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Posts posted by neolord

  1. hey guys n girls

    im hunting down those DvL bosses which takes sometime not to mention finding people who wanna kill them especially at the none peak hours.... so anyway if you wanna kill those bastards aswell just leave me a name to pm here and if your online ill pm if i found one :)

  2. dear swtor i don't know if the conquest event (revenge of the revanites) is bugged or somethink but it hasnt been hosted for months people are waiting to see it return because all other events have been back several times.... n several guilds wanna conquor yavin and rishi ....



    oh and another minor suggestion an swtor official achievement leaderboard would be nice aswell... as you did it for pvp

  3. hey hey first of all thanks for reading this fellow player :)


    DARC guild wants to strenghten their numbers we are a casual guild doing all kinds kinds of content of the game

    so everyone is welcome aslong as he/she aint an *** ....


    we also hope to find some players that are upto casually progress 55 hm/nim 60hm/nim (in the future)


    we plan to do these hm/nim raids every wednesday/Friday n optional sunday at 19.30 (gmt +1)

    so we Always know which days it will happen and cuz 60sm are reserved for thuesday and thusday


    normally we have our 8m for a raid group but some don't have the time etc to come for hm/nim so they stick at sm's... tho it's about fun and we don't mind everyone has to do what he likes n watch his real life 1st so hope to find


    1T/1H/3D to have a hm/nim going....



    anyway if you wanna know more or want and inv leave a message here or pm me ingame at warriorofdeath thx in advance n have fun everyone :) ohyeah we got ts/website/ship you know the usual stuff

  4. hey swtor im not really sure this is a bug but ....


    im kinda hunting the achievements and i wanted to get the pvp kills on the outlaws den ,enganging the outlaws, outlwas den destroyer ,outlwas's den devastator, but for some reason the kill counter doesnt work.... tried imp vs rep imp vs imp i tried outside then den aswell stil noting ... and when i was stil in my first tries i got some counts for pvp kills on tatooine ( neophyte tatooine defender, tatooine defender , advanced tatooine defender , master of tatooine , but after a few kills even that did go up anymore no matter where i tried .... so it this just bugged or is their something to required or have to do before you get the kill counter going ??


    awaiting ur awnsers thx

  5. hey swtor just letting you know you know achievementsstil bug 1 i got jeasa willsaam maxed affection out and she stil doesnt give the achievement ... 2 i did eternity vault nightmare mode few times now but i stil only got the first 2 achievements of the boss unlocked stil last time i went pure for the achievements with 2 guildies that never did it they got all 5 unlocked will im stil stuck on 2 no deaths noting at all ....
  6. k hi swtor since some ppl allready posted the bug of the codex ( thx ppl ) i was also wondering if the codex could be made legacy bound ( or atleast some parts ) since their are title lore etc ... that can only be obtained by a specific class so it's not possible to get 100% of the codex :(
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