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Posts posted by HTPRO

  1. it doesn't matter if they're useless, I said in the OP, all abilities go on my action bar.



    As a matter of fact it DOES matter if the abilities are useless. Useless abilities do not go to -QUCIK-bars. Why? Because you don't need to use them QUICKly!


    How many mounts do you have? Why don't you put all the mounts on your quickbar too? Or pets? Or priority transports from legacy unlocks?


    If the game engine wasn't ****, stuff like Power Shot or Unload would be removed for arsenal mercs, or Smash would be removed for Vengeance Juggernaut - the only reason those abilities are still present is because it would be very difficult for the devs to remove them (as the devs said themselves). The only reason your bars are bloated are because YOU want to, for whatever reason (messing around, liking animation LOL). You do know you can use said abilities without having them on quickbar yes?


    Just because there are players with their brains telling them that they MUST HAVE ALL ABILITIES!! MUST MUST!! doesn't mean there is ability bloat.

  2. As others have stated, vigilance guardian is currently the worst melee dps spec for fights with lots of movement / target swapping. Due to the nature of the fight it is difficult to say what the average dps should be (is your raid waiting for small fingers to appear or are you burning the big two tentacles ASAP? Are you waiting for 3rd kephess? etc).


    Another thing to know is this - in brontes fight the only DPS that really matters is 1] circular beam phase with droids and 2] last phase. The most important thing in the last phase is having enough uptime on the boss, unfortunately our class is bad for that considering we are heavily reliant on 3s melee channel ;<<


    That said I think 2300 dps is fine for that fight. If anything it's your class dragging the raid down, not you! Good luck with progression!

  3. How exactly does one get unintentionally flagged? Yesterday in the rakghoul tunnels I were using my aoe attacks (shrap bomb, flyby) on mobs with flagged imperial players standing literally next to said mob, also used a healer companion and I never got flagged.


    I think everyone who got "unintentionally" flagged either tab targeted an enemy player, or has the autoswitch to next target option turned on and keeps pressing (or maybe clicking) his skills even though the mob is dead thus hitting the flagged player? Either way I agree with op - you do not get unintentionally flagged (unless you are a moron)

  4. The boss in 16 man difficulty is tuned in such a way that it is possible to push him below the threshold after second wave of adds.


    A foolproof way of doing this is to increase your zoom range further than what the game client allows with in-game setting (use google if you don't know how to do it). That way I can see all four lanes when the boss drops down. I have the boss targeted so I can see his red circle on the ground before the boss actually flies down and touches the ground.

  5. Not sure if troll or serious... Let's pretend serious.


    PART 1


    a) Do Oricon story line (awards 5 pieces of 69 gear)

    b) Do dailies. Use the money you get from dailies to have a 72 barrel / hilt crafted, have Underworld SA relic crafted, and spend the basic comms on another relic (arcanian), OR do some pvp and buy a PVP relic (slightly better than arcanian relics).

    c) Do your weekly flashpoint quest (3 random HM flashpoints). Easy elite commendations.

    OPTIONAL: Spam random flashpoints for elite comms (max 400) to get you 3 or 4 pieces of 72 gear per week.


    Assuming you have a 72 mainhand, two arcanian+ grade relics and at least 66 gear you are now ready for the "real" stuff !


    PART 2

    a) Do 16 man story mode TFB 32 ultimate comms (20 ultimate comms from bosses + 12 weekly quest)

    b) Do 16 man story mode SaV 40 ultimate comms (28 ultimate comms from bosses + 12 weekly)

    Note: If you can't do 16 man do 8 man and use the group finder 22 ultimate coms each instance (10 for group finder + 12 weekly)

    c) Do Toborro's 6 ultimate comms (weekly)

    d) Do Classic operations 12 ultimate comms (weekly)

    Note: Assuming you do 16 man TFB / SaV you now have 90 ultimate comms / week.


    e) Do 8 / 16 man DF / DP story mode (16 ultimate coms weekly quest for either of those operations) + 4 ultimate comms / boss for 16 man difficulty.


    If you did 16 man you are now CAPPED on ultimate commendations! That was rather easy wasn't it.


    Spend your ultimate commendations on offhand (most important), then implants / earpiece, then whichever piece of gear you chose.

  6. Hey guyses,


    I'm currently using UW SA and dreadforged BA relics. Now since UW SA is "bugged" and has pretty much double uptime making it the best option for classes with selfhealing, would this be enough to put 36/8/2 spec (3 points cunning talent 1 pont self heal and 1 point increased energy) ahead of 36/3/7 on single target? Or is the difference bewteen 36 / 8 / 2 and 36 / 3 / 7 so big that not even the relic will make up for it?

  7. My advice would be to wait one or two weeks before doing "serious" solo ranked queue. The reason for that is the PVP serendipitous assault relic which is superior to what most PVE players are currently using, therefore lots of PVE geared folks will be queuing for ranked arenas which are by far the fastest way of obtaining ranked comms.


    I understand it's no fun being queued with players with **** gear but I'm afraid there is no workaround for that at the moment.

  8. Considering orbital hits ~3300 non-crit (the 36/3/7), If you kept using it on cooldown (45s cooldown, 2s cast time means approx 1 cast / 50s) means the pvp set bonus adds 66 dps (non-crit). That is if the last tick actually hits.


    The question is: Will the 90 cunning (82 from two armorings, and +9% cunning talent) increase your dps by 66? (also note that you will eventually have 4-set PVE bonus lowering cost of takedown which might increase DPS slightly). Probably not.


    Which leads me to conclusion: On fights where the boss is stationary or moves in a certain pattern (that means all 4 ticks of orbital will hit the boss) the 2-set PVP and 2-set PVE is the superior choice, on fights where boss moves a lot / disappears etc. the 78 armoring would be better. That being said I agree with paowee that it's a matter of personal preference now really ;>

  9. The most important thing is to realize that in PVE 1% accuracy is 1% total DPS (unless you go over 100%).


    Accuracy augment (+32) gives 0.4% accuracy which is 0.4% dps increase.

    Cunning augment (+ ~ 36 with the cunning talent) gives 7.3 ranged bonus dmg and 0.07%crit.


    If you do 3000 dps then accuracy agument gives you 12 dps, cunning augment gives you sliiightly less.


    As you can see the difference is miniscule, however having accuracy under 100% means you might miss that one super important attack on the add and wipe the raid.



    My advice to you is this: get as close to 100% accuracy as you can, but do not go over 100% as it would result in a dps loss.

  10. Way to miss MY point there, which was: personal skill and affinity with the class has more to do with the end results than the performance of the class itself.


    I agree, however you fail to understand that I'm trying to tell you that DPS assassin has lowest DPS potential in the game. If assassins were only played by very good players (thus pulling great numbers) and marauders were only played by bad players (thus pulling **** numbers), would that make assassin a better dps class? Of course not, but this simple concept is apparently too hard for you to grasp.


    It is amazing how you fail to understand my points and just keep repeating same unimportant ********. Is it really that hard for that pea brain of yours to stop saying "BUT SKILLED ASSASSIN DOES MORE DMG THAN BRAINDEAD MARAUDER"? Yes he does, we are discussing potential of class under equal conditions, which is exactly why assassins are the worst DPS AC in the game.


    I'm going to repeat this for the last time. If you still respond with the same kind of bul**** you always do I swear I will kill a kitten.


    Step 1) Forget OP's post. I do not agree with him that dps assassins have no spot in ops. Let's pretend that OP made a post saying "ASSASSIN / SHADOW IS DOING THE LEAST DPS IN 2.2"

    Got it? Let's move on!


    Step 2) Imagine every player has the same skill, can play his character on the same level, has the same gear and is DPSing the same boss.

    Understood? GREAT!


    Step 3) Imagine the fight was parsed and you are going to read the logs.

    Can we move on? Good.


    Step 4) You will see that DPS Assassin is at the very bottom.


    In case you still do not understand the post, I'm going to sum up everything I posted for you so you have easier time comprehending the text (although so far you have shown extremely poor reading skills)


    A) DPS Assassins are the worst DPS AC in the game because their DPS POTENTIAL is lowest.

    B) The fact that they are the worst does NOT mean they are not viable. They can still kill bosses and progress operations, they can still DPS flashpoints, they can still manage to do dailies.

    C) The fact that a good player on assassin can outperform bad player on any other class does NOT mean assassin is not the worst AC.


    and finally....!


    D) I do not have any issue with the fact that assassin is the worst dps. Someone has to be. I do not want them buffed, I do not want them changed, I do not care at all. I am merely saying that they are the worst and I have no idea how can you fail to grasp this.


    Last thing: Skill > class. However if skill is equal, classes matter. And assassins are currently the worst choice in this regard.

  11. On the one he's best at.


    A good player will be able to work well with just about any class, but the truth is: you'll be able to get the BEST out of one, perhaps 2 classes at most, regardless of their respective difficulty. That usually coincides with the main char, if nothing else because you usually put more time there, but there is also the affinity each one of us has to a particular playstyle.


    So that statement that skill is > class still holds true. Yeah, if you start from 0 with no experience whatsoever and with the ability to choose any class, a sniper or a marauder will probably pull higher numbers easier, but that's just learning curve. It has been shown that all classes can compete even in the most difficult and elitist content. Any further discussion will only prove that you just want to ostracize a class for the sake of it.



    Way to miss my point. What does the fact that a good player can work with any class have anything in common with the point of this thread?


    It is becoming increasingly annoying to repeat myself over and over trying to get the truth through your (and certain other poster's as well) thick skull. Oh well last try.


    I am NOT claiming that some player might be better on his assassin than he is on his marauder.

    I am NOT claiming that assassins can not pull their weight in raid.


    I am claiming that if we have players of equal skill, equal gear doing DPS under equal conditions and considering large number of tries to remove "luck with series of crits" then assassin will always end up at the very bottom aka the worst. This is the truth.


    Before you, or anyone else decides to reply to my post, please read the bold part three times to make sure the point has not been missed (and also try to look up what EQUAL means in case there will be another "skill > class")

  12. Emphasis mine.


    If you take a look at parses, you'll realize how untrue that statement is. Player skill > class capacity 98% of the time. it's a well know fact that A: most players cannot maximize their class role perfectly, and B: most players assume they can. Which is the ideology that leads you to your statement. there aren't 7 better options. there may be 7 other AC's that have the POTENTIAL of possibly having more DPS, but in most situations, a raid leader really isn't making a choice from a perfectly optimized group of AC's. he's pulling from a small group of people that showed up for his raid.


    So all the bantering about "uselesness" of a class is not only unwarranted, but it's childish. Or motivated by a PvP player who wants EZ mode kills, so he's overstating the uselessness of his class to get buffs he wants.


    As long as a class can meet the DPS thresholds, it's not really an AC issue. there will always be an AC at the bottom, and an AC at the top. and most players skill will probably put them all smack dab in the middle. if the AC suffers from lower DPS, then a change is warranted. but the uselessness charge can go. if the AC is useless, then there are dozens of guilds every week that finish NM Ops with useless classes. doesn't say much for the game design, does it? or perhaps Bio had that in mind...



    Bolded part of your quote is exactly what I've been trying to tell you whole time but you continue to ignore that and go on and on and on with your own useless ****.


    Of course player skill matters, but try to imagine this (might be hard for person of your intelligence but I"ll try).


    There is a player. This player plays DPS assassin for one month, learning the rotation, priorities etc perfectly.

    Now this same players plays a marauder or a sniper for one month, learning the rotation, priorities etc perfectly.

    Now the 1M$ question: On which character will this player manage to get more DPS with equal conditions?


    Now without a doubt a good player on an assassin will do more damage than poor player on a marauder, but I was sure we are talking CLASSES regardless of skill of the player playing those classes.


    So for the last time. If we talk equal conditions, equal gear, equal player's skill, assassin / shadow is advanced class whose DPS potential is the lowest. And that's what this thread is supposed to be about.




    About jug vs assassin utility. Stronger defensive cooldowns as a DPS spec on the juggernaut (saber reflect, saber ward especially), intercede, and most importantly - armour debuff. Assassin has stealth res. (Not to mention rage spec's massive AoE damage for fights requiring it while assassin has *****)

  13. So slightly less DPS and a lot more survivability as well as stealth res, and oh crap the tanks gone down where with minimal healing you can easily survive with minimal healing long enough for the tank to be rezed and healed before they jump back into the fray as well as an extra taunt if needed are not worth bringing along are they :eek: If the content can be cleared and you are pulling your weight then there is NO reason not to bring along a sin/shadow.


    Dont get me wrong would love more DPS which class wouldn't :D


    Jugg can do that as well and bring more dps and utility to boot!


    Again I do not claim that having an assassin / shadow dps in your ops team is auto wipe, however there are many (7 to be precise) better options.

  14. This fight is not overtuned. It is Nightmare. Thats like buying a Ferrari and saying its too fast. We have 3 difficulty modes... the hardest and least accessible is supposed to be a challenge. Just because it exists doesn't mean every guild who attempts it can do it.


    We are getting our NiM DG kill tonight- and my stream will be showing it live. Twitch.tv/Forsedar



    With only a few attempts lastnight we almost had it. Enrage has not been our issue for wiping in P3, and we have plenty of time to spare before that is even an issue. If you want to be able to complete content within a handful of attempts, please stick with Hardmode. Don't ruin the (only) decent progression for those who want something challenging.


    Like I said, this isn't supposed to be accessible to the majority. Hard =/= Impossible. You set your own limits.


    You are raiding 16 man. The thread is about issues in 8 man difficulty. Please read the thread thorougly before you post.


    Also even if one 8 man guild somehow manages to kill the DG on NiM within this lockout, does that make the fight balanced and not requiring tuning of some kind?


    I'm not saying the fight is impossible to do with current gear but if the best guilds in the world are not even close to killing the boss before enrage then there is something wrong with the tuning of the encounter.

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