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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. I don't play WoW, so obviously don't keep up with its updates. Knowing now, however, that they are introducing a 'demon hunter' class, I know more about WoW's upcoming expansion than I do SWToR's.




    I started mmos on this game i never ventured into this genre and i stayed from beta up until 5 weeks back i still do play just casual now. I decided to have a look at wow. And while it has its differences it amazes me how much Bioware has just been sc****** by with this game. Do a google search for Wow legion you will see all the information and this is for an expansion which a year away.

  2. There is no competitive pvp in game ranked in this game is just not competitive everybody knows this. The game is stable for now and this update will keep those guys happy this is what counts for bioware. Pvp is just a casual side game to Bioware. If your looking for competitive Pvp Might i suggest an Moba such as DOTA2 or something similar. Heck even Wow puts this game to shame Look at Legion over a year away and we know more about this new demon hunter class than we know about this entire expansion for swtor.
  3. Not only CC immunity, but also more CC than the DPSers trying to CC them. Tanks also have abilities to get to their team mates like friendly leap etc. And healers have kiting and get-away abilities that make it easy to run/force-speed/roll back to the tank.

    To tell people to separate tank from heal in order to counter guard is as ivory tower as Marie Antoinette telling the starving french people to eat cake in case that they run out of bread.


    Lol the french always a great analogy.

  4. Again you're missing the point. Knowing how to counter something has nothing to do with up time, especially given the up time for the ability is more than what can be countered. No defense in the game has a CD that short while giving you 100% immunity......and you can use it twice every 10s. That is literally on demand "I'm going to ignore anything you do." Knowing how to counter it is meaningless when the op can roll 10 times for every one time you can stun/root them. The ability was meant for mobility, not defense and especially not 100% immunity twice every 10s.





    That's hardly a negative aspect considering you can ignore the burst then go back to blowing them up.






    I can deal with ops perfectly fine. I play one, I know how to fight them, but it doesn't change the fact that I can recognize when something is broken. I said the same thing back in the day about marauders and having a 45s CD on UR and marauder is my main that I've played since day 1. I don't sit around and pretend something is perfectly balanced when I know its not regardless if its my main or not.


    Concealment roll needs to be redesigned and the only people clinging to the current version are bad players.


    Tbf it was for mobility and defence., It just needs to be made so the fire and acid mechanics damage the operative no matter how or when they roll. Then its balanced If you say for example decide that the concealment roll needs changing and changing the format from active to passive mitigation then they would have the mitigation while being able to do damage while now they can't do damage while rolling. Also putting the mitigation elsewhere means they still have the roll to get away etc even without the concealment buff to it.

  5. ... Incoming overpowered class defenders ...


    There is no way Juggs are OP it daft to even think claim that.

  6. We have certain operatives on Tre who like to be what i call rambo types always going to the off node even when they fail repeatedly then blame the team when they lose it amazes me at times how bad some of them can actually be. Its a class where mistakes can't be made really its mitigation is proactive you have to know when to roll or it can mean the end.
  7. Thank you.


    I was just using "DPS index" as an arbitrary scale to make different setups more easily comparable.


    The way I set the model up is to use both mechanics and combat log data. Model the base damage of abilities using the combat system and the various values and constants, then use combat log data for things that won't tell you: e.g. to set how often ability x is used as a proportion of total, how much damage of type b gets shielded / avoided.


    Use the game mechanics to give you a framework where you can tweak variables (Cunning or Power?); use actual "real world" combat log data to see how that's affected by enemy action and your own play. I used a load of my own and Snave's combat logs for baseline competent Scrapper / Operative play.


    If different individuals have radically different playstyles, you could feed that in and get their individual best stat balance. Say you religiously stick to using Rifle Shot. Then Accuracy will be fairly useful to you because it's white damage affected by low Accuracy (though you're going to be pretty useless in warzones yourself). But it makes the point that playstyle can affect ideal stat balance.




    I notice it's unbolstered, I bumped your Tech Power to 2790 to reflect it's warzone value.


    Overall, you're a bit low on Crit and high on Alacrity.

    The benefit to DPS if you could add +52 (one augment) of each stat:

    Aim 0.01%

    Cunning 0.63%

    Power 0.61%

    Tech Power

    Crit 0.68%

    Surge 0.51%

    Accuracy 0.01%

    Alacrity 0.30%


    You can see Crit is actually your strongest stat to add to. Switching 120 Power for Crit would boost your crit % by +2.1%, and overall DPS maybe 0.11%. With the low Crit value, you get a big enough boost to the chance to crit (and so enjoy tasty surge bonus) that it's worth laying off some Power.


    Alacrity vs Surge is trickier to call, largely because in PvP you're not whaling on a dummy so it's hard to calculate the benefits of getting your action in first with the lower GCD.


    So remember that this is ignoring the first-mover benefit. Given that, and that Alacrity's benefits are a stinker to model, you could move up to 200 out of Alacrity into Surge and still see a damage benefit. You may wish to keep the Alacrity, and that would be fine if it suits your play better.


    As increasing Surge and crit chance complement each other, both the changes together could net a 0.63% boost.


    Your stat choices are up to you, have fun.


    I've just done that, What does my dps index come out as on your spreadsheet?.

  8. Good op or not, it doesn't change the fact that you can have a 23% up time.


    Oh will you quit on whining honestly its getting really old now. A broken record has nothing on you.

  9. Hey man can you run the numbers on these if possible? much appreciated :)


    Level - 60

    Aim - 122

    Cunning - 3706 with stim

    Power - 1164 with stim

    Tech Power - 2166

    Crit - 63

    Surge - 258

    Accuracy - 0

    Alacrity - 595

    Max weapon dmg - 2059

    Min weapon dmg - 1734

    All class buffs

    Full 6 piece enforcer set bonus

  10. In ranked pvp on Harbinger whilst playing my conc operative I've been told to:


    - never queue for ranked again

    - uninstall swtor

    - l2p

    - get good


    and so and so on.


    And this is after our team has actually won and I've got 2 killing blows. All because I don't do over 100k dps, which is what everyone seems to be measured by these days in ranked pvp.


    What I get called or whispered after we lose a match is not suitable to be re-printed on the forums. Yes a thick skin is required, but it makes it harder to want to hit the queue button again. But I will note that most of the abuse comes from players who play fotm classes, which I'm sure means something.


    If you did 100k dps you would be GOD.

  11. It's an ability. Check in the General tab of that page, hotkey 'Pass the Huttball'. When activated, you get a targetting reticle (so you can't just target an ally and pass to them, you actually aim where you want to throw it).


    You can just target an ally as far as i know by selecting him and pressing the ability twice

  12. ITT: Bads trying ranked without knowing their classes/not being properly geared etc., getting flamed because they underperform and ruin people their rating.


    Sure, it's just a game. So why play ranked if you're casual about it? Enjoy the arena's you get in regs. After all, there is rating. If you're the one causing people to lose and consequently make them lose rating, it's not weird they call you out.


    Before I get the common objection: there is no point for "constructive critique" - simply because playing Ranked presupposed you know how to play. If people need to explain you how to properly play your class, you should not be playing that class in Ranked. It's not hard. If I see people with unaugmented exhumed, with the wrong stats for their spec, no stim and they do not use their main defensive cooldowns or the proper rotations I tell them to stop queueing. It's not rude, it's reasonable.


    Let's be frank here, there's no fun in losing everything anyway. Why pull others into your losses?


    Premade loser :rolleyes:

  13. I just want them to stop rolling through hazards without taking a lot of damage.


    And for sorcs to have to at least use something with a longer cooldown than their speedup abilities to become immune to most/possibly all of the controlling things (getting them with knockback can be really hard at least).


    And maybe leap to friend and leap to enemy should share a cooldown so you can't get 75-95% of the way there in two moves.


    And for the slinger's roll to have sparkles and maybe let you move through solid objects.


    But seriously it's really hard to stay on top of all the possible ways other teams can cruise right through all obstacles and past your defense in huttball. Normally I'd think that was cool but in a lot of cases it just makes for too many unstoppable teams in pugs, IMO and overly mistake intolerant scenarios that pretty much require playing the same games over and over again. I find I enjoy HB a lot more between skilled teams in lowbies/mids.


    The change of lol resist to dmg reduction would solve that for sure.

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