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Posts posted by Rejectoo

  1. Personally I've been eyeing up getting the Columi one and hoping for a mastercraft.




    The added augment slot is tempting, if only people actually went Cybertech... Also, on the Implants I wouldn't want to give up the Willpower/Endurance, I really really hate losing Willpower at this point since the DPS in my guild are getting luckier on Rakata than I am.


    I have made 6 Columi ones and have not crited one yet. I have Crited 2 stalkers so I have those with augment slots.

  2. This instance is completely broken.... Bioware has moved I think it's time that we all did to. Cut your losses and be content with full Rakata minus the chest piece...


    Funny Enough has a Shadow I have seen 1 chest drop in the 4 HM kills we have managed so far. But the smugglers and troops all have theirs and knights too plus extras I think.


    Oh well my Columi has the Rakata mods/enhancements that drop from some bosses so might has well be Rakata.

  3. What this guy said. Also, Centurion/Champ gear(besides ripping the mods out) lacks in pve compared to using Oranges with the daily Armorings + Champion/Centurion/Daily Mods/enhacenments.




    I have 2 Rakata Survivors implants and 1 Ear piece and they are best in slot for Shadow Tank.

  4. I think my funnest time was last week. I got lighting ball on me. 1 healer tossed and one in Mind trap. I was at like 8k health and ran into lightning ball before the healer that just got out of trap could heal me. You should have heard him on vent (Raid Leader too)


    Loved it classic.


    Shadow Tank and Resilience for the win.


    I seem to have a pretty easy time tanking Soa has a Shadow. Even when we are unlucky and have both healers out of it. I can pop my cool downs and my Medpack and Adrenal and truck on till the healer can get free.


    But ya there is a lot of luck in this fight. I mean the only thing you can not fight is the random number generator and the bugs it seems.


    Has for the double shock the only time I see that is when the balls are stacked and someone runs into soon before separating them. Not really a double shock just 1 bursting his own and the other hitting cause to close.

  5. I tend to on Ops bosses has an opener use Force Pull.


    I also use it when I am knocked away and running back or when the boss is on another platform.


    I know I know Boss is immune. However there is some aggro in the Force pull and it just a little taunt.

  6. I've never seen a shield drop from a flashpoint, only focuses. I'm currently using the Red Reaper focus on my lvl 48 shadow, been wondering where I can get a shield for my level. There's a couple shields on the Belsavis commendation vendor, but they're below my level. I have yet to check the Voss/Corellia comm vendors for it, but I doubt they have any.


    Do anyone know of a vendor that sells ~level 45 shields?


    Battle for Ilum HM is Offhand token drop. If your lucky 1/25 might get a Shadow token the other 24 would be smuggler.

  7. I've been doing Soa on NM for the last 3 weeks... every week one bug, or as our group likes to call them "undocumented feature", gets replaced with another. Lets see if I can list all the RNG/bug elements we get


    1. Missing floor panels

    2. invisible balls

    3. Raid indicator only listing 1 name for incoming ball instead of 2 names

    4. Cyclone dropping half health player directly on to unexploded ball

    5. Player who just exploded a ball being tossed in to a cylcone, and dying because you cant heal them.

    6. 1 Healer in mind trap, 1 in cyclone.

    7. Main threat holder being tossed in mind trap, then soa attacking someone who is currently being targeted by a ball

    8. Ball does double damage = insta kill

    9. obolisk is over soa and fails to break his shield

    10. phase 3, soa mind traps tank and despawns or does not move towards obolisk as it is about to fall

    11. obolisk kills random player who is no where close to landing zone.

    12. being dragged in to a mind trap, directly through a ball and being killed by the ball as you enter the trap

    13. Battle rez not working when you die to a ball, or cyclone.... or fall damage.... or basically anything.


    Did I miss anything?



    Yes the "Fix" Reset for tank in Mind Trap is back now after they fixed it the first time and added the feature of dropping aggro randomly to fix that feature and reintroduce the reset.

  8. Soa is so bugged no matter the level you do him at it is hard to get my normal ops group to give him more than 1 or 2 try before moving on.


    Lava in is room has so many corpse in it doe to jumping to avoid gear damage cause of bugs in the middle of the fights its not even funny.

  9. That's probably all they actually meant by master looter working on normal. I know when pugging EVERYONE needs those crystal alloys even if they don't need them and they probably just fixed ML to fix that issue.


    I really hope they fixed out that the auto assigning look thing is awful for normal in next tier though, as I've done countless normal runs and every single person in my guild that runs ops is 5/5 columi while I've gotten 2 pieces of columi from Ops and they were BOTH gloves.



    Have no fear. Tons of gear drops. I mean I hate getting gear now in normal cause I do it only to help out those that need and when I see something assigned to me I just roll my eyes.


    I have full Rakata and Columi Survivor set and All but Legs for Columi Stalker set. Nadia is Full Columi Stalker. Theran is Columi/Rakata. LT is Columi. I could buy my Columi Stalker legs but I figure why cause they will drop one day after our 100th pair do Smuggler/troop pants drop.


    It is just sick how much Smuggler and Trooper gear drops. Heck I even have the Knights Main hand and Offhand Rakata in my bank.


    This is how bad the gear drops are. Our normal 8 man ops has 7 normal people that run all the time.


    2 Knights both Full Rakata with in 2 weeks of hard mode

    2 Troopers Full Rakata DPS sets for both, Full Rakata Heal for Com. 50/50 Columi/Rakata Tank(van)

    1 Smuggler Full Rakata DPS and heal sets

    1 Sage Missing Legs Offhand for full Rakata

    1 Shadow(me) Missing Chest, Offhand


    I have seen one and only one Consular offhand ever drop for Rakata. But heck we have a ton of pets with Rakata Smuggler offhands even my Theran has one.


    I really hope they do something about the coms and allow exchanges sort of like they do with PvP. I mean I have a ton of Tionese and 200+ columi.


    It would be nice if they allowed you to use your columi token or piece and x number of coms to get a Rakata piece.


    I think it would have been better too if they had done like Rift did and put the gear has the token and then you take it to your vendor to exchange with some amount of coms too.

  10. I have been really debating if I should use my Champ gear at all any more.


    I am all but 2 pieces of Rakata survivor gear. I need my shield and Chest(Note Columi Chest I have has Mod/Enhancements from Rakata)


    I am just not sure the +5% damage when I guard someone is worth the lower stats overall?


    Last night I was messing around with a combination of Rakata Survivor gear and Columi Stalker I have and a INF spec. While the game keeps crashing cause of this last patch on me. The times I could get in an Play it was some nice damage there. I ran this spec and gear on an Ops has a DPS and it was pretty good on damage but I got to work on the rotation more for that spec. I looked in your video for a rotation on that spec but did not see one.

  11. Today's patch notes say that master looter is now working in normal mode operations.


    Tested last night and Failed. Has normal BW failed what they put in the patch notes. The only good thing was that we got the full amount of loot and the crafting stuff was able to be handed out. But the gear was still auto assigned and no way to change it.

  12. Cyannin Bilirubin


    If you run normal or even normal and hardmode every week you will have multiple pieces and sets quickly.


    I am full Rakata with the exception of Chest and offhand. However my Columi Chest has all the Rakata mods and enhancements that have dropped in raids so might has well be Rakata.


    I have a full set of Stalker Columi and a Full set of Survivor Columi too.


    So I would not worry to much about it and keep on raiding and you will build another set or 2 of gear.


    Heck Theron is Columi/Rakata for me too(pretty funny when my pet has Rakata Weapons) and I have started to deck out LT in Columi/Rakata. Nadia I just gave her all Tionese gear cause I have no use for those crystals and all.


    This was not to brag but to show you how much gear drops and how much it is repetitive. Till the change the normal mode assigned loot then Columi sets will keep building for me I guess. Sucks when I get my 3rd Chest piece and the other new Sage does not have 1.

  13. I leveled with cybertech... Armor mods = awesome while leveling.


    At max though, now doing ops/pvp, wish I was biochem.


    Take from that what you will. In fairness I expected grenades to be useful at max for aoe agro. The damage got nerfed so much though that they're really just a fun toy now.


    I was 400 Cybertech was great but when I found that though daily coms I could get better gear and mods then I could make. I dropped it and went Bio Chem. Now I can make implants for the guild Columi ones dropped on raids and I have all my Rakata stims adrenals and medpacks for me for raiding.


    I think the stims alone is a 15k a raid day savings.

  14. Tharan is my choice. I know he is a whinny snot of a pet but when push comes to shove. His heals and all are the best. Using him I can burn though lots of daily and mobs with little to no down time.


    Yes in PvP he also does great. I had like a 30 min PvP battle with a sorc that could not kill me cause of Theran and I could not kill him cause of his stupid hybrid heals.


    Tharan with some gear is bad to the bone. Mine is in Columi/Rakata right now. Tells you how much smuggler gear drops on ops vs counselor. My trooper is getting lots of columi too.

  15. is it me or are we worthless Darkside 5 shadow tank geared and i cant get into raids to save my life. i have been told i should switch to dps if i wana go ...... ? is though why do i have to switch my class choice to enjoy the game? is it really that dependent on class tanking abilities that i have 2 options switch to dps or reroll?


    Here is the low down for you.... There are a ton of healers. There are a ton of tanks and with 3 classes that can tank you compete for slots.


    Here are the break downs so with an 8 man group there is really only 1 tank spot. Most guilds and groups have them already.


    Eternity Vault:


    Annihilation Droid XRR-3: 2 Tanks to break on HM turrets only one needed for boss

    Gharj: 1 Tank Fight

    Pylon Event: No tank really required

    Infernal Council: 1 tank but really good DPS can do it

    Soa: 1 Tank Required


    Karagga's Palace:


    Bonethrasher: 1 Tank to control adds keep off DPS

    Jarg and Sorno: 2 tank on HM

    Foreman Crusher: 1 Tank

    G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator: 1 Tank Normal 2 Tank Hard

    Karagga the Unyeilding: 1 Tank



    Do to RAGE timers all fights are DPS race. Most OPS will not take 2 tanks cause of the lower DPS.


    I have been building a Columi Stalker set up so if I need to respec to DPS I can. 5 slots in most raid groups are reserved for DPS. So being DPS better shot at a slot.

  16. I do regularly lose aggro to our shadow and commando DPS in flashpoints, and occasionally to our smuggler healer, but I almost never lose aggro on a single target in an operation.


    I agree with all you said. But wait till they are in full Rakata with Rakata weapons and all and are critting for 8k to 10k with inspiration then watch how fast they get aggro. I have to use AoE taunt sometimes while single is on cool down to keep aggro off that silly crit happy commando. Oh this only is worse when there are 2 commandos in the group.

  17. I hit 50 about 2 weeks ago and have been doing a mix of HM Flashpoints and PVP. I'm geared in a mixture of Columi (2 pieces) and 3 pieces of Survivor Cent/Champ gear.


    I have roughly 1600 Endurance and 1100 Willpower which gives me about 18.5k HP with my Rakata Endurance Stim. I think I have around 45% absorb, 24% shield (prior to KW, 44% after KW I believe) and about 23% Defence.


    I have next to no crit/surge/power on my build. I have a level 51 hilt on my saber though so that's as good as I can get for right now. But I've been having a problem keeping hate in the Flashpoints (mostly because I always get at least 1 DPS that's decked in full Columi) but still I think as a Shadow I have plenty of threat mechanics that I shouldn't have this big of problem. It's to the point where if I don't ride my taunt timers I won't have threat at all.


    I ran EV Normal the other night as an off-tank where the main tank was a Guardian and I didn't have threat once, on anything unless I had taunted it. I'm doing the standard rotation, ST, DS until PA, Project then TK at 3x HS.


    Am I too defensively geared? I just feel like I'm not keeping up in the damage department and that's what is keeping me from keeping as much threat.


    Any suggestions?



    I have a 2 guildies that are full Rakata and they tend to pull aggro from me. Spamming Taunt helps but what I found is Guard the highest DPS that is closest to you and it will mitigated the aggro.


    Why not the healers well the healers like the sage that leads our 8 man tells me he has aggro reduction ability so he makes that part of rotation.

  18. I had a feeling this was the case i guess i should start building my dps and/or start leveling my scoundrel faster.


    How I always manage to pick the weakest class tanks in these games is almost eery.


    Btw after seeing how easy of a time our vanguard had tanking an instance in comparison to me its just shameful how big of a gap there is.


    I see this and all the other comments in here plain and simple this is it.





    That said is there some things I would love to see changed sure. Kinetic ward is a pain in the arse to keep up when you are getting hit over the center field fence every 2 minutes and normally the last thing on my mind when that happens.


    I have found that there are some classes geared and specked right and with the proper rotation can and do pull aggro from me a lot. We have a Knight that Watchmen specked and does it also a Commando that does. While the Commando I can not do much about. I have learned that Guard goes best on the Knights has they have no treat reduction ability like the healer classes get.


    On a good note the death of Soa last night and the loot and roll gods gave me my Epic Speeder.

  19. Well... maybe you're right about the under geared. But correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't light armor the armor of a shadow? If so, how can he tank as well as a heavy armor player?


    Fabio I am an end game Shadow Tank. I can tank things the same has any one with Heavy armor.


    I have avoidance and skills.


    I have.....


    24,000+ HP raid buffed

    7k armor


    Believe me NightMare Mode Kragas(last boss hardest mode in game) hits me for 1.5k to 3k a hit while would hit sages at 4k to 7k a hit.


    You are trolling please learn the end game and classes before you talk. There are more Shadows/Assassin main tanks then Vanguard Guardians. Matter of fact I hear Guardians complain all the time that they are not good at getting aggro on AOE groups.


    Shadows have more than just Tanking. There are Hybrid builds and also Infiltrator spec and Balance builds. Many of these will not use Combat Tech stance that officers the Armor boast. You have to know if they are Kinetic then they are a Tank. If they are not 31/0/10 more than likely they are not a MT has they would not have Slow Time. Which is a ability that reduces damage by 5%.

  20. I didn't understood your question, but I'll take advantaged from this post to say my opinion about shadows as tanks:


    I just read a review (not an official review) that shadows are tankers. But I didn't think so... and why?


    Well... I'm playing as a Jedi Sage and have to say that when a Jedi Shadow try to "highlander" lots of mobs he/she falls fast, making my life really hard. I have to put Force shield in them all the time! And the health isn't that good. BUT.... they're pretty good with DPS. They can perform DPS melee and ranged and THIS IS COOL!


    But as a tanker... I'm sorry about them. Well, maybe I'm not correct about my review, my char is yet lvl 19 and maybe in later lvls shadows can act better in this playstyle, but until now I dont think that they can tank as well as a jedi sentinel.




    I think you are running with the wrong Kentic Tank then. There are some Shadows that claim to be tanks but use Stalker gear and Hybrid builds.


    I am a Shadow Tank and I can tell you my healers never have a problem with keeping me up unless I stay in the fire to long on Kragas.


    I have tanked every mob in every OPs from Normal to Night Mare with no issues at all.

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