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Posts posted by SerenApGwaila

  1. 53 in March and I'm a Project Manager/Business Analyst. I guess there are alot of older folks playing this "kids" game! :p


    Maybe older than me but same field of work :) .... doesn't killing some sith just make you forget about all those sponsors that gave you a hard time during the day! and if only doing a project was as easy as finishing a quest! :D

  2. I am loving it, having a blast and yeah so what there are a few glitches here and there, they have not impacted my enjoyment of the game for one moment!


    I always expected there to be fixes and patches during the start but I appreciate the support I have had and like I said, I am having a blast!

  3. 35, Continuous Improvement Manager for an internal company, love playing this with my husband - and let the secret geek in me be known in work a few months ago and have had great fun talking to others I work with come out of the wood work as also secret gaming geeks!


    Great way to blow off steam and the pressure of work :D

  4. I've sat here and I've read the forum for quite some time without posting, and firstly I want to say thanks to everyone that has posted so many helpful comments, support and info ... the time people have put in to worthwhile support has been really appreciated and ppl don't say it often enough.


    Second point is that I am really happy with the game, I love it!


    Ok, so loading a world takes 20 seconds - have I really lost anything of my life while I watch that screen load? nope - just spend it running through my next steps in game in my mind!


    I have enjoyed the people that I have met, not many but enough to keep it interesting (the racist jerk on Christmas excuded but at least it got everyone else talking!).


    I enjoy the story, the side quests, running round the map - not without getting myself into my far share of trouble either! ... Getting my companion gifts so that I hear their stories, crafting, trying to figure out why I can't see the crafting material stash even though that star is most definately right there! The glitches, the promise of what more is to come ... stopping and looking at the detailing of the building in Alderaan and appreciating the awesome work that has been put into making this game one that I am very much enjoying.


    There are so many complainers, whiners and quitters adding their negative cmments that I wanted to add something positive for a change .... hope there are a few people out there with me on this! :D

  5. <--- also female, and I don't hide the fact in game that I am, but I also don't bring it up or correct people if I am referred to as male - just doesn't seem any point really!


    Anyone in game that knows I am female has usually learnt the fact because my husband and I have been in a group together and something has been said just generally chatting that might mention it.


    I am fortunately that I have never really had any bother from anyone, and I ambig enough to put it down to a just few minority idiots when I have :D


    I will say that when I started gaming 10 years ago with my husband it was kinda weird watching him as a female character (anything you want to tell me honey?) ! ... but then I realised that quite often the male toons look like ****! 10 years on and I am use to it and he hasn't started wearing my dresses or heels at home so I guess its safe :D

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