoW and onward newbs) is looking for such a major leap in advancement for a MMO with all of THEIR ideals.


    I suggest creating your OWN MMO with YOUR ideals and watch how you get the same type of thread, if you can even get the funding and team to make one... You can also go mod a RPG and be happy knowing it's perfect just for you.


    If you can't enjoy the journey of a MMO's life span then there is no destination waiting for you.


    You think GW2 is going to die after a month? With World vs World PVP and no sub fee I highly doubt this. I think people have had enough of the grindy mmo's that you have to pay for each month. Tera I have strong feeling is going to wind up in the same boat as TOR because the only thing it has really is the combat system. otherwise, its the same as every other MMO. Its not even doing all the great in its native Korea, that should say something.

  4. This has to be one of the main reasons why I am not playing as much lately. I have done a ton of PVP in this game, and there are times I enjoy it...when not playing huttball. Huttball is THE worst map to see just how bad and out of control the CC is due to the whole map design.

    When I play civil war or voidstar, I really don't notice the CC as much, but the huttball map is the most frustrating because of all the traps and being knocked off the ramps.


    I got a feedback e-mail from Bioware about what I think of the game, and I told them my thoughts on the CC situation. Hopefully, MAYBE in the future, they will tone it down. But seeing how well that worked out in Warhammer I doubt it.

  5. Bioware designed the valor system and Ilum so this is their bed as the saying goes. Kill trading I think is wrong, but I honestly don't care because seriously they aren't going to do anything about it as they believe it is legitmate "pvp" so there is no reason to send in a complaint.


    Once the next big content patch hits no one will be going to Ilum anymore anyway.

  6. If you don't notice the decrease in people then you are dillusional or don't want to admit that the game is already on the decline.


    There's MANY reasons why this game is already losing players:


    High rez textures that are advertised by Bioware are not in the game and may never be.


    Performance issues in WZ's and on Ilum even with people that have very high end rigs.


    You run the same FP's again and again...HM is almost identical to FP on normal except bosses have enrage timers (no different tactics)


    Too much frustrating CC which is THE worst in huttball due to the map setup.


    Imperials outnumber Republic on most servers and this will probably continue to be the case.


    The numerous bugs...Bioware releases a patch only to break something else or the patch doesn't fix what it said it was suppose to fix to begin with.


    Too many sorcerers, commandos, and sages. These classes need adjusting badly (noticed I said "adjusting" NOT nerfed).


    No REAL world PVP.


    The lack of features. No combat logs, guild banks, three WZ maps, etc. Sure they are adding stuff in March, but it may be too late for that.


    I don't think I need to continue. With Tera, GW2 and Diablo 3 coming soon, this game is going to see an even bigger dive in subs. GW2 had 1million beta signups alone.


    I am only playing this game until GW2 comes out, then i'm gone...Guild Master or not.

  7. Sorcerers are easy to play. I leveled one to 50 in beta, but they are way over rated. My trooper Commando eats them alive. I've beaten 3 of them at same time in Ilum (granted they weren't well geared) But still I see a Sorcerer in front of me my eyes light up like a Christmas tree. Cause I know 1 of 2 things will happen First being Sorcerer will end up dead or 2nd being I will take sorcerer down to around 15% health and said sorcerer will tuck and run using force speed.


    Commandos are another class that need a serious nerf. I don't know how many times i have seen 2 commandos on Ilum destroy five different classes of players because they keep insta healing themselves and using grav round plus that massive damage fire attack.

  8. I agree with the OP and others here. I am a Champion Jugg trying to get to 60 valor to get my BM gear, but I am already growing tired of the grind, the bugs, and the dead server I am on. I log on, grab my dailies, then half the time I don't even leave the fleet to make it to Ilum because I say "i don't want to do this." and I log off.


    The only thing keeping me in the game at all is my guild, since i am the GM, but still...as soon as GW2 comes out my sub will be gone from this game. I am tired of grind fest MMO's.

  9. So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


    This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


    We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




    Your frame rate must have been like a 5 year old school presentation with poster board slides...

  10. If any of you have been around launches of other MMOs (which I doubt many people here have), you come to realize that they aren't going to be perfect at launch. An MMO is a living, breathing game that evolves over time. Every single feature you want or have seen in other games will often be added in at a later date once they fix the most pressing post-launch issues. Let's look at the launch of WOW.


    World of Warcraft

    WOW has had SEVEN years to add content. SWTOR has had two months. Can you imagine how much better this game will be even a year from now? But I digress.

    Does anyone remember the awful lag issues WOW had at launch? I sure as hell do. Many servers were crashing for a long period of time over and over. Lag, loot lag, falling through the world, etc. Queue times were often an hour or more. The game was often unplayable at times until WOW had time to fix hardware issues. SWTOR has actually done better than WOW in this regard. WOW actually had to give some people free days because the lag was so bad and the servers were so unstable.

    I think WOW had one or two raids? There weren't any battlesgrounds. There weren't a lot of things.


    (blah blah blah WOW was released in 2004 SWTOR should have all the features it does blah blah blah ) No, it shouldn't SWTOR is a unique game that will add it's own content.


    I personally love this game. I sincerely enjoy playing it. Those who don't are more likely to be vocal about it on the forums. I never see any of this "I hate SWTOR" chat in game.

    Launch is a difficult time for ANY MMO, and SWTOR has actually done better than just about any MMO I've seen before.


    This game isn't WOW and it never will be. Don't expect it to have all the features you love from WOW 2 MONTHS after launch. Give this game time to work out the few bugs there are and add a bit of content over the upcoming months and this will be the best MMO there is. Bottom line, MMOs take time to develop and add content and this is one of the smoothest MMO launches I've been around.


    So here we go with "this game is only 2 months old yadda yadda" instead of "this game is only 1 month old yadda yadda" please...what happens a year from now, is it going to be "this game is only 1 year old yadda yadda"?


    Game was rushed out to capitalize on Christmas sales and to make up for the 200 mil they had invested in it. The only polished thing that I believe was done right is the class stories, other then that the missing features and the amount of bugs has been atrocious.


    Long story short, see ya in GW2.

  11. I know I know, there are a ton of threads about Ilum on this forum, but I had to post this because seriously, the performance on Ilum is horrendous. When you have more then 20 people on screen its a slide show, and I feel like my comp is going to blow up.


    Bioware seriously, this is not our computers that is the problem, your game engine is. I was in an awesome battle with the Republic on Ilum and I had to leave the ops group I was in because I just could not handle the FPS issues.


    I suppose this is a waste of time in posting this, because I know nothing is going to be done about the performance of your game engine, but I'm not sure how much more I can take where I am paying you money each month and I can't play certain aspects of this game because you can't seem to fix it or you make it worse.


    Are you going to let this game go the route of Warhammer Online too?

  12. Try to specc in vengeance OP. It has a lot of abilities that you can squeeze out more damage and still give you solid survivability. I am currently 8 points in immortal with all the rest vengeance and I am doing pretty solid in PVP. Sometimes I can even be in the top three in kills and damage done.

    Give it a whirl and see how it goes.

  13. I would rather rename my char then not be able to do the things I enjoy in the game with a group like...almost EVERYTHING.


    Merging 1 server to another and doing it gradually over time I think is not a bad idea. They don't have to do it enmasse, just merge a few servers see what happens, then go from there.

  14. OP, in about 12 years after the subs for this game go below 10 million, and yes, this game will have 10 million subs within 2 years. I guarantee it.


    LOL your delusion but this is funny nonetheless...


    Anyway, they DO need to merge servers. There are far too many and more then half are usually standard or light. There was nothing wrong with Bioware adding servers at launch to prevent ques, but now that launch is over, they can tighten up servers to get more pops so people can actually do things at all times of day such as PVP and grouping for heroics and FPs.


    They will not do this however, because if they begin to merge servers people are going to be crying that the game is dying and blah blah blah. Meanwhile, if they DON'T merge servers the subs will drop because of players unable to get into WZ's or being able to run the harder content.

  15. Ilum is not "fine" OP by ANY means. Riding around a block of ice for sometimes hours on end picking up drops is not "fun", especially on light pop servers like I am on. When there is no opposing faction on Ilum this is boring. Also, performance on Ilum is horrendous, and becomes a slideshow which is ridiculous.


    I don't see why they can't spread out the drops across that entire portion of the map, because essentially not only are you competing with the opposing faction for those drops, but you also are competing against YOUR OWN faction.


    It took Bioware forever to fix the valor farming that was rampant on my server, and they also did nothing about the exploit after one of the patches where the imps kept farming the republic for valor gains.


    I am not holding my breath on Ilum becoming any better any time soon. But it is by no means "fine".

  16. Until GW2 comes out....which is actually plenty of time but i'm not holding my breath for them to actually improve things. Like one poster said it took them 2 months to fix the WZ wins not counting, and some bugs are STILL present despite them supposedly being fixed that the one boss that spawns adds in Directive 7, its STILL BUGGED BIOWARE.
  17. I agree with the OP I wouldn't be paying anymore either except I am a GM for a guild that is pretty active with regular members that want to do PVP, FP, etc. I am going to try and stick out until March and see what the next big game update brings, but once GW2 hits guild or not i'll more then likely be done with this disaster.
  18. I think BW are on their way to alienating all of their PvP player base anyway.


    PVE is something which they undeniably did right.


    Class story quests yes they did that right. Flash Points are still buggy and can turn into a mess. I ran Directive 7 last night with some guildies and that droid that spawns the adds STILL has the bug where it generates a ton of adds instead of just 1 at a time. Supposedly fixed in one of their last patches, but its still there. Shocker.

  19. I ran Directive 7 last night with some guildies and we were on cruise control up until the droid boss that spawns the adds from the tubes. On the first encounter, the bug where a huge amount of endless spawns come happened again and we wiped. The second time around it happened again, but luckily one of my guildies managed to finish off the boss before he died because I mass taunted all the adds onto me.


    I thought that this was fixed in a previous patch?

  20. Oh look, another GW2 fanboi.


    Enjoy it when all the pvp guilds go to one server so they can squash other servers in the server vs server world pvp- then the complaints when they don't get any pvp, or from other servers when nobody bothers to pvp.


    I'm sure a company whose previous mmo couldn't handle persistant worlds... thinking they can go from a single player mmo to a 200v200v200 pvp zone, it'll work out.


    I'm sure it'll be lag and bug free- and we won't see imbalances, like, say, a class that can't be targetted- they sure respond to bugs fast.



    If you love GW2 so much, why don't you go join their beta and post your love on their forums?


    The original GW's is still around and kicking after 7 or so years and they don't have any monthly fee. You know what makes the original GW's so successful? Its PVP. Thats why so many people still play the original is because of the PVP aspect of the game that was done so well by Anet. I know the PVP in GW2 is going to be much better then TOR Republic, because Anet already has a track record for solid PVP gameplay.


    So go ahead and keep playing your overdone CC based PVP in TOR. I will be playing GW2 PVP where I can actually have control of my character for more then 10 seconds in a match.

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