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Posts posted by NomineImperator

  1. In my opinion, a lot of the overarching issue is presented in this thread, but the approach is all wrong. To address both the issue that scouts are better at attacking turrets, and perceived as 'op' compared to strike fighters, they simply need to do two changes.


    No Scout ship should be able to use any variety of missiles (not counting utilities like sabatage probe-abilities). Taking a big array of missiles into a fight doesn't fit with the design of light, small scout fighters. Leave their blasters alone - scouts aren't meant to just scout, they need to be able to dogfight and kill things, and effectively. If scouts were meant to purely be scouting, the sensor range on fighters and gunships would have to be reduced by about half, maybe more. Alternatively to the first change, they should drastically reduce Cluster Missile range. 3k tops, with the same lock on time.


    Once the above has been addressed, they need to strip Cluster missiles from strike fighters entirely, and reduce Strike Fighter blaster fire damage by a (small) amount, so that the scout has an advantage in blaster fire damage over the fighter. Then, introduce more missile types. It would make sense for the Scout to be the fast turning, agile close range blaster-fighter, and the strike fighters to be the well-shielded missile boats. That leaves gunships as hull-tough railgun platforms. A clear division of abilities makes it easier to balance in the long run, and provides each class of ship a distinct playstyle and role. They should have never tried to blur the lines between classes of ships - that leads to a lot of balance headaches and chances for OP ships that take the best from too many other ships to appear.


    Personally, I blame the whole issue on cluster missiles. It muddies the water as to who is supposed to be a close range fighter, and who is supposed to be a medium range fighter. It provides advantage to the scouts by letting them have a hard hitting missile system that they can use better than fighters due to quick repositioning, and gives the fighters the illusion that they are meant to be close-range dogfighters.

  2. Putting aside the fact that franky, this game doesn't have the numbers to support matchmaking - that's why Ranked PVP queues are often such deserts - it won't help new players learn to fly either. I went into GSF without doing the tutorial. All I did was read the keybindings, then launched. I died a LOT. But every time I did, I learned something I shouldn't be doing. I shouldn't fly in a straight line, I shouldn't linger in open space, I shouldn't try to do tight turns around antennae, I shouldn't try to go between the light-displays on satellites, I shouldn't fly straight at gunships. After I stopped dieing 10 times in a match, then I started learning what I should do to kill people. I shouldn't try locking missiles on a target doing circles around a satellite. I shouldn't joust with a fighter in a scout. I shouldn't ignore gunships.


    Dieing is how people learn in games like this. People just need to get used to it and actually learn something. Matchmaking would make the bad get worse (and quit) and make the good get better (and bored and quit).


    People need to stop doing what they think on paper is effective and start observing what actually works, too. People who waste minutes of time flying in asteroid fields or out in open space dogfighting instead of battling over objectives make me grind my teeth. People who try to use missiles without even resorting to blasters, ignoring them entirely, or try locking on missiles to people fighting at objectives at max range like they won't react. If you want to win, fly like you do. Don't expect other people to change how they fly to accommodate you.

  3. I like the person above me's suggestion, but either the OPs or previous poster's suggestion would work for me. As it stands now, particularly as a Scout pilot, the only place I feel like there needs to be some patching is the hostile targetting. Both Scouts rely heavily on evasion, which means that if things are going -as planned- I'm not getting hit. That means I can not target the person attacking me, and am handicapped in mounting a turn around. Having an ability to target whoever is targetting me would make me very happy.
  4. I have flown both the Quell and the Sting, so I'll give my opinion.


    It depends largely on a few questions. Do you prefer being tougher, or faster? Are you confident in your maneuvering, or would you prefer to trust in hardier shields? Are you confident in your blaster aiming, or would you prefer a wider array of missiles?


    The Quell is tough and hard-hitting, with the ability to mount an effective main blaster, but more importantly two sets of missiles. My Quell ran Ion Missiles and Cluster Missiles. I would lock on with the Ion Missiles from max range and knock out an enemy's shields with just one, then close with clusters and quad blasters. It was powerful, if you can line up your shot, and you had survivability to last until you could usually.


    The Sting is the faster alternative. Sting has arguably the strongest main blaster option, using Blaster Overcharge, and coupled with Cluster Missiles to finish people off and powerful engines / fast turn speed, can probably be considered the strongest hit-and-run dogfighter. With the Sting, I pick a target that's not looking my way, fly in and blow him up in 3 seconds flat, then fly out before any gunships or fighters get an idea to attack me.


    If you like the gameplay of the Rycer, the Sting is for you. If you like the gunplay of gunships, I think a Quell would be a more natural step than a Sting.


    EDIT: I forgot to mention. A more natural advantage that the Quell has is that Weapon Power has no bearing on missiles, and the Quell relies heavily on missiles. You can fly with max power to shields or max power to engines, depending on if you want to go fast or survive long, and still do near full damage using your array of missiles.

  5. At the moment in Galactic Starfighter, I feel like missiles are a tiny touch overpowered for one simple reason: In heated dogfights, involving multiple ships, I have no way of knowing who is locking on to me. If I am not receiving damage from the person who is locking on to me, and there are multiple enemy ships around a satellite I am weaving in and out of, I have on way of knowing who it is that is trying to murder me. With this in mind, I would like to simply request a tiny measure to balance that field - I would like a hotkey for "Target Last Lock-On" or something similar to the "Target Last Damager" simply so that I can hit it and target whoever is locking on to me.


    I find many enemies will often try to get a lock without even bothering to use blaster fire during very fast-paced fights in satellites or along asteriods. This doesn't bother me, it simply leaves a gap in my ability to target that is not covered by the current target-hotkeys.



  6. "I really do hate that the game is jumping the shark. Instead of instituting a beloved race that many of us have loved for decades, we get a lame green human race. I can see the stupid posts of "You won't like me when I'm angry!" and "Sith smash!" in fleet chat already.


    How to remedy this poor decision? Make all Mirialan permaflagged for pvp. It would allow them to demonstrate their hulk like strength and smashing techniques, while giving the rest of us a chance to kill those comic loving goobers. Repeatedly. Until they cry, or start a character that actually has a place in the Star Wars universe."


    Quote his post and insert other exotic Star Wars races! Or be a normal person and accept that other people like different things.


    Every race in Star Wars looks derpy and out of place if you are going to apply your own personal distastes to it. I think humans have no place in Star Wars, personally, every other race is an alien of some variety. Why are humans in Star Wars at all? It'd be far more interesting if they were replaced with a unique and visually interesting race.

  7. Been playing a Concealment operative for most of my PVP time, but with 2.0 and after dabbling some in Lethality I've found that I enjoy a lot of the abilities in this tree. I am having issues figuring out a proper go-to rotation for PVP purposes however. What order of abilities do you find keeps TA up the most, for Lethality?
  8. A Sith Empire in reality would be some form of combination of the most corrupt era of the Roman Empire with Nazi influences. It makes much more sense if you replace the concept of Roman politicians during that era with the Sith. You have to keep in mind Sith aren't the warrior/fighting force of the Sith Empire. They're the ruling class, not the fighting class. Now they do fight, but that is much more a product of Star Wars lore itself than practicality. They are much more like politicians that enforce their rule through threat of violence than, say, comparing them to a military force.


    The actual military of the Empire is rather tightly knit, from my observation. If you do any sort of quest chain on the Imperial Agent concerning your common Imperial persona, they are still scheming and politicking, but -far- more cohesive a fighting force than any Sith.


    While I think this is a silly exercise in "what if", it's still entirely plausible a "real" Sith Empire would work -very- well in our society. Simply think of the Sith as politicians instead of warriors. It's an easy image, really - just imagine a politician from one of your country's political parties trying to cooperate with another politician with opposite views of how it should be done. See how cooperative they are. That's how the Sith are.


    If you can't make that comparison, then keep in mind that sith have lazorpewpew swords and -magic-. That's how they hold together a Sith Empire. I, personally, wouldn't **** with the magic lasersword person if they came around and told me to do something.

  9. First off let me say I am not inferring that the Scoundrel class is underpowered with this thread. Just talking solely about this one talent in the Scrapper tree.


    With that said, does anyone actually take this talent? Like, ever? I see no point for it. 3 points for a 3% situational damage increase? I realize that 'situational' may not be the right term since if you are that deep in Scrapper there's no doubt you're taking Flechette Round so you'll have a bleed up all the time, but still. 3 points for 3%? What do you guys think of that?


    Anyone think that the damage on that should be upped some? Maybe 2%/4%/6%? at the LEAST? As a high end talent I'd prefer it to be something more like 5%/10%/15%.


    Bump if you agree, maybe we'll get some feedback or something. (Doubt it, but better to try and fail than not try at all, right?)

  10. While more stealth abilities in general would be nice, I don't want to see our healing effectiveness, especially in PVE, being tied to stealth.


    That would be so clunky in PVE.

    You could use those abilities once upfront - assuming of course the boss doesn't bum rush you in stealth first while you are behind your team. And then maybe you could use them once again with DA. I don't see how our lower PVE effectiveness can be addressed by abilities that we can use a few times in a fight.


    I could see the issue with this. Admittedly my post was made on the assumption of PVP only, I don't do very much PVE at all as a sawbones. I could see having to rely more on stealth in a PVE setting being annoying though.

  11. Anyone else happen to feel that using stealth as a Sawbones is almost useless, when compared to using it as the other two talent trees? I know we can open with Shoot First and also we have the inherent benefit of HAVING stealth, but as far as the talent tree itself is concerned there is no use for stealth. I often find myself running around in PVP never stealthing, where as I did it obsessively when I could as a DPS Scoundrel.




    As a consequence of the above opinion, I think there should be an ability in the Sawbones talent tree that is a from-stealth heal. I'm thinking a Shoot First of healing, though I am not sure what kind of heal it would be. Perhaps just a buff to our next heal? Or a big hitting from-stealth kolto backhand or something similar to that? If you have any thoughts or agree with this idea, bump the thread!

  12. Anyone else happen to feel that using stealth as a Sawbones is almost useless, when compared to using it as the other two talent trees? I know we can open with Shoot First and also we have the inherent benefit of HAVING stealth, but as far as the talent tree itself is concerned there is no use for stealth. I often find myself running around in PVP never stealthing, where as I did it obsessively when I could as a DPS Scoundrel.




    As a consequence of the above opinion, I think there should be an ability in the Sawbones talent tree that is a from-stealth heal. I'm thinking a Shoot First of healing, though I am not sure what kind of heal it would be. Perhaps just a buff to our next heal? Or a big hitting from-stealth kolto backhand or something similar to that? If you have any thoughts or agree with this idea, bump the thread!

  13. How many times have you tried to get behind an enemy just to find out that you arent "actually" behind them according to the server...


    I have never had any of the above happen to me personally - especially the bit about knockbacks, I am normally very proficient with both aiming and avoiding them. However, for some reason, on my smuggler THIS happens to me ALL THE DAMN TIME and it drives me nuts. Sometimes makes me not want to play the scoundrel at all. I get "Target not found" issues when I do this occasionally.

  14. I have two points for you, good sir.


    The first being, that I play on a normal server and enjoy playing with my friends. So we queue together for PVP fairly often. We do alright against completely pugged enemy groups, but when the enemy team has a coordinated PVP-centric premade that focuses on being battlemaster (none of us are battlemaster) and just roflstomp OUR premade along with everyone else, then where do we queue? If there is a premade-only queue we won't queue, since we'll just get stomped by the full-time-no-life PVPers. So if we implement THAT plan you're just taking the fun away from the people in the middle.



    Secondly, with the way the queue system works, what would stop us from just all queueing at the same time in a solo queue? We've done it before with five people - four of us queue as a group, the fifth queues at the same time, all five get in the same warzone.


    Pre-made queues solve nothing. They just alter the playing field of the same problem. The best PVP queue system POSSIBLE is the one we have now. It's impossible to have a perfect one.

  15. Just to be clear, putting a penalty on leaving a warzone will not make people not want to leave warzones. If you WANT to leave a warzone rather than sit through it and tough it out, then whatever that reason could possibly be it is a good enough reason.


    Unless the penalty was 'Ban for a week' or something that actually prevented you from going and doing other stuff, then it won't stop people from leaving. People will just go and do other **** - quest, craft, goof around, run in circles, bash their heads against walls, **********, roleplay, talk to friends, go afk and get a sandwich, or maybe all of the above. I don't judge.


    You just have to understand the only effect that demanding a warzone leaver penalty will have is two things - it will unnecessarily punish people who get disconnected or have to get up because their cat just threw up all over the keyboard, and it will make your queue times (slightly) longer for everyone, since there won't be as many people re-queueing in a timely fashion. The last one there is the most important to keep in mind.


    TL;DR, people who want to leave warzones don't give a **** already, so what kind of backwards logic is it that imposing some time penalty on them will make them suddenly care? All it would be doing is removing people from the pool of potential queueing PVPers.


    Bump the thread if you agree!

  16. Not because I'm losing, shockingly. Not because I need to get my damn daily done. I have time in the day for that. No, you know why I leave losing warzones?


    The matter in which I lose. In this game, there are never (or at least hardly are) any 'challenging' fights. I'm only ever winning by a landslide, or losing by one. Why is that? I have no idea. But do any of you know how frustrating it is to spend the entirety or a match staring at the inside of the respawn door?


    That is why I leave. When I realize that an enemy team is winning because they can keep us locked down so efficiently that there is no reason to even leave the spawn. There is no 'fight', there is group up, run headlong into a point / at a door / towards the ball carrier, and then essentially just get swatted out of the way.


    It's not a L2play issue, because I get my daily done every day. I do WIN matches. I do pretty well in them too. It is just that when I do lose it is as if there is nothing I could possibly have done to effect the outcome of the match. That feeling of helplessness is what makes people leave.


    I don't see how it could even be a gear issue, since my 50 rolls in full champion gear. It is just that when you do run into a team that is better than you, there is nothing at all you can do. There is no real way to -win- a match once you begin losing it. That's why I leave. =/

  17. by looking at it tactics is supposed to be the pvp spec. yet its useless in pvp. never seen anyone using high enegy cell. i tried it and its horrible, u just keep waiting on cd-s and low dam output. ideas?


    I am curious about this as well. It is a shame, from the look of various talents in the Tactics tree it would seem to be something I would love playing (A lot of very nifty abilities, I'm looking at you Shock Absorbers)


    But the actual -meat- of a talent spec is not there for one reason or another. I am not sure why, it just does not seem worth it in the current system to do something other than a full on shield spec (25pts at least) or a full on assault spec. There are some good trooper hybrid specs but none really go more than Gut in the Tactics tree.

  18. There are plenty of problems with PVP, any glance at the forums or playing a single match will point out several. But I feel there is one issue that needs resolving that will fix a lot of minor issues in one stroke. Why is there no 'Draw' outcome for matches?


    A match should be able to end in a Draw and both sides should get the amount of commendations they otherwise would for losing. Any other game where points are involved there is a 'draw' outcome, and I really don't see why there is not one in this game.


    If a game ends due to there not being enough people, it should also end in a draw. This will help eliminate the exploit involving larger groups than is possible in a match. People will not do it anymore if the match will not count for their dailies (ending in a draw)


    It will also end this BS where people in Voidstar will defend exceptionally well (Which is NOT hard to do in the first place) in the first round and then coast to a free victory regardless of their ability to attack, if this instead ends in a draw.



  19. Not a tank build. Heavy armor helps against some classes, but its not a tank build.



    Also, its 4/6/31.


    This, a million times this. I PvP in a group with a Vanguard tank, and my buddy takes INFINITE times more damage more than me using the above build. The heavy armor REALLY REALLY does not make that big of a difference. So much damage is non-mitigatable by armor.


    Tanks get survivability from defense stat and health, then secondarily their shield and AFTER that armor.


    Seriously, our health (the vanguard tank from the vanguard assault) only has like a 3k difference. (I'm sitting at 15k he's sitting at 18k, in all champs gear for both of us.) yet I go down like a sack of potatos and he can survive at points for 2 minutes+ when focused.


    The difference being that I do 300k+ damage reliably in a match, while he just gets 1 or 2 deaths.




    If you think Assault vanguards or Pyrotech Bounty Hunters are tough you have not run into a REAL tank yet. Someone in tank gear with a tank spec behaving like a tank and using interrupts.

  20. I feel this way as a Vanguard tank in every fight against a class that does large amounts of elemental damage one way or another. It's why I respeced from tanking to Assault personally. Though I was still tougher as a tank.
  21. Its broken. Anyone who doesnt admit to that has no idea what they are talking about. Being able to get the 2.5k 5k and 75k healing done in a warzone as a shadow is completely broken.


    Regardless of whether it is broken or not, anyone have any notice on BioWare's stance on it? I heard they may be fixing it in the hotfix tonight.

  22. What?


    There is an item you can obtain through a small amount of work between Tattooine and Hoth that allows you to heal outside of combat in a warzone, that allows you to obtain healer medals, even if you are a class that can not otherwise heal itself.

  23. Can I get a confirmation (preferably with evidence) or any BioWare or EA stance on this in warzones? This is a shameless 'I don't want to get in trouble for this' thread, as I've been seeing tons of people using it but haven't heard any word on the 'legality' of it. As far as I can tell this is working as intended, though.
  24. Haven't even realized this... So THAT'S why I'm always late to everything!? What a stupid thing to put in to an MMO. Everybody jumps all the time!?




    I'm pretty sure I am not alone in the opinion that (while playing WoW) even though bunny hopping made no difference I always viewed people who constantly did it as ADD kids or people who need to come off their sugar high. How does spamming spacebar constantly -not- bother you? If anything BioWare is helping you to break a bad habit.

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