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Posts posted by JebusMcgee

  1. The most rewarding aspect of pvp is when you get a whisper following the match saying thanks or something along the lines of you were a huge help. I spend a vast majority of my time doing the thankless job of tanking and the times when I get a whisper from a healer thanking me for my work, it makes my day. I have actually started doing the same to the healer or other players who save the day. With all the b*tching the pvp community does and the negativity towards each other, its nice to have a simple thanks and appreciation.
  2. I think the developers dont have any ideas look at the fail ideas they have in place here already and yet done nothing about it.



    1.) Open pvp with no tokens or reward system....loved Dark Age of Camelot style where you pvp earned pvp points and it increased your pvp tree lvl and you got points to spend on abilities.....here is stagnant ..like a festering fish on the beach...id be firing people lol . Would also solve the CC problem ( everyone has it and it stacks and your dead ) Spend these pvp points on CC if you want...least players would know you earned it ..instead of it being handed out like its Trick or Treatin.


    2.) Warzones...why would you put the one thing in place that kills open pvp? its far easier to sit on your duff and just Q for it instead of finding it....because the developers have No dam clue what open world pvp should be about. SEE below


    3.) Open world pvp objectives...nothing they are there for a buff ...wow me with the shock and awe here. Let me log on now and destroy the cargo shuttles and cannons now...lol lame. How about making a different planet just for open world...which provides resources to the side who is in more control of it. Crafting bonus . harvesting bonus, control so much of the planet and rare recipes can be purchased with pvp points...no drop , bind on equip.How about a 10% DPS 10% armor rating artifacts which can be taken from a HQ which effect everyone on the server.. The more the other-side gets the less NPC guards at the bases and timers on re spawn increase making it easier to take back


    4.) resolve system ..fail


    5.) Mods and no real armor types...other than it saying heavy...or med or light...its just the look...all gear can be made the same.. thus creating class balance issues...when have you heard of a game where the DPS has the same hps as the tanks , and a better armor rating than someone in heavy armor? Poop colored robes means you are easier to do damage to once your hit , as light armor also means moving faster and thus harder to hit.....heavy armor means that you take less damage when hit..but are an easier target...thats why tanks have superior hit points...or well...they are supposed to..but not in Shock Wars.


    6.) To Much CC needs to be in tech trees at spots where its impossible to have 2 without sacrificing DPS, healing or tanking ability...no diversity...everyone know the drill already...cats out of the bag....


    7.) Stupid half way stops on the orbital stations....90% of them have no value other than another loading screen.


    8.) No space combat pvp...here you could add another tech tree..you can be a half *** jedi or commando in ground pvp and awesome at space combat....make people make a decision...stop making everyone a mold of one another. and cookie cuttin... Anyone ever played Battle Star Galatica online? A browser game...with those graphics and space combat....telling me STOR doesn't have funds for this? lol


    9.) Space missions...although fun at first...uh doing the same ones over and over again and getting 5k credits at lvl 50..seriously? was this supposed to be fun or just stupid. Waste of time and money on a business level lets no forget resources...they could have pulled those goons on the space missions side to work on something else...like getting coffee or something.


    10.) Expertise ....Gear...should be one type of gear not pve and pvp... one set...yes you should be able to get gear from pvping..its just based on the standard gear.. top end pvp and top end raid gear are equal.You dont wanna pvp and wanna kill AI...we have gear for you....you dont want to pve and just dont have time to get in a guild and play kissy kiss to get in the raid...we have gear for you as well. Period....exotic gear and hard to get gear..one of a kinds..should be one time drops only per server ..with unique skins....hey i just thought of where the space mission developers would transfer...making gear for specials..pvp and pve...keeping track of what drops...making harder content without bogging down the system with lvl cap increases .


    11) crafter gear should be what you strive to get before you can even think of getting pvp or pve based SUPER Gear..which should be harder to get...in otherwords if your raiding and get a drop it will be a replacement..but will have a different jumble of stats ...thus making you change your other gear to fit it into your system or play style...which keeps the crafters a job..and stimulates the economy in game..Crafted gear should be awesome stuff...not just a candy shell for mods...lol L A M E.


    anyway...you expect these dev's come up with anything to save the game? They have a mountain of work...this game isnt out of BETA yet...we are the beta..



    I will not be going over to GW2. But these points are COMPLETELY ACCURATE. Can only hope that some of this is considered and eventually put in place.

  3. Instead of social gear or new gear, I would prefer to see a sort of armor dye system. People want to look different and regardless of any new armors implemented, the small pool of armor options still inhibit people's desire to look like an individual. The new social gear and unify color to chest gear is great but it doesn't do much to make me feel like I can differentiate myself from anyone else. Is there a chance that we will see this in the (near) future?
  4. Shield Spec - Level 50


    1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?


    PVE - Solid aoe tank that has better chances at surviving than their counterpart tanks. Can also play the role of the off-tank well.

    PVP - A bit of a joke. I guess, they're happy to have a guard bubble?


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    PVE- Incredibly fun. I enjoy the new aggro and taunts. I prefer the Vanguard over other tanks due to the large aoe damage.

    PVP- Specifically with the Vanguard, the roles (or lack thereof) that shield and damage mitigation play weighs down the team. Guard and taunts plus utilities make them a novelty and a bit useful but there is a much stronger argument to respec to Assault. You still get the taunts plus extreme burst damage. I would like to see more defensive buffs and for damage mitigation and shield to be more useful in pvp.

  5. Originally Posted by Airehn

    Screw you Bioware.....Screw you. My highest is a level 45 Combat Medic, out of my own choice to play the game I the way I wanted.


    I finished nearly every planet, even though each mission only gave me +5 XP, and every kill only gave me crap loot and 50 credits. I made 3 or 4 characters on different servers, going through the many stories that the game had to offer, and now I'm finding out that if I spent more time on 1 single individual, that I would get a free month???


    That's not the part that upset me the most. What really got me was when I found out that you are giving away free time to players THAT DON'T EVEN SUBSCRIBE ANYMORE. Seriously??? ***???


    I've been on this damn forum for a year before the game was release, pre-ordered, was in Beta, paid my 6 months, and now I'm finding out that if I quit, you would not only let me play every weekend for free, but also for a whole week or maybe even a free MONTH???


    Screw you! I gave you my money and you ignore me. I'm not blaming my 2 jobs, or my 3 kids, or my fill in the blank, I'm blaming your terrible decision you made to ignore players that have been with you BEFORE THIS GAME WAS RELEASED.


    Done. Feel free to flame me.



    Completely agree. I play the game the exact same way. Here since pre-release and I have 8 characters ranging from 18-48. This horrible customer service is making me consider spending my time and money elsewhere.

  6. Im on Rubat Crystal. If I could find a guild and a decent amount of people to RP, I would join. So far however, it is terrible. Im on an RP server and there is little to no RP. Im an older player and joined looking for RP. So far, the RP guilds that I have had contact with have been mediocre at best and such a let down. As said before, I am me all day. When I log in, I want to be someone else.
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