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Posts posted by inoutallabout

  1. For unsubscriber rewards I'd like a jar of sand mailed to me so I can learn to stick my head in the sand as well as Bioware has regarding feedback about their recent changes.


    I'll even video it and send it to Bioware to apply for a job on Anthem dev team.

  2. Yeah, but you haven't gotten an update to that game in like 2-years right? Because no MMO company can update their game AND make an expansion...right?? It takes too long...right???


    Developers at Bioware who have left straight up said that too much money sits at the top with EA and not enough comes down to fund ongoing support and development. It's just how it goes.

  3. after trying this weeks patch. POINTS ARE STILL WAY TO LOW. TO MANY ONCE AND DONE OBJECTIVES!!!


    1) Star Fighter Conquer the skies: needs to be a MINIMUM of 500 for participating in a match. 213 is a joke.


    2) The daily/weeklies should have been PER CHARACTER. it's not like you can do them more then once per character anyway.


    3) Warzone The Killing Fields: repeatable indefinitely. Minimum of 500 points each time completed.


    4) Star Fighter Critical Mission: Should be once per character


    5) Warzone Critical mission: Should be once per character


    6) Operation Critical Mission: Should be once per character per day. (If you need to, make the weeklies require killing every boss in the operation to stop people from doing last boss lockouts.)


    7) Group Finder Flashpoint: should be a minimum of 500 points.


    8) Group Finder Uprisings: Should be at least 500 points


    9) Flashpoint Critical Mission: Should be once per character.


    10) Crafting should be REVERTED to prior to 5.8.


    BW anything less then this is UNACCEPTABLE!!!



    Yeah pretty much.

  4. Just came to say that the 5.8a changes weren't enough. Conquest is still tedious and awful compared to the pre-5.8 system. I'm still letting my sub run out.


    Group finder operations should be available for every toon, every day, period. PvP wins shouldn't be limited to once per legacy per day. Flashpoints should reward significantly more points than they currently are. Everything group related should be offering more points than they currently are. Conquest has been and always should be an activity which serves the purpose of incentivizing people to do casual group content. Without that incentive it's nothing but a lonely boring grind that isn't worthwhile. Yes people should be able to hit conquest without having to group up, but the rewards should be significant enough to encourage groups to form for flashpoints, ops, and PvP. The previous system was fine. This new system is truly mind boggling and is going to cost more money in lost subs than whatever CC market pay to win scheme that is the end game of these conquest changes. You can't milk people for PvE win boosts if the only people left in the game are RPers and solo RPG players.


    5.8 was a massive mistake, and 5.8a was the opportunity to turn things around and seriously commit to making conquest worth while again for most people after the change. That chance was overlooked and even more people will be dropping as a result. GG and stuff.

  5. We've just given you 70 pages of feedback that you've pretty much totally - except one or two token gestures - thrown back in our face and said "we don't care, like it or lump it".


    And if you genuinely wanted Conquest to be fun 5.8 would've been binned BEFORE it went live.


    You keep "talking that talk", but no one at Bioware seems even slightly interested in "walking the walk".


    Let me remind you of the impact of that arrogant attitude over the last few years:

    2011: 200 Servers.

    2018: 6 Servers.


    All The Best




    I don't think it's fair to blame Bioware entirely. Their hands are tied when people up top at EA start making demands. This is probably all part of a system to increase CC sales somehow.

  6. While this post is a valiant effort to salvage some of the over-the-top changes, I can not help but feel the "tweaks" currently outlined are done more to appease the angry horde than to actually address the underlying problems


    Adding repeatable PvP and FP content? If their omission was a bug or an oversight rather than intended this was always a non-issue and therefore a non-measure.


    Reducing the personal conquest target by 5k? While a step in the right direction is still fails to provide a solution for the shere lack of fun conquest activities. Most repeatable activities are far too grind-y to be enjoyable for longer than an hour. You promised us more things to do but instead it feels like we ended up with less.


    Un-punishing alts? As far as I can tell, nothing is going to change here. I did not hear a single word about reverting some of the once-per-day-per-legacy activities to once-per-day-per-character. Only that change will give people a reason to play their alts. Running a FP or running an ops, that is fun. Endlessly running BOI or uprisings because it is one of the few infinitely repeatable activities? I really don't want to do that, so I haven't even touched my alts this week.


    I really wanted to give you guys the benefit of the doubt, allow you time to formulate a plan to address all the current conquest issues. But the changes you outlined for next week are simply too little to make even a dent in the current mess that is conquest. What remains is hanging around, hoping that you will make some more changes with 5.9. I'm sorry but there has been far too much waiting on QOL changes in the past year (remember GC?). My patience has ran out and my sub will remain cancelled. Something which I truely consider a shame, because until 5.8 I was really enjoying the game. Now I feel hard-pressed to find anything fun to do after an hour or two on my main. I have a full-time job, I don't need another when I come home, I just want to have some fun.


    All really good points, and I hope Bioware listens before all our subs have run out and we choose to not re-up.

  7. I keep reading about upcoming changes, (possibly next week). The thing is, this is a situation that needs to be resolved immediately, and next week is the final straw for many of us. I already unsubbed and in two weeks it will have run out. If by that time the group content is still completely dead because of current conquest changes, I'll only be one of many flocking to greener pastures. So when I read, "possibly next week," as a disclaimer after every issue addressed, that isn't good enough.


    SWTOR in its current state is bleeding players anyways. We enjoy playing the game but acknowledge that the content drought is unacceptable but don't really know what other games to play, so we do conquest and the daily grind in SWTOR because it's just something to do. With conquest changes that daily time sink is gone so people realize that SWTOR doesn't have much left to offer. Every server is comprised of the same old faces doing the same old content. Every player lost has a domino effect. It would take an incredible commitment to creating new and engaging content to bring those players back and revitalize the community.


    So with snail paced content and no rewarding daily grind, what's there to stick around for? That's the question the devs should be answering. They can't control that their shareholders have their hands tied as far as content release. So the developers primary goals in lack of content should be damage control, making a bad situation less bad, by making what content they do have to work with as engaging as possible to the most amount of people.

  8. Here are my two cents.


    Conquest points awarded per single activity must be revisited, there are too many activities that aren't simply worth the time to complete, compared with points earned. Warzones, GSFs and more probably.


    Conquest activities must be "reorganized". First some stuff must be included again, daily FP, GSF and warzone dailies and weeklies. This is only a first list, maybe the team should look at all the activities and organize them to be included.


    Speaking of Operations I think that the content shouldn't be limited at one per Legacy, on daily basis, but the conquest points should be awarded only for completing the whole operation not for only killing the last boss. Acceptable would be, in my opinion, to scale the conquest points rewards on bosses killed eventually, but we don't need the one per legacy cap.


    Speaking about the different guild sizes and rewards I think that the process is good, but it miss two points. First one is the rewards. If you don't consider the title, conquest isn't appealing. Boost the rewards a bit, maybe a grand chance cube for each toon capped for the guilds that enter the leaderboard. Or other stuff, maybe a single cartel pack of the current ones, a bunch of cartel coins maybe too. Just to give to the players something interesting to play for. 50k credits is the reward you get from 3 heroics, without even bothering with the bonus, the green-blue-purple scraps doesn't have any value, since the nerf of the crafting in conquests (nerf needed in my opinion) and that they will not grant tier 10 materials.

    Second and last one is a more complex and in depth change. Small-Medium-Large planets should remain as designed, but there is a needed change for how conquest points will be totalized. A small planet conquest should sum only the points of the top 25 (50? other value?) toons, regardless on how many toons in the guild where capped. A medium planet should sum the top 50 (75? other value?) toons and a large one every toon, like it is now. With a system like this one the large guilds will not invade the small or medium planets or if they do the small and medium guild will have a chance to compete without being simply overrun by the force of brute numbers.


    I'm absolutely against mixing cartel coin rewards with in game rewards. FIrst off, they already have grand chance cubes as a possible reward from cxp boxes. Mostly, if it goes one way then it will end up going the other. If you're able to get cartel coin rewards from doing in game challenges, then it won't be long before they make in game challenges aided by real life money purchases.


    Not only that, but it hits their bottom line. People still spend money on CC packs. I don't know why because the prices are jacked up so ridiculously high, but people will seriously drop over 60 usd for hypercrates, and Bioware needs that money. I'm fine with just getting normal rewards for crafting, credits, and cxp stuff. That's great. Just make it so I can actually do conquest on more than a few toons without making this game a full time job. Bring back the incentives to do group content.

  9. This is a really common developer tactic in aging or dime store MMOs that are looking to make their game progressively more grindy, and thus the cash shop "time saver" products more attractive: make extreme changes, then placate the outrage with concessions that still leave things in a much worse state. I really don't know if this was BioWare's intention, but if it was, it can't be overstated how toxic that is to your brand. You will alienate the players whom you need the most.


    This is the most likely answer, and a disturbing realization. They've already made their cartel coin market mostly inaccessible due to hiking the prices up astronomically. It follows that in the pursuit of having to present ever increasing profits to investors that something like this would be next.

  10. Another thing that I think will hurt small guilds: loss of members who really want to receive those larger rewards, be on leaderboards, be part of a guild with a fully unlocked ship, etc.. There is now pretty much no hope that my guild will be able to finish unlocking our ship, because I doubt we'll ever make a leaderboard again to receive the necessary rewards.


    That's exactly correct. Immediately on realizing I could only reasonably hit conquest on two or three toons, I moved them all into a large conquest guild. Might as well get the max rewards if I'm only getting it on a few of them.


    I love my small guild but triple weekly rewards is too good to pass up when there's so much effort going into just getting those few toons to conquest in the first place.



    Please Bioware, you're killing our game. Every time you guys add or change new content you destroy it or make it worse. Every patch you create more bugs. Just stop. Seriously. You don't know what you're doing. Go, go work on Athem or whatever it's called. Don't bother with finishing the traitor story. Don't patch anymore bugs. Forget the rest of the companions. Don't touch it anymore. Please!


    Keith, I seriously thought you'd make it better. It's not just Conquest itself you ruined here but all the things that many of us did to win Conquest. PVP, GSF, Flashpoints and thus no need to be in a guild. I've done all the stories several times. I don't like Operations. I was trying pvp via Conquest and now that's ruined. We need a response fast here.


    Most of the enjoyment I get from the game is hitting conquest with all my different toons, enjoying them each for their unique playstyle and roles, then going back to my main for prog. With this change, well it's just prog.


    No more daily operations, daily flashpoints, daily pvp, it's not even worth it. All the alts, useless. Group content is dead outside of prog.


    Unsubbed till they figure this stuff out.

  12. You complain a lot about something as essential as economics. You must not understand how expensive it is for these people to maintain this enormous MMO. They need to make money. Deal with it.


    They make enormous amounts of money. The unlock cost is just a way to make even more money in a highly inconvenient way.

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