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Posts posted by Neculai

  1. Well you obviously haven't played the latest chapter. I didn't really encounter many problems with the mission content until I started the KotFE chapter.


    However if you can't see the same blatant technical and game play problems this game had at release you must be blind. PVP hasn't really changed. Grouping is terrible, Flashpoints are even worse especially the tactical ones.


    Questing and story are the only things TOR does really well. And once that's done what else is there to do?


    Why even play if it is so terrible? Serious question.

  2. Unfortunately, the game itself is not optimized pristinely. You'll see a bit of performance by adding the SSD, but I believe you will see little overall boost in performance of SWTOR.


    I don't know... I upgraded from an i7-970 (3.2-3.4 GHz) to an i7-4820k (OC 4.3Ghz) and added a SSD and am seeing a HUGE difference in FPS / smooth gameplay; it's staggering really.


    Of course, I didn't upgrade solely for this game, but it was a pleasant surprise to see such a positive performance impact here.

  3. Hello Bioware, I don't want to troll or bash SWTOR.


    I just wanted to ask if I can somehow get my money back because I'm not satisfied with the product.


    Thanks in advance.


    Heh... How much is Activision paying you to troll these boards?

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