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Posts posted by -Kelerak-

  1. Come on, they are playing smart... free char tansfer for some servers... and if u want to choose a server u will have to pay for it. I like it!


    I hope we can transfer from US to EU! because thats my only problem! lol, im always moving from US to EU and the the timezone are like -8 or +8h hours lol

  2. Hi. I have a suggestin for you guys, you have the cantinas no one is there right?




    Why not... Depending on the presence stats with your companions you do more critics or less critics on crafting... Why not making more engaging....


    Keep the stims but for those that want to really have the best of the best chances of sucess the the cantinas could be a great way to do that... By rewarding players with presence if they performe certain activities with the companion they want to craft that special item.


    Activities could be:

    - Dancing; - Ordering drinks; - Playing instruments ( if u ever release that ); - Dueling other players; - Signing up for Warzones inside the catinas...


    By now you know what I mean... The reason im suggesting this is because cantinas are a big part of Star Wars fantasy...



  3. Im sorry but most of you guys are so frikin lazy... Jug is a tank lol, ofc he doenst do dps like Mara lol, oh hell yeah he survives...


    Seriously... Mara will be the next OP class SO LETS ALL MAKE MARAS!! lolol, easy mode :p

    PvP players are the worse thing... My god.

  4. ill speak for myself...

    TERA - anime style i cant play something like that... tried the beta... did not like it :( = No

    GW2 - gfx :confused: gameplay :eek: story line :( = No

    SWTOR - star wars :D Bioware :D = HELL YEAH


    dont care what peeps say... i like the game and will play it

    there will be always people playing :p



    GW/Titan are the only on Horizon which will drive more players out of here. Other then that, no other MMO.


    same thing mate, GW no.. but Titan yeah will roll it! is coming out at 2016 i think til then SWTOR!

  5. OK... I'm the biggest of all fanboi, nerd, brown nosing, BW lovers out there. But c'mon guys. The armor in this game looks like crap. It doesn't look very Star Warsy or Sci Fi. What's going on here?


    Same here... I dont know what the hell is ging on... Look at Dragon Age, Mass Effect... Awesome work! And SWTOR? What happened??? :confused: Im sad...

    Huge BW fan... But this...

  6. Hey all,


    Its incredible how much have posted on this issue and i got to say something.

    Bioware was always known to me as a Quality company in all the games it has produced.

    SWTOR while engaging in gameplay it is a very poor execution of 3d graphics in our days.


    I am a student(graduating soon) on a 3d animation, visual effects and game design and i my course 3d modeling is covered from day 1. I have to tell you that the models you just created for this patch 1.2, are not only not related to the starwars universe but even worse is its probably the WORSE CHARACTER MODELING DESIGN i have ever seen IN ANY mmo to date.


    From color schemes to actual modeling... the design it self is completely of.

    I beg you to take your design and modeling team introduce them to the mass effect team ( i know the artists who work there, ask Raphael Grassetti for a course or something) and have those guys from ME3 to do workshops and train your design team and modeling team. ITs shamefull what your doing here.


    Its even harder for me to understand it because you have a high quality filter on your jobs aplications which leads me to belive that you really got to be so desperate to pump out content that you are doing crucial mistakes. Dont go down the path SWG did.... Dont let EA ruin bioware vision if u still have it.



  7. People asked for changes there you go! You got them!

    Stop crying for everything... Come on... Thats so childish...

    The only thing I dont like in the PvP is the new gear... I know Bioware could do better than that... EA can you please stop pushing them?

  8. if u wanna leave for GW2, TERA or what the hell you want go!

    frikin anime lovers...


    The only thing i did not like about the 1.2 patch is the new PvE and PvP gear...

    Come on Bioware i know you could do better than that.... Doesnt even look like Star Wars... :eek:


    About the class changes I like them. And lol, my main is a Mercenary all people whining that mercs gona be NERFFFFF, no they dont ;) they will get stronger if u play it right instead of spamming tracer missile!

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