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Posts posted by Turgann

  1. OP has been spamming to try and troll the trolls, while leading the blind.


    It's fine and well if someone likes or dislikes the game, but there's no need for multiple threads.


    I agree. I mean I don't understand how people get off on this. I guess its like the people that love to ruin things for other people. Especially with the internet, he has total anon immunity.


    *shrugs* I mean, if it makes him happy thats cool.

  2. When wow was released in 2004 was the world or zones as dead as swtor? Nope cause wow isnt sharded.


    I was going to post something....buuuut guys like these just feed off any split second attention they get. Kinda like when everyone at work goes out to lunch and he gets left behind....


    I can bring you back a sandwhich, if you want OP? Just spot me the cash, cause I don't want to waste my money.


    Also, heres a smiley face :)

  3. I don't care if I get int trouble, i already canceled my account and counting the days till i get my money worth. The OP is correct this game restricts large groups in any one planet. And there are many times when i am playing and there are only two people on.


    Oh my god. HES CANCELED! EVERYONE, we must do WHATEVER he says to please him 100%. He is the only one that matters, and we need him. We will miss him if he leaves! Somebody do something!


    .....Is that what you want us to say? :rolleyes:

  4. GW2 seems like the most promising and well made MMORPG ever. Award winning art team, award winning developers, innovative ideas/features, beautifully done combat, open worlds with huge cities.


    GW2 will be everything TOR isn't.


    lol :rolleyes:

  5. OP is dead on.


    I convinced two of my MMO friends to buy the game and give it a shot but they have both unsubbed already. I'm going to stick it out until at least one paid month is done but they really need to make some drastic changes to serve me and give me everything that I want


    Fixed that for you.


    Same thing people always say on the WoW forums. Raiding is fine in this game. Some people just have more trouble tackling stuff like this than others. Its like real life.

  6. I think they should be proud of their accomplishment. They have brought a very complex product to market, have thoroughly tested it, and broken records while doing it.


    I do not see significant "glaring" bugs that in my mind should humble them and say, "Ooops, yeah we knew this would happen, but wanted to sneak it out. " This is not Star Wars Galaxies.


    I think you opinion comes from a good place, but really...let them pat themselves on the back and say, "We did good."


    WOW certainly was not this refined on launch, and certain bugs are to be expected. It's software development, it's not rocket science.


    This! Let them be proud of what they have done! They have done alot.

  7. I just don't understand people who come to the forums to talk about something they hate? I mean, don't you want to go do something else? I guess its an extreme example of wanting attention, since they get so little of it. I hate cheese. Do I go up to cheese factories and yell at the workers?


    Some things about people I will never understand.

  8. Thousands of other players you say?


    That's odd, since I play on one of the very few servers listed as FULL or VERY HIGH the game still manages to feel incredibly lifeless.


    Probably because when there's more than 90 people on a planet they make a new instance, for no reason what so ever.


    Giving Bioware the tools for an MMO was a cute idea on paper, but they've just gotten almost everything wrong.


    Everyones experiences and times are different. Is it during a holiday? Is it in the middle of the day while people are at work and school? Is it summer? There are so many variables as to why the population might be a little low at that moment. The problem is, is that people assume this to be fact and shout LOLOLOL OMG ITS FAILING or whatever they seem to be crying about. Most people don't think it through.

    • PvP
    • Raid
    • Craft
    • Help Guild members level
    • RP
    • Roll an ALT
    • Wait for new content


    The same stuff you'd do in every other new MMO that gets released.


    This. All MMOs are like this, even the current king.


    *mumbles to self* I can never take anyone who spells "u" seriously....

  9. That may be false, but name one innovative thing about SWToR and for the love of god don't you dare say awesome voice acting and story.


    ....Or maybe he should because that IS innovative about it...name another mmo that did that...


    So...you basically told him not to say the right answer. "But the answer is A. Thats it. I've done the math"




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