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Posts posted by trotsky_tor

  1. According to the new Q&A, they will be putting in cross-server queues at some point in the future.


    Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


    Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.

  2. No, it's pointless in that it doesn't relate to the point I was making. I was talking more about how BAD people would have you believe the issue is - and if it was that bad, it would have been dealt with very quickly.


    Really, amount of whining means effectively nothing as it's not the driving force.


    Ah, so you're talking reality vs perception. Well, there's really no way to say what actually drives the changes that devs make. They can go on and on about their metrics and whatnot, but that doesn't mean it's the truth. Reality vs Perception again :p

  3. Regardless of that pointless argument (as we're relying on memory there), the fact is if the MAGNITUDE of the problem is as people would have you believe, it would have been the higher priority by far.


    it's not a pointless argument. The only reason the "magnitude" of this problem seems as high as it is now, is because there isn't the overpowering complaints from before drowning it out. There will always be a "biggest" problem, and it will always take over the entire forum. Then it'll get changed, and something else will take top spot. Before that change happens, nothing else seems to even be on the radar.

  4. No, but it does logically exclude the idea of it being as bad as people would have you think.


    Again, no it doesn't. Logically, all it says is that people thought the Op problem was worse. Once the changes to Ops went in, people moved on to complaining about what was seen as the next biggest issues. That's how this works.


    e.g Say you give the "perceived issues" a number value.


    100 Operatives are OP and one-shotting everyone

    95 Sorcs are overpowered.

    90 Tracer Missile is ridiculous





    Obviously the #s are made up, I'm just trying to express my point. The fact that people are talking about sorcs now doesn't mean the problem didn't exist now, isn't a "bad" problem. It just means there were more pressing concerns at the time.

  5. ...


    Man you've set that up for me: Sorcerers.


    Also, for that matter: Tracer Missile Spam.


    And that's just off the top of my head - and without getting into classes people erroneously think need serious buffs (see: Sentinels).


    People were way too busy complaining about Ops to complain about anything else. We shall see what comes in the next round of "balancing".


    Also, "Shanghai-La" made me laugh my *** off...

  6. Yea but in the case of that, your team should be at least somewhat aware of what happened and wait for you to zone back in before looting the chest. Obviously this depends on "Your team" caring weather or not your going to miss the loot. But none the less would you want to run with a team that didn't care?


    The point is that you *can't* zone back in once the boss is dead. Your quest completes when Malgus dies, and then you can't zone in.

  7. If they removed the requirement to get the quest to enter the instance what would they put in place to prevent people who ran the place already?


    A daily lockout, like they have for Ops. You just zone in to an empty instance until it resets the next day at the same time as the daily quests.


    3) You need to stop releasing immediately. Since you can't zerg the boss anyways, releasing your corpse immediately upon dying is rather silly, if your teammates kill the boss without you, then they can rez you inside the instance if you don't release.


    Except there are circumstances where you can't be ressed. Such as getting knocked off by Malgus at the end of False Emp. You can say "l2p and don't get knocked off", but it's still an issue that should be dealt with.

  8. - Have RN refresh KP on targets it hits and get rid of the 10 yd limitation or the # of targets limitation.


    - Give KInf a buff component, increased armor/inc heals/etc to make it worthwhile to throw in once in a while (30 sec duration?)


    - Reduce KP to one stack that heals for what two stacks do now. Maybe increase the cost to 20 Energy.


    - Some sort of Healing Cooldown would be nice for times when a lot of healing is necessary.


    - Some way to mitigate spike damage. Shield/Reactive Heal or something similar.

  9. Seems like a better option would just to be to add in an Augmentation Device. Synthweaving gets one (or more, level-requirement based) to put on Force-User armor, Armormech gets one to put on non-force armor, armstech gets one for guns, and artifice gets one for lightsabers.


    Then you can just add augments to whatever you want and still use the social/pve/pvp items.

  10. lol what? are they not 100% drop rate from the final boss and if it doesn't drop, it is because you get that epic crafting material instead?


    I've never completed a HM Flashpoint where they haven't dropped.


    As far as I know they're 100% drop rate from the final boss in HM Flashpoints minus Ilum/False Emp, which give the purple crafting item. Kaon's bonus boss also drops one. In addition to that 2x Alloy drop from each normal mode operation boss.


    Still wish I could obtain them some other way. Stupid crystals from HM FPs are so pointless atm.

  11. what I do to help keep track of my HoTs is:


    cast 1x on myself

    wait a second

    cast 1x on tank (or whoever)


    repeat that so both of us (or all 4, if I'm trying to do the whole party) have 2x stacks. Then when the HoT on me is about to expire I know I also have to refresh the others.

  12. I have made countless weapons and have yet to see a augment slot in anything.


    Well, they exist. There are screenshots of the custom lightsabers with augments around. I haven't seen any screenshots of custom blasters with augments, because so few people do armstech.

  13. Custom blaster rifles with Augment slots. Only available through Armstech, and best weapons in the game. At least once the change to remove barrels from purple items goes in.


    Considering you need 3x Biometric Crystal Alloy to make one, and have a low % chance of getting a crit, you might want to start now. I've made 7 rifles so far with no crit. Alas.

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