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Posts posted by Farami

  1. Probably because of the restrictions they're trying to force onto MMOs.

    SWTOR would have to have an exhaustion function for example.

  2. I keep beers in my computer case to keep the beers cold.


    Then again, I designed and built the system to ensure it ran nice and chill.


    If you're using a "namebrand" computer with bad airflow and garbage cooling, yah, you'll probably have a problem.


    I am not running a namebrand computer with bad airflow and garbage cooling.


    My system is running very cool outside of SWTOR.

    As I said no other game has heated it up as much as this one.

    They usually don't go above 40°C, 45° tops.

  3. I have this same exact issue.


    Right now I am running a GTX570 SLI setup.

    This game heats them up like no other game does.

    The usual temperature while playing (even inside the character screen!) is about 70°C for one of my Graphics cards and 60°C for the other.


    My cpu goes up as much as 60°C.


    That itself is already way higher than usual but that's not all.

    Sometimes, randomly, without any obvious reason, they all heat up a whooping 10°C more.

    Peaking the graphics card at 80°C.

  4. The operative gets up and crits me over 7000. and he doesnt do it once nah, he does it multiple times, he killed me in two hits.


    Not gonna happen.

    Not possible.

    Especially not <50 and after the surge nerf.

    No chance.

  5. If you want a very good storyline you might want to check out sith-inquisitor or sith-warrior as they're supposed to be very good.


    For me personally the smuggler storyline has had its ups and downs.

    I am 47 right now so I dont know the ending.


    Most of the storyline was pretty damn awesome, and funny. There were some situations where I was sitting at the screen wondering myself what the **** is going on because it was rather unbelievable but other than that it was pretty decent.

  6. I'm really really undecided about which class I want to play as an alt.


    Right now it is down to Juggernaut vs. Assassin.

    My main is a Scoundrel.


    Can Juggernauts compete with Assassins regarding damage?

    I guess their survivability should be about equal, except for the stealth.


    Which is easier to level? Do Juggernauts or Assassins shred through mobs easier?

  7. As soon as I got Akaavi Spar I never took out another companion again.

    Sure Guss is pretty nice for the healing and Risha deals nice damage but the combination of survivability due to heavy armor and her aoe AND single target damage made me fall in love with Akaavi for questing.


    Use Risha until you unlocked Akaavi is my recommendation...


    On a side note: Guss Tuno is perfectly fine (and damn funny) aswell, if you like to play it safe.


    But I would take Akaavi over Risha any day.

  8. Again, didn't the op, who is a level 50, proved your wrong?


    What did he prove? That he can still kill people? Oh wow, go figure.


    The thing is, we can't do it as efficient as we could before and even tho we CAN still kill people (technically) other classes are BETTER at it now while also having the better defensive cooldowns, knockbacks, gap closers and so on.


    We lost the only real advantage we had over those classes. Our burst.


    There are guardians that deal more damage in an aoe cone than we can do now, while surviving much much more AND they have knockbacks, gap closers and. so. on.

  9. Sounded like crying to me. Bioware also has a ton of other customers they have to answer to. Conforming to the whims of a whiney minority because they have to be skilled to play their classes now is not smart buiness.


    Why are you even here? You obviously don't want to hear criticism.

    We had to be skilled to play our class before. Guess why there are so few of us. Easy class means many people are playing it.




    On a side note, your guild page is the ugliest I've seen in years.

  10. For me I have less energy soloing PvE because I can't use back blast after shoot first anymore. Back blast is free, and does a lot of damage. Because of the KO bug with the mob turning to face you, I can only get positioned for a back blast once in a while.


    As I said I'm only 38 now and I do not and did not ever have the knockback from shoot first.

    I have significant larger energy problems after the patch than I had before, even tho literally NOTHING changed in my rotation or the power of the skills I was using. Other than shoot first dealing 20% less damage.


    But as I already mentioned I wasn't having those energy problems before level 36 either. So yeah, can't be shoot first.

  11. I KNEW it wasn't me!

    I noticed it immediately after the patch and I was already thinking I'm going paranoid...


    Yeah there's definitely something wrong with the Energy. I am level 37, I do not have Flachette Rounds or anything yet and I haven't used my Stealth Initiatior up a level ago and I have to say that I have SIGNIFICANTLY bigger energy problems than before.


    I don't think it has anything to do with mobs staying alive longer seeing as I didnt have any of the benefits before the nerf and I am still killing them at the same speed I was before.


    But now I seem to be very low on energy after every fight, which definitely wasn't the case before.


    This smells like a hidden nerf to me tbh.

  12. wait and see, it might not be so bad!


    Are you serious?


    They are nerfing not one, not two but THREE of our main scrapper skills/talents. And not only slightly! They take huge numbers away from all of them.


    The stun is not only useless now, it is actually counter-productive and should not be specced into anymore. That's one entire talent GONE.


    The other two are both nerfed by approx. 20%. 20%!


    20% is a HUGE number in a nerf. That's not nerfing with a scalpel but nerfing with a baseball bat.


    There is NO chance in hell this is not going to affect us in a negative way much more than anticipated.

  13. Vielleicht ein Tipp für die Leute die einen Denkanstoß brauchen:


    Ich benutze z.B. Q, E, F, Shift-Q, Shift-E, Shift-F, Shift-W, Shift-S, Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3, Meine beiden zusätzlichen Maustasten, diese dann auch nochmal mit Shift.


    Bei mir ist z.B:


    1 - Überraschender Schlag

    2 - Blasterhieb

    3 - Rückenschuss

    q - Schnellschuss

    e - Granate

    Shift-Q - Heal

    Shift-E Vitalschuß

    Shift-W (frei)

    Shift-S - 60sek stun

    F - Stealth

    Shift-F - Erholen

    T - Schusswirbel

    Alt-1 - Streitsucht

    Alt-2 - Blitzgranate

    Alt-3 - Kühler Kopf

    Alt-4 - Entkommen

    Obere linke Maustaste - Ablenkung

    Shift-Untere linke Maustaste - Fieser Tritt



    Was ich damit sagen möchte:

    Benutzt Tasten in der nähe von WASD, einmal pur, einmal mit shift, im notfall nochmal mit strg oder alt, wenn alle Stricke reißen sogar noch mit Leertaste... :s

    Da gibts genug Möglichkeiten und alles ist deutlich besser erreichbar als immer die Finger bis zur 9 oder 0 zu verkrampfen. :)

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