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Posts posted by disbeanna

  1. If you want to speak exact, then it's assumed by the players.


    It might be just the way it is, it might not be but it doesn't make "sense" in my personal opinion.


    He has a shield, we would assume he would benefit from shield rating and absorption but he doesn't (besides his own tank stance buff). He benefits from defense rating (aside from endurance and armor..) .. but that can't be the only mitigation stat because it "seems" absurd.


    I mean the developers could've just designed him in a way he would be better off as a DPS and let Khem Val be the glorious tank.. who knows? But based on how assassin tanks work, I would also assume Xalek would be the same.. but also.. who knows? He is.. afterall a companion.



  2. So I decided to use Khem Val again after realizing no matter how much I gear Xalek, it will not make up for his bugged shield/absorption stats.


    What are the priorities for Khem Val .. for tanking? (with the given stats below)



    Shield Rating

    Absorption Rating

    Defense Rating



  3. I'm pretty sure the OP means that the bonus is limited to 50% Crit bonus damage starts at 50% and the cap for aditional bonus damage is 50%, so if you stacked as much surge as possible you'd end up with just under 100% in total because you can never quite reach the cap.


    The cap is just for Crit Rating, which is one of several things than can effect your total Crit Chance. Your total Crit Cahnce is calculated as follows:


    5% base + X% based on your Willpower (capped at 30%) + X% based on your Crit Rating (capped at 30%) + Crit chance granted by skills or buffs.


    A rough example from what I remember of my own stats (can't log in right now):

    5% base crit chance

    10% crit chance from having 1500 willpower

    13% crit chance from a crit rating of 350

    5% crit chance from skills


    Total crit chance is approximately 32%. If an operative comes along and casts their 5% buff this increases to 37%. The only parts that are capped are the contributions from crit rating and willpower.



    Thank you so much for the clarification :jawa_biggrin:

  4. For Surge rating.. when you say limits at 50%, do you mean mean the bonus limit or overall (base+bonus)? I'm currently at 79.94% ..


    Same for crit rating, does that 30% mean the bonus amount or overall?



    I am sorry, my English comprehension is not that great ...

  5. So I've been looking / reading threads and see if anyone figured it out.


    Which stat weighs more / worth more?

    Is there a certain point where you stop stacking that stat?


    From what I know, surge rating is good for resurgence-->force bending --> innervate --> consumption and I'm usually full on mana but is there a point / amount where I stop stacking it and start stacking alacrity?


    I don't think I've seen a thread with such discussion so I just thought I'd ask and hear what other sorcs think.

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