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Posts posted by Stilly

  1. I only came to this thread because I wanted to laugh at the joke. Surely there would be one since it mentioned skill in relationship to swtor. Turns out this kid is serious. Now I'm just sad. Thanks a lot.
  2. My recommendation would be to wait for the game to go free to play. The pvp you are being presented with is NOT worth the $15 you are going to pay for it. In the end it doesn't matter which class you pick due to this game revolving almost entirely around gear. While you don't have it you won't be effective. When you do you will be effective against those who dont. The rest is paper rock scissors and is the perfect representation of an old pvp model that doesn't work for people who actually like pvp and not getting new purples.


    The game is a joke. Treat it as such and the next few months of your life will be much more enjoyable.

  3. I think the rationale behind this was to allow players to gain levels,comfort with their toons, and enough abilities to make PvP interesting as well as not allowing high level gankfests in lowbie zones.


    The next planet of Tatooine will offer you the ability to slaughter some enemy faction players, or to be rolled by them.


    Rationale? 64% of high level world pvp comes from guild mates defending their lows. On the same note, 74.53% of statistics are made up on the spot.

  4. Drop ship leaves two 4 man teams on opposing sides of a star ship with a decaying orbit. Both teams pve fight through the instance. The final boss is the other team. I'd resub for that.
  5. We as republic pvp'rs are facing each other a little too often. Give us more lightning spam and reroll fatman!


    As a former member of Fight and a swtor retiree I can promise you you don't want to que against delz and co. Leloo, Spikelee and Morgun say hey!


    +1 to whoever knows what Sega genesis game that's from.


    I promise to only necro this thread once, and only because it got a surprising amount of views when it was on page 3. Hell, I wouldn't mind if it switches focus to 90's vidja games.


    If your server is dead and you're concerned about the possible influx of, shall we say, "lackluster" rerollers on fatman and the like, come to Dreshdae Cantina. (or "redhead cantons," as my auto-correct wanted to say)


    -Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, Dreshdae Cantina-


    Altered Beast.

  7. My original idea was to cancel until the game was out of paid beta. Hence me still trolling these forums. Now, after 3 months of not being subscribed and the game still being a paid beta that bw didn't invite enough people to play. I'm probably just going to wait until the beta test goes FTP. Even then I'm going to struggle logging back in.


    This is an example of how not to make an mmo kids.

  8. Translation/Cliff Notes:


    I play a Marauder.


    I always kill people with less gear than me.


    I use cliche terms like owned because I see other people talk that way and I think it is cool.


    Thank god I found a game I look good at. Being 1400 in wow for 3 years was really frustrating.


    My arrogance and brash vocabulary are compensation for my small........self esteem.

  9. its BW fault that ppl play a game or not? reroll or uninstall.


    Yes. They made the ****** game. The financial failure of this game in entirely their fault. I'd love to say that people like you are part of it but that would imply you are important. Unbeknownst to you this is not the case.

  10. I find it astounding there are still people who think ranking pvp in this game is a good idea at all. It is just going to push the people who are already behind even more behind. That will result in even more subs lost.


    I guess the positive is it will push in one step closer to FTP.


    Ranked war zones with pvp in its current state will end any positive pvp future this game has.

  11. People **** up. Blah blah blah.


    Using a name in association with the word liar?! THAT is a whole different ball game. Where I come from things like that affect reputation, on both ends. No more money from me. Between this and the forum censorship no thanks.


    Action was taken against the cs? What about the ***** who called a paying customer a liar on a public forum?! The cs is an idiot, the *** that called a customer a liar would lose his job if he worked for a real company. Do I wish that on him, of course not. Does he deserve it, absolutely.

  12. The biggest balance issue in SWTOR is the person pushing the keys on the keyboard




    Balance is an illusion. You can't balance eye hand coordination. I, along with @35 guildies, didn't leave this game because of balance issues. We left due to awful development, testing, and pvp content. This mmo is bad in our collective opinion. Others like it and that is awesome, but balance issues are the least of this games problems.


    This mmo could have been king ****. It is the runt of the litter. That has NOTHING to do with the community not complaining properly.


    As far as the op being a game developer, well, I'm a unicorn handler. I have as much proof of that as he does his occupation. All I see is a another dude with an ego problem. Fits right in with what we expect on game forums.

  13. No mmo will ever achieve balance in the eyes of the consumer. It is impossible. You'd have to somehow balance the players. A bad player can make a class that is perfectly balanced both look and feel under powered.


    Balance is a Sasquatch. Millions see them even though they aren't there.

  14. That's what you get for running into 5 enemies.


    You seriously whining of dying to fast...... as a tank. When i play one of my tank chars, im the last man standing in every fight.




    You are the epitome of forum warrior. All you do is run your mouth. Do you have a single pvp video show casing your superior talent? My guess is changing your text color is the extent of your "accomplishments".

  15. You are wrong, pvp is much better now.


    And they keep losing subs not because of what they did, but because of what they didn't. ---> they didn't deliver on ranked WZ.


    You are wrong nearly every time you post. My entire guild quit after 1.2 due to what it did to the pvp in this game. Not having ranked was not good, but pvp being completely ruined is why 50+ of my guild mates left.


    Nothing but hard core pvpers in my guild, ex-eve, ex-daoc, ex 2400+ wow. The idea that we would rather not pvp than play star wars is something I'm still trying to get my head around.


    The idea of ranking pvp in this game is comical.

  16. You either haven't played the game or you have and are somehow completely ignorant as to how it works. The GW2 sPvP sets offer far more customizaton through builds, weapon choice, and GEAR choices than another other game on the market.


    It's not even close. In fact, it's somewhat laughable.




    Stop trashing games you know nothing about. There is literally nothing this game does better than gw2 or Secret World for that matter. You can give a turd a light saber and a soundtrack if you like, it is still Darth Turd.

  17. yep and after 1 month beeing exactly at the same point where u were day one and after 2 month beeing still there nothing changed and after 6 month still doing exactly the same, same gear same pvp same warzone WvWvW nothing change nothing last everything reset no real effect no the world no real effect on ur guild no real effect on your character


    you get bored on SWTOR in 1 month of doing the same stuff WHILE GEARING UP and changing spec/gear every time


    and you praise a game that wont change in 6 month (thats why there is no monthly payment don't you get it???)


    GW2 will be very very big the first 2 month 3 for the PRO-pvper that will mix max THE GROUP (no the gear since they are all the same)


    after that nothing i personally without all the math and the fun in changing gear and testing this and that would have already gone from SWTOR so probably wont last more then 1 month in GW2


    every pg can do everything everybody geared the same it's a FPS and i dont like FPS



    Wrong wrong wrong. Good pvpers crave even playing fields so they can showcase ability, not gear. The idea of not getting new gear does not affect a pure pvper because they don't pvp for gear. What you are talking about is called pve. GW2 has that as well.


    GW pvp was some of the most fun I've ever had. GW2 beta has shown me nothing other than improvements on the og system. Oh, and rvrvr. Don't forget about that kiddo.

  18. Not going to happen. Server transfer will most likely happen.

    Keep valor restriction. Reanimate PVP.


    If you think server transfers are going to bring pvp back you are optimistic at best. Now fixing it might bring enough people back to make server transfers worth a ****.

  19. If gaming was a physical sport, then yes. coaches have the knowledge but lack the physical ability that comes with extensive training.


    Sadly for him, and your bad analogy, gaming is all about knowledge and how to apply it. If he lacks that, he can't comment on game balance.


    You see, physical sports are two dimensional, they require mental ability and physical ability. You may lack one and excel at another, Gaming however only has 1 dimension, mental ability . If you lack that, well you're screwed.


    Stop posting in yellow you egomaniac.


    Are you suggesting that someone with amazing hand eye coordination (physical ability) would perform on the same level as someone who can't walk and chew gum at the same time? In a game where reaction time is really the only difference between "good" and "bad"?


    Anyone can comment on game balance. You don't have to agree with it but you can't spout nonsense as your reasoning for dismissing someones opinion.


    I'd also like to agree with an earlier poster who said there are no pro gamers left in tor. Why the hell would there be? Comical that the pvp in Secret World is even better than this pile of ****.

  20. During a conference call, EA chief executive John Riccitiello noted that a higher mix of the “Star Wars” subscriber count is made up of paying subscribers than it was in the previous quarter. He also downplayed the significance of the title somewhat, noting that the company has bigger franchises that are more important to its overall business.


    “In our portfolio in terms of property from a franchise, it’s in our top 10 but it’s not in our top 5,” Riccitiello said. “So I understand there’s a modest amount of interest, but I don’t know if it warrants as much interest as what we’re seeing right now.”



    You aren't in the top 5. Sorry.

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