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Posts posted by Fomortiis

  1. The amount of butthurt in this thread is absolutely staggering and somewhat hilarious. And no Stryker, I doubt you would have won as tank spec either, considering I've successfully 1v2'd you when you were tank before. Worst case scenario I just spec tank too and beat you anyway. Should I get that on stream next time too? :rolleyes:
  2. Hey at least you dont have to listen to him bark orders at you in warzones Pedia :p


    I guess that's a good thing? :o


    the node guard thing is a forum/impvp joke. he's a douche. but the sig is a joke. the backstory is seane wanted him to guard (as he was the best equipped class/toon to do so) in some reg (CW?). he refused. meanwhile, his guildy refused to heal seane.


    when you listen to their whining about sorcs not respecing heals in this video, then it's pretty obvious what they thought of seane's role in that CW(?) -- seane was madness, iirc. anyway...the sig actually makes sense and is mildly entertaining...but you kinda had to be there for their big blow up in imppvp chan to get it.


    edit: personally, I think respeccing for a reg is overkill. if there was a legit dual spec, and I didn't have to rearrange my quickbars every time, I'd do it. but not in the current state of the game.


    back to my original question: why does it look like force leap/charge is bound to 3 different quickslots?


    Thank you for this explanation. Things are alot more clear now. :D

  3. I disagree with the thought of bringing the mounts back, but I do think people who already own one somewhere on their account should be allowed to obtain a copy on every character. That's what would set the real PvP veterans from launch apart from the rest.
  4. I think you have a few misconceptions for me to clear up: 1.) 2 pugs floating around is a handicap when I'm trying to cc/cap (since it's an unwritten law that all pugs must hit the mezzed target) 2.) Barbie and tyrone set up those duels 3.) Flak said he didn't really care to do them and I said I was going to spend time with my family over Christmas, so it could count as a forfeit if your ePeen desired 4.) You went away for months after that, so I'm not really sure if I'm talking to the 2nd or 3rd (maybe even 4th :eek:) owner of this account 5.) To this date, I've yet to have a 1v1 you, since you rarely travel alone :p 6.) You really aren't that cute when your panties get wadded up


    I've always been the same person/owner of this account, and I've never gone away for months at a time. Also the fact that you say you have yet to 1v1 is laughable, you're basically just in straight up denial by this point. I know it's really hard to admit you've lost 1v1 fights, especially multiple times, when you brag about how good you are at them. So life will continue, you will brush these occasions under the rug (until I start recording them), and nobody will be any the wiser about how many times I've beaten you. That's all fine and dandy, and to be honest I couldn't care less.


    I feel the conversation has run it's course by this point, because talk is cheap, especially on forums where nobody can really prove anything. To a third party, this conversation is pointless because it's all just talk. With that being said, have fun in this thread, I'll be leaving it and probably won't come back. See you in the warzones where this stuff actually matters.

  5. Lol I love how you're trying to explain a scoundrel tactic to ME, of all people. That's just downright cute. And then you drag Bloodcrazed into it because we all know you'll never admit to losing a 1v1. I can't even remember how many times I've destroyed you both on my scoundrel and my shadow. But you never talk about those times, do you? Maybe I'll start recording them just to shut you up. It reminds me of that time you called me out on Pedia and called out Flak as well for duels, then chickened out when we were ready to go.


    On a side note, you say that you were going for a sap cap in your defense, but it's funny because that didn't work too well did it? Not only did you fail to get my node even with 2 other people, you openly admitted in your post to making an error in judgment and getting outplayed by me because of it. Maybe if you were a decent scrapper scoundrel these things wouldn't happen.


    Oh, and if you really think I give a s*** about the popularity contest that is that thread, you are sadly mistaken. I make myself known through dominance in PvP, not text on a forum. Just had fun 3-capping your guild's premade on Novare Coast BTW.

  6. Siding with Neb on this one, everything he said is true. (Appreciate the props as well :p)


    Vasyel, remember when you tried to take my node in Civil War today? You said that being able to 100%/0% somebody is totally the other player's fault, so why was I able to 100%/28% you before you vanished out and ran away?


    Just my $0.02.

  7. After we figured out what caused it, he never did it purposefully. If he saw the glitch occur when he picked up the ball, he would throw it away or pass it to someone else. And I can assure you it never happened in ranked. But I digress, said glitch has long since been fixed and is now a non-issue.
  8. Your headfan sucks, we all know you're jelly of my tank set's fashion.


    On a related note, I do something like this on almost a daily basis to imps. It's usually not quite as bad as literally standing there capping behind them like in the screenshot though. I find it more fun to make someone waste their trinket on low slash and then lift-cap them. Nothing more satisfying than forcing the guy to watch as he loses the objective to me out of stupidity. Gotta imagine the rage irl. :)

  9. Oh, that. Yes, that was actually a glitch involving a helmet Acorns used. Don't even ask me how a helmet could cause something like that because I have no idea, but I can tell you it has already been acknowledged and fixed by Bioware. Acorns still has the screenshots of the chats with customer service I think.
  10. I would love to see the youtube videos of LD50 members hacking. I fully expect to see videos of Acorns or Cates guardian leaping to nothing in the endzone of huttball, because people are too dumb to understand class and ability mechanics besides their own. That being said, I really hope there's a video out there that supposedly "proves" that people in LD50 hack that doesn't involve Guardian Leap, though I highly doubt there is.





    (Protip: you can guardian leap to stealthed allies)

  11. So I was pretty bored tonight waiting for rated warzone queues, and I decided to host a little competition. A competition to see who was good at MMO parkour and who was not. I made the republic fleet a (legitimate) offer that if anyone could get to me without leaping to me, I'd give them 3 mil. Needless to say, the spot I was hanging out in was by no means easy to reach. They had about 2 hours, and nobody succeeded. But it did draw quite a huge crowd! See the album below for some of the fun. Also, if this gets enough interest, I'll make a video tutorial. :p


    Screenshot album: http://imgur.com/a/lutmF

  12. Hey bro, what you should do is this...

    Remove dots from yourself.

    CC him when he comes at u bro

    He breaks cc, cc him again

    slow him, duck behind a wall

    wait for his powerups are gone

    attack him

    take more dots off yourself

    don't get within 10m of him

    attack him some more, put dots on him

    take more dots off yourself


    What you haven't realized, I assume because you can not pay attention or have any clue to how powertech works is... All his damage relies on him having a dot on you. Without that, he will be wasting his ammo/heat to get another dot on you. When he becomes low ammo or high on heat... they are completely harmless. Those two things are so easily manipulated on powertechs.


    You have a pushback, so you can kite. You have a sprint so you can kit. He can only reset his hib/rail if he is within 10m of you, otherwise it is on a 15 second cooldown. You choose to go toe to toe with him and allow him to get on top of you... stop it, take away his strength.


    Seriously, play smart.


    You know what the cool thing about going up against a pyrotech is? They are squishy, pretty much all other classes have better defense. You are looking at a 31% defense with 5% miss and the WORST defensive cooldown in the game, which coincidentally is their only defensive cooldown.


    Lmfao, this post is the definition of irony. Throughout the entire post you tell him to remove dots and play smart, yet you fail to realize that sages can't remove tech debuffs and dots. You sir, have just unknowingly owned yourself. Try to know the slightest bit of detail of what you're talking about before you attempt to put someone else down.


    Also, there it is again, the argument of how pyrotechs have horrible defensive cooldowns. It never fails to make an appearance in pyrotech defending posts. Even though their energy shield only has an effective cooldown of about 45 seconds due to the talent. Lawl.

  13. You tried to claim PT's were better than marauders in 1vs1 matches: you lost all credibility on these forums. Marauders (prior to their buff and PT's nerf) were about even to a PT pre 1.2. Now its not even close.


    If a Marauder wins a 1v1 against a Pyrotech with the classes as they are right now, the pyro is bad. This is fact. A good pyro will force defensive cooldowns out of the Marauder within a few seconds of the start of the fight, and have no issues cleaning up afterwards.

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