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Posts posted by Greyfield

  1. As a long time Bossk / Trandoshan fan, I really want to keep Qyzen out all the time, but am unsure which advanced class he meshes best with. Do any of you, who have used him late in the game, have any thoughts on this?


    I would have thought Sage a few months ago, but with my Imperial Agent Operative Medic (level 50), I found I did much better healing myself and setting my tanks (Kaliyo and SCORPIO) in DPS mode. I was pretty disappointed with healing my tanking companion from the 30s forward, which how I thought medics were supposed to play solo. The sage, however, is a different healing class, and I did not try ranged DPS, so my previous experience may not be applicable.


    Thanks a bunch!

  2. So my 67 yo father is a Star Wars nut, and picked up SWTOR to play a game with me, but in stardard PVE, he's getting his butt kicked... all over. Having to juggle a dozen or so abilities, resources, and mechanics is difficult for him.


    He currently has a commando, gunnery spec, but I might have him reroll, if there is a simpler advanced class / spec out there. Unfortunately, I know there really isn't an advanced class that you can push one button repeatedly to level from 1-50 successfully, but if there were, that would be great.


    Things like effect stacks, incapacitated targets, and positional requirements are even harder for him to grasp, so an AC that really only relies on using a core set of abilities to take targets on up front would be the best. I thought a trooper with a big guy would do that, apparently it's not as easy as I thought.


    Any thoughts?

  3. Bump for great justice. Please fix this Bioware, allow Shadows/Assassins to use all their abilities with Electrostaves. My thoughts are that this must be a bug because 1) we have the proficiency, 2) similar weapons can be used by Knights/Warriors to full effect, and 3) limiting the Armscrafting melee weapon market to only companions seems too shortsighted.


    I personally don't care for the lightsabers myself.

  4. So I like looking alien, but like a lot of Twi'leks it drives me nuts that I can't wear hoods, as the hood is so iconic. Anyway, I'm not here to dig that up again, but I am curious for those Twi'leks out there as consulars, did you ever find anything that covers your face and head enough to actually make you look shady and secretive? I know there's at least once head piece for the inquisitor that makes the leku disappear, and I've seen a few medium armor pieces that let the leku come out the back, but still wrap the head. Any such (or similar) luck with the light armor?



  5. So old wow veteran here. After years of grinding away at recipes, I'm curious if there are any "fun" crewskills out there that you work with in SWTOR. I was thinking maybe slicing? I'm an Imperial Agent, so I guess I'd either pick up two more mission skills or just suck it up and go Cybertech/Scavenging or Biochem/Bioanalysis.


    Thanks for your input!

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